How to Find Someone with an Email Address on Facebook? 1

How to Find Someone with an Email Address on Facebook?

If you’re trying to reconnect with an old friend, Facebook will likely be one of the first places you’ll look. But what if you only have an email address or the person you’re calling didn’t use their real name to create their Facebook account?

You can send a friendly email to be added to their friend list. But what if that person no longer uses the same email address? Many people use their old email addresses to open their social media accounts and never check their inbox, except that they forget their passwords later.

The good news is that there are several ways to find someone using their email address.

Using the Facebook Search Function

By far the easiest way to find a Facebook profile for someone with an email address is to use the Facebook search function.

  1. Type or copy and paste the email address

  2. press enter

How to Find Someone on Facebook

But if that sounds too good to be true, it’s because it is. First of all, if you type an incomplete email address, Facebook cannot give you results.

Second, Facebook privacy settings can get in the way of your query. If someone’s profile is set to private, there is a good chance you won’t get reliable results.

It’s also worth noting that Facebook tends to give you the “most relevant” results based on your circle of friends and friend suggestions. When you search for someone by name or email address, See All Results option from the drop-down menu.

How to Narrow Results

You are also likely to get too many results after typing in an email address. And if the profile picture is not clear, you can pass by the person you are looking for.

Using the filtering menu can help narrow things down. Of course, this only helps if you know some additional details like:

  1. History
  2. Groups
  3. Visible or unseen posts
  4. Location tags etc.
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Don’t Underestimate Google

Find Someone by Email on Facebook

By far the most popular search engine on the planet, Google Search can be your best friend in these situations. Let’s say someone didn’t list a public email address on Facebook. They still have a chance to associate themselves and their Facebook profile with that email address elsewhere online.

This could be a forum, blog, website, YouTube video comment section, you name it. In some cases, it’s easiest to find someone’s Facebook profile by pasting their email address into the Google Search engine and doing a search.

If this person has a personal blog or actively participates in an online community, you may be in luck. People with an active online social life tend to have their contact information easily accessible, and you can find a Facebook profile link in one of their posts.

How to Avoid Finding Yourself in Email Address Searches?

Changing privacy settings on Facebook is pretty intuitive. Next to the Help icon, you will find a link to the settings tab by clicking on the drop-down menu icon with a downward pointing arrow in the upper right corner of the screen.

How to Find Someone on Facebook by Email

  1. go to settings

  2. Go to the privacy tab

  3. Under the How People Find and Contact You tab, edit the third field

Find People by Email Address on Facebook

You can choose from Everyone, Friends’ friends, and Friends Only. This tells Facebook which users you’re afraid to share your email address with.

You can also set the last option to No from this menu. This prevents external search engines from linking to your Facebook profile. In addition to all these, you can also ensure that no one who is not in your friend list can search for your profile using your phone number.

Last word

Whatever your reason for wanting to find someone’s profile on Facebook, the privacy settings currently available can make it difficult to do so using an email address. The most effective method is still to search by full names and filter results by location and other data that may narrow your search.

But a Google search can yield great results because not everyone takes the time to adjust all the privacy settings mentioned. It’s easier to hide from Facebook engine searches and usually everyone does it the first time they create their profile.

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