How to Extend Matches on Bumble 1

How to Extend Matches on Bumble

Extending matches on Bumble is something you either always do or never do, depending on your perspective. Some users see this as an act of desperation that rarely results in a conversation. Others see it as a Hail Mary thrown into the ring because she has nothing to lose. While others see this as giving enough time to respond to matches.

Regardless, knowing how to expand matches in Bumble is something every user should know how to do.

Bumble is different from other dating apps and it either works for or against you. The dynamic has completely changed as women have all the power and men cannot make contact. Men should seriously up their game with their profiles and images and women should worry less about meeting such men who distance themselves from other dating apps. Bumble became more popular with women, which inspired him to become more popular with men. Bumble and Tinder are now serious contenders for the honor of being the most popular dating app.

If you both swipe right and match in dating mode, the woman has only 24 hours to initiate contact, otherwise this match will end. If this 24-hour time limit passes before the woman initiates communication, you and your partner will be back in the mix for each other and reappear in their queues at some point. Depending on where you live, this could be days, weeks or months.

If you find someone you like but don’t have time to send a message, it is possible to extend the time to send the first message. Unlike other dating apps where a man or a woman can send the first message after a match is made, on Bumble only a woman can send the first message, whereas men can only extend the match in hopes that the woman will send the first message. later.

How to Extend Matches on Bumble 2

Extending matches on Bumble

If you are a free Bumble user, you can extend one match per day. If you use Bumble Boost, you can extend matches more often.

If you want to extend your match with someone, open the expired match profile and select ‘Extend This Match’. You will get another 24 hours to initiate a call or initiate a call for you.

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Once the extension has expired, you cannot extend it further. Even Bumble Boost users cannot extend their matches beyond the 48 hour limit. When it expires, the profile returns to the repository and will likely reappear at some point in the future. Exactly when depends on how many Bumble users are in your area at a given time who are a potential match for you.

How to Extend Matches on Bumble 3

Does stretching matches work in Bumble?

As with all dating elements, there’s a lot of psychology at work when it comes to matching. The question of whether prolonging a match is a good idea depends on you, the person you’re with, and how you view the whole dating scene.

Here are five opinions on extension matches that I gathered while researching a few pieces on Bumble. Which one do you identify with the most?

  1. If you like someone, extending is another opportunity to say hello. If you were in real life, you would do whatever it takes to get that first greeting. Even if it didn’t go well, you would know. So if you love someone, there’s nothing wrong with prolonging it.
  2. The extension sounds a bit hopeless. This is especially true if you are a man. If you match up with a girl and she really likes what she sees, she will chat just to say hello. Extending a girl seems a little desperate, and it’s unlikely to be better received than in the first game.
  3. Sometimes people are just busy. There may be a match and I’m on the bus or waiting for a meeting to start. I get a match and then the meeting starts or I arrive at my destination. The day runs away with me, and before I know it, the next day comes and starts again. Sometimes 24 hours isn’t long enough, so extending a match is useful.
  4. It only takes a second to chat and say ‘Hello, how are you’. If someone hasn’t at least made the effort, why are they on Bumble? Why match people if they can’t set a second marker in even the simplest conversation? People shouldn’t need extensions. We check our phones all the time and you don’t have to make a thesis about why you love them. It’s just a simple hello.
  5. Some girls talk to guys who stretch themselves just because they need an ego boost. They know they’re hot and they expect men to work harder for it. If it’s hot enough to buy a bunch of matches, it’s hot enough to wait for the person who’s going to buy him the most food or drink, with extensions where he can filter them further.
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Expanding matches in Bumble is easy once you know how to do it, and this is a basic feature of Bumble that you should know how to use. The mechanics of dating may be simple, but the psychology behind it is just as challenging as the rest of online dating. Wherever you sit to lie down, or not, some effort will undoubtedly pay off. What forms this effort takes is entirely up to you!

If you liked this Bumble article, What Does User Deleted on Bumble Mean? and this article on How to Start a Conversation on Bumble.

Any thoughts on when it’s a good idea to extend a match on Bumble? If so, please leave a comment below.