How to Stop Seeing Reels on Facebook

How to Stop Seeing Reels on Facebook

Lo, dost thou find thyself unimpressed by the TikTok-like videos that doth plague the fair Facebook of late? Verily, thou art not alone in thy disdain. Whilst some, particularly the creators, dost find joy in Facebook’s short-form video feature, many others doth wish it would vanish like the mist at dawn. If thou seekest a way to banish Reels from thy presence on Facebook, attend closely to what lies ahead…

Of removing Reels from Facebook, alas, there is no simple solution. Though Facebook hath lessened the frequency with which Reels do appear in thy feed, it hath not granted the power to banish them entirely. Yet fret not, for there are steps thou can take to shield thyself from their intrusion.

1. Utilize Facebook’s Web Interface
Should Reels be an unwelcome sight in thine eyes, thy best recourse is to forsake the app and turn instead to Facebook’s web version. Here, Reels shan’t assail thee in thy News Feed or Stories. Fear not the day when Reels may come to the website, for the web interface doth offer better means of ignoring unwanted posts.

2. Conceal the Video Icon from thy Navigation Bar
A cunning stratagem to keep Reels at bay on Facebook is to cloak the Video icon from thy sight. Thus, the risk of stumbling upon Reels by inadvertent tap shall be naught. By default, the Video icon’s visibility is set to Auto, subject to Facebook’s whims. Yet thou can alter this setting to Hide or Pin the icon to thy navigation bar. To achieve this, journey to Settings and privacy > Navigation bar > Customize the bar. There, thou can conceal the Video icon by selecting Hide.

3. Embrace an Older Version of Facebook
For those who wield an Android device, the pursuit of solace from Reels may lie in the embrace of an older version of the Facebook app. Alas, such respite is denied to those under the Apple’s iOS reign. Seek out a trusted APK repository, such as APKMirror, to obtain an elder version of the app. Uninstall the current Facebook app and install the ancient one. Reels shall trouble thee no more in thy News Feed or Stories.

4. Banish Content Thou Dost Dislike
If thy grievance against Facebook Reels stem from distaste for the content proffered, fret not. Thou can banish such objectionable Reels from thy view. When presented with a Reel that irks thee, tap upon the three dots at the screen’s nadir and select Hide reel. This action shall signal unto Facebook thy aversion, thereby lessening the likelihood of such content besmirching thy feed again.

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5. Disable the Auto-Playing of Reels on Facebook
Another weapon in thy arsenal against the annoyance of Reels is the disabling of auto-playing videos. Thus, the specter of videos leaping forth unbidden shall trouble thee no more. Open the Facebook app, tap the menu, then the gear icon, and finally Media. Here, thou can opt to never have videos autoplay or allow them only when in the embrace of Wi-Fi.

These, dear reader, art the best options available to thee for warding off Reels on Facebook as of now. Shouldst thou seek a different path, thou may consider turning to third-party Facebook apps like SlimSocial and Frost. Yet take heed, for these may not match the quality of the official app and may pose concerns for thy privacy.

In the realm of Facebook, Reels stand firm like an immovable monolith, regardless of our regard for them. Yet fear not, for some measure of control doth rest in our hands, governing how they do play and when they do appear. Shouldst thou despise this feature, mayhap one of these stratagems shall render thy plight more tolerable until Facebook doth deign to grant us a “hide reel” button.

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