Hark! Dost thou possess something of import to impart, and a plethora of Facebook groups with whom thou wouldst share thy message? Herein lies the path to swiftly disseminating thy word. Forsooth, Facebook communities doth teem with fervor, bustling with souls seeking a respite. Should thy tidings be relevant and intriguing, they shall flock to thee like bees to nectar.
Find thou the perfect manner of posting, plan thy schedule judiciously to avoid over-posting, and embark upon thy quest. Herein lies the wisdom on posting to multiple groups on Facebook.
Verily, why wouldst thou yearn to post to multiple groups? Mayhap thou seeketh to vend thy household wares to garner coin and clear space: doubt not, in thy local realm, there reside myriad buy/sell/give groups where thou canst share images of thy unwanted furniture.
Art thou a scribe, eager to promulgate thy latest musings to communities that hold thy articles in high esteem? A plethora of recipe communities await thy culinary creations, parenting communities thirst for tales of toddlers consuming vegetables, and travel communities crave glimpses of thy journeys.
For wordsmiths, a multitude of Facebook groups doth await, eager to partake in thy free Kindle tome. Merely inform them of its existence, and they shall come.
Yon, there also exist communities that cherish free offerings of all kinds, even certain groups that bid thee to share a link daily. So long as thou dost not overindulge, these groups do verily welcome thy sharing.
Take heed, lest thou be deemed a spammer! Ere thou embark upon pasting links in every group thy knowledge encompasses, be mindful that Facebook may close thy account should it deem thee a purveyor of spam. Five links per day in groups is the suggested maximum to steer clear of Facebook’s ire.
Moreover, consider the human aspect: companions who do frequent more than one of these groups shall spy thy links grouped together in their timelines, revealing thine act of spamming. Thou shalt appear as a spammer unto them, and perchance they may report thee.
And prithee, for the sake of all, adhere to the rules of the group and the specific subjects each group doth cover. Let not irrelevant links be pasted, nor thy wares promoted in groups that abjure advertising.
How might one post to multiple Facebook groups, thou query? A strategy must needs be devised. As there exists no native method to publish to various Facebook groups, thou must seek aid. First, discover a tool and a system that suiteth thee, then ensure thine postings are welcome.
1. Seeketh Moyens I/O
Thou mayst employ Moyens I/O to craft and share content in thy Facebook groups. It grants thee the ability to publish content across multiple Facebook accounts or social networks simultaneously. Ensure thou hast added a Facebook group whereof thou art an administrator to Moyens I/O ere setting forth.
As thou commence, a dashboard shall greet thee, permitting thou to peruse all thy posts within that specific group. Behold when someone engageth with thy post and respondeth forthwith. ‘Tis a simpler means to oversee the groups and social channels thou dost manage.
2. Schedule with PostCron
Shouldst thou preside over several Groups on thy Facebook feed, posting in each individual group may prove onerous. Hence, PostCron, a magnificent scheduling tool, is recommended for disseminating content on Facebook. By its grace, thou canst post regularly shouldst thou be an admin of the Group or several Groups whereof thou intend to post.
As thou embark upon this endeavor, add all the groups unto the tool for authentication. Should thy post be a blog post URL thou hast authored, the tool shall graciously furnish the post with a preview of its headline and image (should one be present) from the post.
Proceed to compose and refine thy post within the tool ere scheduling it for publication across all thine added and authenticated groups. Upon completion, behold the groups within PostCron wherein thy post hath been distributed, and view its appearance.
Verily, there are myriad methods to share thy missives with multiple Facebook groups. Proceed with caution and responsibility, for thou art a steward of discourse in these virtual realms. Let thy posts be as pearls scattered among connoisseurs, not as stones cast without measure. May thy words find eager ears and thine offerings be received with grace.