How to Recover Deleted Messages from Facebook Messenger 1

How to Recover Deleted Messages from Facebook Messenger

Accidentally deleted a conversation you wanted to keep on Facebook? Maybe you deleted a conversation in Messenger in frustration but now regret deleting it? Fortunately, there are ways to view deleted messages on Facebook. But how can you recover deleted messages from Messenger? Is this possible? Follow this guide to learn how.

How to Recover Deleted Facebook Messages from Web

When you delete Facebook messages, they are permanently deleted. However, if you create a backup before hitting that delete button, you can recover them. Here are the steps you can follow to recover backup files:

  1. Open Facebook in your desktop browser and click on your profile picture at the top right of the screen.
    facebook profile page
  2. click Setting and privacy from the dropdown menu and then click on Settings.
    Choose the settings option
  3. Under settings, click Your Facebook information left.
  4. Click Opinion next to option Download profile information.
    Download profile information under your Facebook Information section
  5. All profile information backups can be downloaded from: Available files section.
  6. You can select the backup file and download button.
    Facebook backup files can be downloaded

How to Recover Deleted Messages from Messenger on Your Phone?

If you’re having trouble finding chat in your Messenger inbox, look for it in archived messages. This is because there is a pretty good chance that you accidentally touched the archive instead of the delete option. Here’s how to find archived chats in the Messenger app on your phone.

  1. Open the Messenger app from your home screen or app drawer.
  2. Tap three horizontal lines given at the top left.
    messenger chats
  3. To choose Archives from the drop-down menu
    messenger menu
  4. Search for missing chat in: Archives. If you find the lost chat, tap and hold that chat.
  5. From the drop-down options, tap on it. Unarchive to take you back to the chats.
    Messenger chat unarchive option

Unlike Facebook on the web, you cannot recover deleted messages from the Messenger app on your phone.

How to Recover Deleted Messages from Facebook App

Recovering deleted messages from Facebook app is similar to recovering deleted messages from Facebook website.

  1. start Facebook APPLICATION.
  2. Tap on your profile picture given at the top right corner of the screen.
    Facebook feed
  3. tap on gear icon top right
    Facebook menu
  4. scroll down scholar Tap and tap on Download your information.
    Ask for copy options under Download your information
  5. If you have a backup, Existing copies section.
  6. tap on download Press the button to download your backed up messages.
    Downloadable copies
In relation :  How to Revert in Hinge Application

How Do You Create a Backup of Your Facebook? Messages

If you do not have a backup, your deleted messages cannot be recovered. But make sure you back up your Facebook messages every two to four weeks so you don’t lose them in the future. You can create the backup like this:

  1. Follow steps 1 to 5 in the previous section to get there. Download your information Screen in the Facebook app.
  2. Faucet Messages under request a copy section.
    Ask for copy options under Download your information
  3. Scroll to the bottom and Date range, Format, And Media quality for your backup.
  4. When done, tap . create file Press the button to create a backup of your Facebook messages.
    Create download file option
  5. When the backup is ready, Existing copies section for download.

Recover Deleted Messages with Ease

While the above methods are recommended to recover any lost or deleted chat, what if you don’t have a backup of your deleted messages? In this case, contacting the person on the other side of the conversation is the only way to save them. This is because once you delete a Facebook message, it is gone forever.

So if you haven’t deleted that Facebook friend, it might be a good idea to ask them for a copy of your deleted conversation.


Q. Are deleted messages in Messenger permanently deleted?

a. When you delete a message in Facebook Messenger, it is permanently deleted. However, if you make a backup of your messages before deleting them, they can be recovered.

Q. What happens when you delete a chat in Messenger?

a. When you delete a chat in Messenger, it is permanently deleted. However, if you choose remove for you option instead cancel sending while deleting messages, the other person will still have a copy of the conversation you had with them.

Q. How do I search for old messages by date in Messenger?

a. The easiest way to search for old messages in the Messenger app is to use the search bar. You can type in a word or phrase you remember from the message and search for your message in the results displayed below the search bar.

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