How to Hide Followers and Follow Lists on Instagram? 1

How to Hide Followers and Follow Lists on Instagram?

Being on social media has become a part of our identity. Not everyone needs to have a Facebook or Instagram account, but people assume you do. We mostly share our lives on social media, but not everyone is comfortable with all that it brings.

Instagram and other social media platforms have blurred the boundaries of what is considered private information. For this reason, you should take some precautions. Maybe you want to hide your Followers and Following list on Instagram. But can you do this?

Hide Your Followers

The rules of social media platforms sometimes seem pretty arbitrary. It’s a balance between giving users lots of options to control their account but still keeping the core of what they stand for. Instagram has a simple concept on the surface. Before Instagram added the Story Feature and IGTV, it was just a place to share your photos and videos. Now, much more than that.

So, can you hide Followers and Following list on Instagram? Unfortunately you can’t. Real numbers are always visible, showing how many people you follow and how many people follow you in return. It doesn’t matter what type of account you have – you cannot hide numbers. It’s one of the areas where Instagram doesn’t compromise.

Logical. Whether you like it or not, what drives social media is how many followers you have. If you could hide the Following and Followers list on Instagram and leave everyone to speculate, that would be an irrational business decision. But there are things you can do to manage who sees what on your account.


Check Your Visibility

People don’t always think about how to leave a mark on the Internet. There’s too much information, too many photos, and you can’t control what other people post either. It is not only prudent but advisable to know who sees what on your Instagram account. So, unless you run an online business or are not an influencer or famous person, you should switch from public profile to private profile.

How to Hide Followers and Following Lists

This will automatically only allow you to see a list of your followers, people you follow, and those who follow you back. All they have to do is tap the number representing each list. However, if your account is public, anyone can access these lists and see profiles. To switch from a public Instagram account to a private Instagram account, you need to:

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Stage 1

Open Instagram on your mobile device.

How to Hide Followers and Follow Lists on Instagram? 2

step 2

Go to your profile by tapping the icon in the bottom right corner. Tap the three vertical lines in the top right and click “Settings”.

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Stage 3

Faucet “Privacy”and tap on”Account privacy

How to Hide Followers and Follow Lists on Instagram? 4

Step 4

Move the switch to the right of “.private account‘ it turns blue.

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You can also make this change on Instagram for the web. A private account means that if people want to follow you, they have to send requests. Then review them and decide who you want to share your Instagram profile with. This includes who is on your Followers and Following list.


Even if you already have a private Instagram account, you may find yourself in a situation where you want to hide your follower list. But what if the person or people you want to hide information from are already following you? This can happen quite reasonably. And when it does, it’s comforting to know that you can do something about it. To remove a follower, all you have to do is:

Stage 1

Open your Instagram app and go to your profile.

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step 2

Tap on the followers number. There you will see a list of your Followers. You can use the search bar to find specific contacts.

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Stage 3

You will see “Remove” next to each username. Click and confirm your choice.

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This way, people who previously had access to your Followers and Followers list no longer do so. They can still find your profile on Instagram, but they will have to send you another request to access your page again.

Restricting Accounts

Maybe you don’t want to remove a follower, but you still have some issues with them that make you want to restrict their access to your Instagram account. Instagram definitely lets you do that. The person you restrict won’t be able to see if you’re online or if you’ve read their messages.

Only they can see the comments they leave on your posts. You can choose to see the comment by tapping the “See Comment” option. And if you want other people following you to see your comments, simply select “Confirm”. Alternatively, you can delete it or ignore it. Here’s how to restrict or unblock someone’s account:

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Stage 1

Go to your Instagram profile.

How to Hide Followers and Follow Lists on Instagram? 9

step 2

Go to “Settings” and then “Privacy”.

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Stage 3

Select “Connections” and then “Restricted Accounts”. Then “Continue”.

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Step 4

Type the name of the account you want to restrict, then select “Restrict” next to their name. If you want, use the same process to “Unblock” them.

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You can also access the ability to restrict accounts via Direct messaging, comments or their own profile. But this way is probably the easiest.

Hide Followers and Following Lists on Instagram

Block Accounts

Finally, you can always block an Instagram account. For some people it is often the last resort. However, those with a large following that gets a lot of negativity online are used to using it. It’s important to note that if you block someone, they won’t be able to see your followers or who you follow.

So it’s probably best to know exactly how to block someone online.

Stage 1

Go to the person’s profile page.

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step 2

Tap the three dots in the upper right corner of the screen.

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Stage 3

Select “Block” and confirm.

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That’s all, they’re gone. They will not be able to see your followers and follow lists, and they will not be able to see your account at all.

Can I hide who I follow on Instagram?

Unfortunately, there are no native functions that allow you to hide who you follow. You can follow the steps above to prevent unwanted snoopers from seeing your interests, or create a secondary account to follow people you don’t want detected.

Can I hide my activity status on Instagram?

Yes, this is one of the options that Instagram offers to its users in the name of privacy. You can hide the ‘last active’ status so it doesn’t show up in Instagram’s direct messaging feature.

Can people who don’t follow me see my followers?

No if you have a private account. If your account is set to public or you are a mutual follower, your follower information is available on that account.

Be Mindful of Online Privacy

It can be overwhelming, hide profiles and restrict accounts. You can easily get fed up with it and feel that being on social media isn’t worth the effort. But with a few clicks, you can make things run much more smoothly. It is natural to protect your privacy and those who follow you.

Let us know what you think about this issue in the comments section below.