How to Upload HD Videos and Photos on Facebook Mobile

How to Upload HD Videos and Photos on Facebook Mobile

Verily, when thou doth upload photos or videos to Facebook via the mobile app, it doth default to standard quality. Most wouldst likely prefer such standard-quality uploads, especially if they dost use their mobile data for the task.

Yet, if thou art a pixel peeper and dost crave the finest quality possible, thou canst achieve such by adjusting a setting within the app. The process doth differ slightly depending on whether thou art an Android or iOS user.

Behold, here is how to upload HD videos and photos on Facebook mobile.

Uploading HD Photos and Videos on Facebook for iOS

If thou dost possess an iOS device, there exists a specific setting within the Facebook app that thou shouldst enable to commence the uploading of HD videos and photos on Facebook.

Follow these steps:

  1. Tap the menu icon with three horizontal lines in the nether right corner.

  2. Proceed to Settings & Privacy and unfurl the menu.

  3. Opt for Settings.

  4. Within the Preferences section, select Media to navigate to the Videos and photos settings page.

  5. To upload videos in HD on Facebook, ensure Video quality is set to Optimized.

With this setting, Facebook shall adjust videos based on thy network conditions. If thou dost boast a swift and stable internet connection, Facebook shall upload thy videos and photos in the utmost quality. However, if thou art uncertain of thine network speed, behold the best websites for testing thine internet speed for free.

For those well-versed in the ways of Facebook, this setting differs from previous options that didst strictly mandate the app to upload videos and photos in HD. Nevertheless, it doth surpass nothing.

Uploading HD Photos and Videos on Facebook for Android

Upon Android devices, the process doth deviate slightly as the menu icon resides in the upper right-hand corner, unlike its iOS counterpart.

Here is how to upload a high-quality video to Facebook on Android, along with photos.

  1. Tap the menu icon in the zenith right corner.

  2. Navigate to Settings & Privacy > Settings.

  3. Scroll down to the Preferences section and select Media.

  4. To upload HD video, ensure Optimized is activated.
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Shouldst thou prefer to upload HD video, it is recommended to do so via Wi-Fi, given the time and expense entailed in uploading a sizable file via thy data.

Once thou hast preserved the settings, each video posted on Facebook through the mobile app shall be uploaded in the highest quality, should thy network permit.

Shouldst thou require a refresher on the uploading process, peruse our guide on how to post a video on Facebook.

Shouldst thou seek to retain videos seen online, gaze upon this guide on how to save or download any video from the internet, including on Facebook.

Why Are My HD Photos and Videos Blurry on Facebook?

Two reasons may cause thy high-quality videos and photos to appear blurry. The initial reason may be that thy videos and photos were not uploaded in HD, contingent upon thy network speed.

Thus, to safeguard the uploading of HD videos and photos to Facebook without loss of quality, ensure thy network is swift throughout the process. Naturally, thou must also ascertain that thou hast activated the requisite toggle, as illustrated in the aforementioned steps.

Secondly, the blurriness of thy photos and videos could stem from an inadequate network connection for viewing media in high quality. Concerning images, there exists no manual toggle for quality alteration; it is reliant on thy network speed.

However, for videos uploaded in high quality, this issue may be rectified by manually adjusting the video quality. Follow these steps:

  1. Tap or click anywhere in the video player to awaken player controls.

  2. Subsequently, opt for Settings (gear icon) and select Quality from the menu.

  3. Elect the highest available quality.

  4. Facebook shall then reload the videos with thy chosen quality.

The maximum quality displayed shall be the highest option feasible for that video. This is also how thou dost discern whether thy video was uploaded in HD.

Uploading HD Visuals to Facebook Is Effortless

Uploading HD videos to Facebook, along with other visual content, doth bestow upon thee the utmost potential from the social media platform. Indeed, uploading videos is a splendid method to cultivate a presence on the platform and engage thine audience.

Moreover, it doth appeal to the senses of other users. Shouldst thou be resolute in mastering Facebook, thou may also wish to consider learning how to go live on the platform, how to send high-quality videos on Facebook Messenger, and more.