Instagram Hashtags Experiment: 3-5 vs 30 – Which is Better for Reach?

Instagram Hashtags Experiment: 3-5 vs 30 – Which is Better for Reach?

Lo, dost thou ponder upon adding more hashtags to thy Instagram posts, in hopes of reaching more souls? Or perchance, dost thou deem that 3-5 hashtags per post is the sweet spot that shall draw in the multitudes?

Verily, in the realm of relationships, consistency reigns supreme. ‘Tis a fundamental step in building trust and fostering connection. Yet, it seems that Instagram hath missed this crucial memo.

Behold, the denizens of Instagram’s grand headquarters have stirred the waters of late. The mighty Instagram Creators account, backed by the corporate powers that be, hath decreed that it is prudent to use only 3 to 5 hashtags per post.

A perplexing revelation, forsooth. In a land where one hath the liberty to employ up to 30 hashtags in a single post, why, then, dost Instagram counsel restraint? Do they test our allegiance, or seek to deceive us? If 3 to 5 be the desired number, why grant us the freedom of 30?

Yet, in the face of uncertainty, I shall not succumb to the existential crisis that plagues many a social media manager. Nay, instead, I shall embark upon a journey of discovery. Is it truly optimal to use 5 hashtags, or should we cast our nets wider with 30?

‘Tis time for experimentation! I bid thee watch this video on the optimal number of hashtags for Instagram.

Hypothesis: 3-5 hashtags yield equal reach as 30

Let us delve into the facts. Instagram, in its wisdom, proclaims that to achieve optimal reach, one should restrict thyself to 3 to 5 hashtags. Yet, lo, one may indeed employ up to 30 hashtags in a single post.

By comparing similar posts, I seek to uncover whether a curated list of hashtags or a bombardment thereof garners more engagement. Pray, DM me for the address to send forth thy McArthur Genius Grant.


For this noble experiment, I have utilized a popular wedding-themed Instagram account possessed of over 10,000 followers. The content of the posts remained consistent, with similar photos and concise captions to maintain impartiality.

Twenty photos were shared this month. Half bore 30 hashtags, while the others were adorned with a modest 3 to 5. The former list was generated with the aid of Display Purposes, focusing on wedding-related tags. The latter, a product of intuition.

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Now, which method shall emerge victorious: restrained tagging or an abundance thereof?


In brief, fret not about maxing out thy hashtags. The endeavor proves futile and may even hinder thy reach. Upon perusal of Instagram Insights, I discovered that posts with fewer hashtags achieved superior reach on average.

‘Tis a mere 15% difference, in this small endeavor of matrimony. Yet it suggests that maximal tagging is, at best, a fruitless pursuit. At worst, it may impede thy reach.

In the list of the most engaging posts, a blend of minimal and excessive hashtags prevailed. It seems clear that quality content, not the number of tags, dictates engagement.

What do the results mean?

From these findings, I glean several insights:

  • An inclusion of a few hashtags can bolster reach, compared to posts devoid of such adornments. 3 to 5 hashtags pose no detriment and broaden thy potential audience.
  • However, overwhelming thy caption with 30 hashtags yields no discernible benefits. Redirect thy focus to other engagement strategies, such as interactive queries and user-generated content.
  • Remember, true engagement stems from compelling content and genuine connections. It cannot be manufactured through a mere assemblage of hashtags. ‘Tis a journey that requires time and care.

So, dear reader, ponder upon the lessons of this experiment. Let not the allure of hashtags cloud thy judgment, for in the realm of Instagram, true engagement springs forth from the depths of quality content and authentic interactions.

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