Does it profit to engage in Instagram antics? We dared to elevate an Instagram missive for $100 to discern the expanse of its coverage and the acquisition of new adherents it might bestow upon us.
I am no financial savant, but I understand that a Benjamin can acquire diverse entities. Namely: a pair of jeans that your mother may deem excessively costly, or a hundred gumballs. Alternatively, it could secure you substantial exposure on Instagram.
Enhancing posts is just one of numerous advertising avenues on Instagram. You crave attention, they yearn for your funds, it’s a felicitous confluence. You merely need to establish your financial limit, designate your target demographic, and Instagram will transmit a post of your preference directly to their feeds.
It is an advertising option often lauded as a cost-effective means to amass more followers and access new audiences. Indeed, even a $25 expenditure purportedly aids in reaching an audience of thousands.
Yet, it appears almost too effortless, doesn’t it? Like a “Sex and the City” anthology, I couldn’t help but ponder: is boosting an Instagram post truly deserving of the expenditure?
Hypothesis: Boosting Instagram posts will enhance my exposure and facilitate the accrual of more supporters
Boosting is a straightforward method to amplify the exposure of an Instagram post. Naturally, one could await the Instagram algorithm to disseminate their captivating images to their followers, or rely on Instagram hashtags to establish their presence. However, there exists an entirely aboveboard shortcut for attaining visibility on the app: generously endow Instagram with your monetary resources.
I presume it’s safe to infer that procuring a boost for my post will result in accessing an audience beyond my current followers. Instagram is a proficient and exceedingly flourishing brand that hinges on effective advertising to operate as a business, ergo it is undeniably in their best interest to make good on their pledge of exposure. There is no rationale to assume they would simply pocket my funds and abscond.
Theoretically, boosting will also engender new followers for my account. Nonetheless, Instagram cannot guarantee outcomes in that regard, as users are inclined to act as they see fit. (I am relatively certain I read that clause in the terms and conditions somewhere.)
With these presumptions in mind, and with $100 conspicuous in my possession, I embarked on my mission.
Step one: I needed to discern precisely which post I would be elevating.
Presently, my Instagram account primarily comprises images of my newborn, as I am wholeheartedly embracing my identity as an “Unhinged Millennial Mom.” Nonetheless, as much as I am convinced that my infant photography could rival Anne Geddes, it didn’t quite feel suitable to enhance one of those snapshots to entice strangers to click that “follow” button.
Therefore, I resolved to repost a digital illustration from some months ago and boost that.
It had garnered some acclaim at the time (with encouraging comments like “i want all these ducks to be best friends!!!!” and “one of these is a chicken”), hence there was a rationale to believe non-acquaintances might be intrigued if it surfaced in their feed.
Furthermore, I deduced that by duplicating content, I could ascertain the precise disparity between an unboosted post and an enhanced one.
When the quintet of days had elapsed, I managed to extract myself momentarily from my latest baby photoshoot (the theme? “Being adorable while asleep”) to scrutinize the outcomes and ascertain if that $100 was meritoriously invested.
In summary: The boost facilitated my post to traverse much further, yet the conversion rate was underwhelming. And— not to bemoan excessively about it— I attribute it to my own actions.
With $100 disbursed on a boost, my post reached myriads of new individuals: 7,447 to be precise. Yet… only 203 users clicked through on my ad. Of those visitors, merely 10 transformed into new followers.
Naturally, this represented a considerable surge from the initial version of this I posted back in January. Additionally, other metrics of engagement (such as Likes and Saves) were more abundant with my boosted post.
I would be afflicted by this dismal return on investment, but it’s evident to me that the predicament wasn’t the sum of money expended: it was the essence of my content.
If I am candid with myself, it is quite logical that strangers would not be inclined to follow a feed primarily showcasing newborn photos and improvisational show invitations. Indeed, they might have been perplexed to encounter this form of content after being enticed in with a whimsical drawing of birds.
Essentially, my $100 provided me a splendid opportunity to be in front of a highly specific audience, and I squandered it. I ought to have employed an image that more accurately epitomized what my “brand” encapsulates. Furthermore, I should have dedicated time to crafting a stirring caption or call-to-action to encourage individuals to click through for more.
However, this isn’t to insinuate that it was capital squandered: I gathered at least $100 worth of insights about utilizing Instagram’s boost feature efficaciously.
What do the results signify?
Revel in my newfound sagacity!
Boosting is a stratagem for triumphing over the Instagram algorithm
In spite of Instagram reintroducing the chronological feed as an alternative, the default experience on the app is governed by the Instagram algorithm. If your content falls short of meeting the elaborate array of criteria to appear at the apex of a follower’s newsfeed, it might elude notice entirely.
By infusing some funds into a boost, you can at least secure the attention of a certain number of individuals. (And if you encounter challenges with boosting on Instagram, we have a compendium for that too.)
Naturally, if you are constrained by a budget, boosts may not always be viable. Perhaps it is time to revisit our counsel for ensuring your Instagram posts are featured on the Explore page?
Quality content is still paramount
Even if you possessed a million dollars to expend on Instagram posts, even if you reached every single person on the app, if you do not have something compelling to disseminate, you won’t sustain their interest.
All a boost can ensure is that individuals will view your post; it doesn’t guarantee that they will find it appealing. Allocate as much effort into formulating engaging, enriching content for your paid posts as you do for your unpaid posts.
Require inspiration? We have 20 concepts to enhance Instagram engagement right here.
Be precise, authentic, and consistent
I didn’t intend to execute a bait-and-switch with this experiment, but regrettably, that is precisely what transpired. My apologies to all 200-plus individuals who navigated to my account and found themselves disheartened to discover it wasn’t exclusively comprised of duck drawings.
If you intend to boost a post, ensure it accurately mirrors what a viewer will encounter when they click through. There is no merit in dangling an image before an Instagram user that doesn’t correspond to what they will actually find when they opt to follow you. A boosted post ought to authentically serve as a snapshot of what your brand or account embodies.
Get granular with your target audience
Reaching individuals is one facet; reaching the right individuals is an entirely different matter. Assure you are optimizing every dollar by focusing as precisely as conceivable on the ideal audience for your brand. Are you striving to attract individuals from the same demographic as your current followers? Or do you harbor ambitions of engaging a disparate category of viewers?
In either scenario, delve deep into the specifics to assist Instagram in delivering your boosted post to the right feeds.
If you necessitate aid in characterizing your target market, good tidings: we have a worksheet to aid you in discovering your dream audience right here.
Another enthralling spending spree concluded, another invaluable lesson acquired. If you are eager to discern what more we unravel from staking our social media accounts on the line, venture forth to peruse the rest of our experiments here.