How to Find Recently Watched Videos on Facebook

How to Find Recently Watched Videos on Facebook

Verily, we have all found ourselves in this predicament: engrossed in a captivating Facebook video, only to inadvertently refresh the page, thus losing the video before we could share or save it. Yet, fear not, for Facebook doth offer a way to peruse and manage thy watch history.

In this discourse, let us unravel the path to discovering recently witnessed videos on Facebook.

How to Behold Recently Watched Facebook Videos on the Web

Facebook doth possess an Activity log, wherein thou may review and govern all thy activities upon the platform. Through this log, thou canst uncover videos on Facebook, regulate recently viewed videos, abolish post comments, and much more.

To access this realm of Facebook’s Activity log on the web and witness thy recent video sagas:

  1. Open thy computer’s Facebook realm and log in with thine credentials.
  2. Click upon thy visage in the apex right corner, then upon thy name.
  3. Select the three dots and opt for Activity log from yon menu.
  4. Choose the Videos you’ve watched option.

Lo and behold, therein shalt thou find a trove of all recently beheld videos.

If it so pleases thee to remove a video from yon history, pray clicketh upon the three dots adjacent to the video’s visage and select Delete.

Should thee desire to eradicate the entirety of thy watch history, then attend to the Clear Video Watch History option atop the expanse.

Filter Facebook’s Watched Videos by Date on the Web

Anon, if thou wishest to survey videos viewed in a specific month and year, thou art able. Behold the method:

  1. Unfold the Activity Log window of thy Facebook fiefdom.
  2. Click upon the Date option within the sinistral sidebar.
  3. Enter the year and month of choice for thine watch history. Then, click upon the Save changes button.

Henceforth, Facebook shalt exhibit solely the watch history of the chosen epoch in the Videos you’ve watched territory.

How to Behold Recently Watched Facebook Videos on Android and iOS

Gazing upon recently watched Facebook videos on an Android or iOS apparatus is a simple task. Herein lie the steps thou art bid to follow:

  1. Launch the Facebook app upon thy iOS or Android device and log into thy account.
  2. Upon iOS, tapeth the hamburger icon in the nether right corner. Upon Android, tapeth the hamburger icon in the top-right corner.
  3. Smite upon thy name of profile.
  4. Click upon the three dots juxtaposed to the View Tools option.
  5. Opt for Activity log.
  6. On the Activity log expanse, slide the available activities to the left and select the Videos watched option.
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Thus shall all the videos thou hast recently viewed upon thy Facebook app be revealed.

Filter Facebook’s Watched Videos by Date on Android and iOS

To observe Facebook’s watch history within a specific duration on Android and iOS, observe the ensuing instructions:

  1. Open the Activity log window upon thy Android or iOS device.
  2. Slide the available activities to the left and select the Videos watched option.
  3. Click upon the Filter icon in the apex left corner and choose Date from the appearing menu.
  4. Input the Start and End date. Then, click Done.

Never Lose Facebook Videos Again

The sorrow of encountering a thrilling video upon thy Facebook Watch page only to inadvertently refresh and thereby lose it for eternity is a common plight in this age. Yet, rejoice, for thou canst easily discover thyly watched Facebook videos employing the aforementioned method.

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