Learning how to reschedule on Instagram allows you to post photos from other accounts to your own feed. Whether you’re resharing content from a relevant brand in your industry or resharing content from a follower whose posts match your own content perfectly, it’s important to know how to do it right.

Reprogramming provides fresh content to your brand (through content curation) for your target audience and has been shown to increase engagement. Once you know how to do this, you can take your Instagram marketing strategy to the next level.

Let’s jump.


What does “regram” mean?

How to reschedule on Instagram: 5 methods

How to reprogram Instagram photo manually

How to reprogram Instagram photo with Moyens I/O

How to reprogram Instagram photo with a third-party app

How to reprogram an Instagram story

How to Reprogram an Instagram Story to Your Story

What does “regram” mean?

“Regram” means taking an Instagram photo from another user’s account and posting it on your own account.

Think of it like retweeting on Twitter or sharing a post on Facebook. A great way to shout out other users’ content while interacting on your own account.

Unfortunately, reprogramming on Instagram isn’t as simple as downloading another user’s photo and sharing it as your own. You should ALWAYS ask permission before reprogramming. Make sure it allows the content of the original poster to be used.

If you don’t, not only will you look like a jerk (totally real term), you can also end up with an easily avoided PR nightmare.

And when you get permission to reprogram someone else’s content, always make sure you give the appropriate credit. This means including usernames in the caption of the photo.

The best way to provide appropriate attribution is to simply state it explicitly, i.e. “Photo Credit: @username”, “Credit: @username” or “Caught by @username.”

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Here is an example of a good regram from our own Instagram account:

Finally, try not to edit the original photo if possible. You wouldn’t like it if someone changed a photo you took without your permission. You might hate it especially when they put their brand’s watermark on it.

If you have to edit for any reason, be sure to make it clear with the original owner of the photo when you ask for permission.

With that, let’s move on to 4 methods on how to regram on Instagram.

How to reschedule on Instagram: 5 methods

How to reprogram Instagram photo manually

Manually reprogramming an Instagram photo is the simplest method.

1. First, find a photo you want to reprogram in the Instagram app. Here’s someone who looks absolutely stylish from Generation Z heartthrob Timothee Chalamet.

2. Take a screenshot of your Timothee Chalamet picture. Crop your screenshot so that only the photo remains. You can do this with your phone’s native editing tool.

Crop Timothee Chalamet image with iPhone photo editor

3. Then go back to your Instagram app and post the photo. Remember not to alter the photo too much with the filters (to avoid the wrath of Timothee Chalamet).

4. Then proceed to the subtitle screen and enter your title. Be sure to attribute the photo to its creator.

Regrams Timothee Chalamet's photo on the author's Instagram app and references Timothee Chalamet

5. Share button and voila! You just reprogrammed it manually.

How to reprogram Instagram photo with Moyens I/O

If you have an Instagram business profile linked to your Moyens I/O dashboard, you can reshare other people’s Instagram posts from the hashtag search feed to your Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram feeds.

Remember: When reposting someone else’s Instagram content, always include the original sender’s @username.

Here’s how to reshare an Instagram post using Moyens I/O:

1. Select Live Broadcasts From the start menu.

Flow dashboard in Moyens I/O

2. Click on the tab hosting the Instagram feed and find the post you want to repost.

3. Click view on instagram to copy the @username of the poster from Instagram.

View on Instagram button on an Instagram post in the Moyens I/O dashboard

Original Instagram post highlighting username

4. In the Moyens I/O stream, reshare below the article. The image and title of the post will be populated in the creator.

"Reshare" button on Instagram post inside Moyens I/O

5. Enter @username in the header to give photo credit to the original poster before posting or scheduling.

Preview of regram in Moyens I/O with original username included

Learn more about how to use Moyens I/O to manage your Instagram presence with Moyens I/O Academy’s free platform training program.

How to reschedule on Instagram with a third-party app

There are loads of third party apps that let you reschedule posts. One we recommend: Repost for Instagram.

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1. Download the application to your phone.

2. Go to the photo you want to repost on Instagram and click the three buttons in the upper right corner. Tap on Copy link.

Copy link button below post in Instagram app

3. Open your Repost for Instagram app and it should give you the option to repost. An easy way to reschedule posts in your feed without having to manually crop your photo.

Reprogrammed Timothee Chalamet photo preview, regram icon and credit in corner of photo

Note: Don’t forget to refer to the original poster while doing this.

How to reschedule a post to your Instagram Story

You can easily share Instagram posts to your Story. Here’s how:

1. Tap the share button below the photo.

Share button (paper airplane symbol) at the bottom of the Instagram post

2. Then click on Add a post to your story.

Add to Story option

It will look like this:

Beyonce's Instagram photo shared on the author's story

3. You can now edit the size and alignment before posting to your story. If you tap the photo, part of the original caption will appear.

This method automatically credits the original poster.

How to Reprogram an Instagram Story to Your Story

When it comes to reprogramming a Story to your Story (Story Retrieval!), you have a few options.

First, if someone mentions you in their Story, it will show up in your DMs.

Via Direct Message

Find and click DM Add this to your story button. You will be able to resize the story and add any text, gifs or stickers you want.

"Add this to your Story" option in a Story with the author

However, if the person is not named in their Story, you will need to be a little more creative.

Via a manual screenshot

You can manually reprogram the Story (just like in our review above) by taking a screenshot and making the appropriate attachments.

Via a third-party app

The other way to reschedule an Instagram Story you haven’t been tagged in is with a third-party app. One we recommend: StorySaver.

StorySaver lets you download images directly from the feed of people you follow.

And it’s very simple:

1. Download the application to your phone.

2. Then search for the profile whose story you want to download.

3. Tap on their profile and then on the story pictures you want.

4. It will then give you the option to: Save, Share, Republish, or Play their Instagram Story.

Always remember to get permission before posting your story, and also give them credit when you post it.

Manage your Instagram presence along with your other social channels with Moyens I/O. You can publish and schedule posts, grow and engage your audience, and reschedule content from a single dashboard. Try it for free today.

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