How to Remove Friends on Facebook 1

How to Remove Friends on Facebook

Depending on how active you are on Facebook, your friend list can get overcrowded over time. Facebook makes it so easy to add friends with its suggestion panel and ever-expanding social circles, you will have to find your list full of strangers. Whatever the case, it’s good to clean up your friend list once in a while.

If you want to make some room for new friends or if you have other reasons to cut off contact with someone, you may be wondering how to remove friends on Facebook. In this article, we’ll show you how to do this and share some tips on managing your Facebook friends list.

How Do You Unplug Your Friends From Facebook?

Removing your friends from your Facebook friend list is quite simple. All you have to do is go to the person’s profile and find the icon that looks like a silhouette of a person with a checkmark next to their head. Click this icon and select Unfriend from the drop-down menu. A confirmation prompt will appear and once you hit Confirm, that’s it – you’ll have removed the person from your Facebook friends list.

How to Remove Friends on Facebook 2

Alternatively, if you find someone’s post in your Facebook feed that you want to remove, you don’t need to visit their profile at all. Simply hover over their name and a card with their basic details will appear. You’ll find the same silhouette icon we mentioned above and you can continue to unfriend them as described above.

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How to Remove Friends from Facebook with Exceptions

Maybe you’ve added some of your Facebook friends to an exception list and limited how much of your content they can see.

If you want to remove them from this restricted list, enter the friend options by hovering over the person’s profile or name. Hit Edit Friend List and uncheck the box next to Restricted.

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Another way to access and organize this and other friend lists is to go to the Friend Lists in the left sidebar. You will see all the lists you have and you can easily remove people from there.

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How to Remove Friends on Facebook 5

How to Quickly Delete Friends on Facebook

delete facebook friend

The fastest way to delete your friends on Facebook is to search for them by name and unfriend them as described above.

How to Remove Friends on Facebook 6

The method involving the Facebook feed is not so convenient, as you may not see new posts or stories from the person you want to remove. However, you can also unfriend people on the mobile version of the app, which may be a simpler way for some.

How to Delete Your Friend List on Facebook

To delete a friend from your Facebook friends list, you need to go to Friend Lists using the left sidebar. Note that you may not see this option right away, but it should appear after you click See More in the sidebar.

How to Remove Friends on Facebook 7

On the Friend Lists page, you’ll see every list you create, as well as some default lists that come with your Facebook profile. When you place the mouse cursor in a list, a gear icon will appear on the right. Click on it to reveal the delete list option and once click the list will disappear.

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If you get into the list, there will be the Manage List drop-down menu and you can find the same Delete option there.

How to Remove Friends on Facebook 9

How To Remove Friends From Facebook Without Knowing

Facebook doesn’t notify users when they unfriend, so the only way for anyone to find out that you’ve unfriended them is if they visit your profile or search for you on the site.

However, if you don’t want to cut off all contact with the person, it may be enough to put them off for a month instead of eliminating them altogether. If unfriending them isn’t enough, you can also block them on Facebook so they can’t send you new requests or contact you in any way.

How to Remove Friends on Facebook 10

How Can You Delete Friends You May Know From Facebook?

Notifications about people you know can bother you after a while. Unfortunately, there is no way to completely remove this feature, but there is a way to make it less visible.

How to Remove Friends on Facebook 11

On your profile page, enter the drop-down menu at the top right. Go to Settings & Privacy, then Settings. Once the Settings page opens, go to Notifications on the left. From here you can edit all Facebook notifications, including People You May Know. You need to find the feature in the list and turn off notifications for that.

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To remove individual recommendations for people you may know, simply click Remove when they open.How to Remove Friends on Facebook 13

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how to remove facebook friend

How to Remove Friend Suggestions from Facebook

Maybe you received an individual friend recommendation from someone you already be friends with and not from the People You May Know category? This suggestion is easy to dismiss – you can ignore it or remove it from your Friends page or notification area.

How to Remove All Friends from Facebook

The only way to mass remove friends is to use a browser extension designed for just that purpose. If you don’t feel comfortable sharing your login data with an extension, you should remove people from your friends list one by one.

Alternatively, if you’re considering removing all your friends from Facebook, it may be less complicated to delete your profile and start a new one. There are online services that can effectively and completely remove your Facebook profile and allow you to create a new one.

How to Remove Close Friends from Facebook

Adding and removing contacts from a Close Friends list is as quick and easy as any list. To remove someone from Close Friends, simply follow the same instructions we gave to remove your friends from Facebook, with the exceptions. The only difference is that you will be working in the Close Friends list instead of the Restricted list.

Additional FAQ

Q: Can Someone Know If You Unfriend Them On Facebook?

A: There are no notifications about unfriending on Facebook, but people can call you to find out you unfriended them.

Q: How Do I Delete Multiple Friends on Facebook?

A: You cannot delete multiple friends at once on Facebook. Even if you delete a friend list, contacts are only moved to your public Friends list.

Q: How Can I Bulk Delete My Friends on Facebook?

A: You can use a browser extension to remove Facebook friends, but if you need to delete a large number of friends, it may be more convenient to create a new profile.

Q: Can Facebook Delete Your Friends?

A: Facebook cannot delete your friends, but it can block or remove users. If this happens to someone on your friends list, you will no longer see their posts.

Cleaning Your Profile

Managing a Facebook profile can be difficult at times, especially with a full list of friends. Now that we show you how to remove friends on Facebook along with other useful tips and details, you can take full control of your profile.