How to See Who Follows You on Facebook

How to See Who Follows You on Facebook

Lo, thou mayest boast of many companions upon the realm of Facebook, yet thy true admirers, thy followers, are the ones who stand as thy steadfast champions. Should thy heart yearn for an increase in followers on this digital domain as much as thou delight in expanding thy circle of friends, perchance thou shouldst ascertain who walketh alongside thee within the confines of Facebook’s virtual walls.

Behold, it is a simple task achievable upon both mobile device and PC alike. Attend closely, for I shall impart the knowledge needed to uncover the count of thy Facebook followers.

How to Behold Thy Followers on Facebook upon the Mobile Interface

Verily, the Facebook app upon thy mobile device doth grant thee the ability to peruse thine list of followers, as well as to gaze upon the numerical tally of those who hath chosen to follow thy digital escapades. Thus, thou shalt be enlightened as to the ebb and flow of those who have graced thee with their presence on the platform.

Facebook profile followers section

Facebook number of followers

To discover the count of thy followers and unveil the identities of those who trail in thy wake upon the Facebook mobile app, heed these steps:

  1. Tap upon thine own visage, the profile picture icon in the corner on high, to reveal thy profile.
  2. Within the profile menu, tap upon ‘See Thy About Info’.
  3. Scroll unto the nether regions of the page, and there beneath ‘Followers’, tap ‘See all’ to unleash a list of all thy Facebook followers.
  4. Lift thine gaze unto the corner on the rightmost high, opposite ‘Followers’, to behold the number of souls accompanying thee on thy Facebook journey.

How to Behold Thy Followers on Facebook within a Desktop Browser

Whilst the web rendition of Facebook doth permit thee to view thy followers, the grand tally of those who hath pledged their allegiance unto thee remaineth obscured. Shouldst thou seek to uncover the identities of thy followers on Facebook, follow these steps when traversing the browser realm…

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Facebook profile

  1. Once thou art logged in, direct thine eyes to thy name at the pinnacle of the left sidebar to unveil thy profile.
  2. Bestow a click upon the ‘More’ dropdown.
  3. From this dropdown, select ‘Followers’ to unveil the entourage of Facebook followers in thy wake.

Unable to Glimpse Thy Facebook Followers? Fret Not, for All Shall Be Revealed

Shouldst thou attempt to view thy Facebook followers within the mobile abode and find thy vision obstructed, perhaps thy app is in need of an update. Verify that it be up to date via the App Store or Play Store.

Furthermore, should thy followers elude thee, know that the option may remain hidden shouldst thou possess none. Verily, if thy Facebook account be newly minted, followers may not yet have graced thee with their presence. Or, perchance a shift unto a different Facebook account may yield greater insight.

Another possibility is that thy current account’s privacy setting may foil thy pursuit of tracking thy followers—I shall elucidate the process of rectifying this below.

How to Permit the Unfettered Following of Thy Persona upon Facebook

Shouldst thou have barred the public from following in thy footsteps, those beyond thy circle of friends shall find themselves unable to join thy entourage upon Facebook, thereby limiting thy potential for an increase in Facebook followers.

Yet, fret not, for thou may adjust thy follow preference to ‘Public’, thus allowing any and all to follow thee, regardless of friend status. Behold the steps to enact this transformation when traversing the desktop browser:

  1. Whilst upon Facebook, click upon the profile icon at the extreme rightmost height of the menu bar.
  2. Select ‘Settings & Privacy’ from the list. Profile icon options Facebook homepage
  3. Click ‘Settings’. Facebook homepage profile icon settings
  4. Within the Settings menu’s left sidebar, click upon ‘Privacy’. Facebook profile settings privacy option
  5. Select ‘Public Posts’ from the leftmost sidebar.
  6. Gaze upon the right of the ‘Who Can Follow Me’ option and click the ‘Friends’ dropdown.
  7. Elect ‘Public’ to permit all and sundry to follow thee, including those who number not among thy friends on Facebook. Facebook profile setting follower settings desktop

To shift thy followers’ preference within the Facebook mobile app:

Facebook profile

Facebook settings menu

Facebook follower settings menu

  1. Unfold the Facebook mobile app and tap upon the picture icon at the acme leftmost to unveil thy profile.
  2. Tap upon the trio of horizontal dots adjacent to ‘Edit Profile’ (below thy name).
  3. Select ‘Follow Settings’.
  4. Under ‘Who Can Follow Me’, mark ‘Public’.
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Maintain Command Over Thy Facebook Followers

Shouldst thine intent be to employ Facebook in the promotion of thy brand or business, the monitoring of thy followers holds paramount importance. It doth serve as a beacon, illuminating the trends of thy followers and granting thee the means to oversee what may be glimpsed of thee.

With this in mind, ensure thou dost adjust thy Facebook privacy preferences with care—so that thy words and deeds reach only those thou dost deem worthy.

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