How to Manage Apps and Websites Connected to Your Facebook

How to Manage Apps and Websites Connected to Your Facebook

Lo, the digital realm known as Facebook, doth bestow upon thee the swiftness and ease to access apps and websites with but a mere touch, sparing thee from the arduous journey of a lengthy sign-in process by the mere use of thy Facebook profile.

Yet, in the quest for control and prudence, thou may find it prudent to sever the ties that bind thee to certain apps linked to thy Facebook, or to simply govern the permissions granted. Fear thee not, for within the depths of thy Facebook settings, thou shalt find the power to do so.

Verily, dost thou desire to learn how to manage the apps and websites connected to thy Facebook? Behold, these steps shall guide thee on this noble quest:

1. First, thou must log onto the kingdom of Facebook.
2. Behold, thy profile icon beckons in the realm’s top-right corner.
3. Select with care the hallowed tab of “Settings & privacy”.
4. Make thy pilgrimage to the realm of Settings.
5. Descend upon the sacred scrolls to uncover the tab labeled “Apps and Websites”.
6. To remove a troublesome app, tap the sacred word “Remove” next to its name.
7. A mystical pop-up box shall appear, offering thee two choices. The first shall rid thy timeline of Facebook posts and videos relating to that app, whilst the second alerts the app of thy disconnection. When thy choice is made, click ye on “Remove”.

Furthermore, thou may also alter the visibility of these apps, allowing friends or the public to view them on thy profile. Yet, concealing thy apps and websites is a prudent measure to safeguard thy privacy in the realm of Facebook.

If thou dost wish to fully disable Facebook’s feature of linking with apps and websites, grant me thy attention. Here is the path thou must traverse:

1. Launch the fortress of Facebook.
2. Seek out thy profile in the lofty top-right corner.
3. Delve into the abyss of “Settings & privacy”, then venture forth into “Settings”.
4. Journey to the domain of “Apps and Websites”.
5. Scroll down to the section of “Preferences”.
6. Unveil the box named “Turn off” beside “Apps, websites and games”.
7. Select “Turn off” once more in the ensuing pop-up box.

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In conclusion, the feature bestowed upon thee by Facebook for app and website access may be a boon, yet if thou wishest to sever the ties binding thee to certain realms, thou shalt have the knowledge to do so. Embrace these instructions and take control of thy Facebook account with valor and wisdom.

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