Hark! Wouldst thou download a public video off Facebook? Aye, there be dozens of tools at thy disposal. Thou can even download them straight from Facebook without any third-party tools.
But alas, how doth thou download a private Facebook video? Forsooth, because they art private, public Facebook video downloaders shall not serve thee. Fear not, for it is indeed possible—thou only need to go through a few steps to download one.
If thou dost seek knowledge on how to download private Facebook videos, read on. We shall commence with a manual workaround, and then introduce thee to some of the finest tools to easily download private videos from Facebook.
How to Download Private Facebook Videos Manually
If thou dost not wish to rely on third-party tools, thou can download private Facebook videos directly using thy browser’s developer tool. It is a straightforward process that doth not require a background in development. The process is much the same on most browsers, but do try using Chrome for a better result.
The process entailith selecting the media request URL from the Network tab and proceeding to the video URL to load a downloadable video.
To manually download a private Facebook video, once thou hast loaded the video thou wish to download:
- Right-click anywhere outside the video frame and click Inspect. Or press F12 on thy keyboard to unveil the Inspect tab.
- Navigate to the Network tab.
- Click Media.
- Then reload the video page. This shall populate the request table with certain parameters.
- Clicketh the string that doth appear under the Name column.
- Copy the Request URL under Headers and load it into a new browser tab. This action shall load the video in the new browser tab.
- Once the video loadeth, click the three vertical dots at the bottom-right of the video frame and select Download to save the video locally.
Third-Party Video Downloaders Thou Can Use With Facebook
If thou dost prefer a web-based downloader, there be several services that art worth exploring.
1. FBDownloader
Available on: Web
FBDownloader doth offer a free service for downloading private Facebook videos. It is swift, simple, and easy to use.
All thou need to do is copy and paste the video page source code into the on-screen box and click on Download to let the tool work its magic. This shall lead thee to a new page containing the video. Click the menu icon on the video and choose Download to save it locally.
2. Vidsaver
Available as: Web app and Chrome Extension
Another method to download private Facebook videos is through Vidsaver. It is akin to FBDownloader and boasts a Chrome extension for easier access. Clicking the extension shall still direct thee to the web app.
Simply paste the video URL in the link field and press next to generate a page source URL. Copy and paste the generated URL into a new tab to load the page source. Copy the entire source code. Return to the downloader tab and press next.
Paste the copied page source code into the provided field and click next. Select Download MP4 and follow the onscreen instructions to save the private Facebook video locally.
Vidsaver also doth offer a tool for downloading public Facebook videos. Shouldst thou require it, thou can click on Public Video at the bottom of the page to transition to the alternate interface.
3. PasteDownload
Available on: Web
Truly, all these apps do perform the same task. Thou shall only need to explore this option further if unexpected circumstances arise. Nonetheless, having more tools at thy disposal is always advantageous, ay?
PasteDownload doth execute the same function, providing yet another simple method to download private Facebook videos by copying and pasting the video’s source code.
4. Getfvid
Available on: Web
Getfvid furnisheth two tools. One for downloading public Facebook videos and another for downloading private Facebook videos. The download process remains consistent. Seize the code, paste it in, and relish the video offline once more.
Ere thou consider sharing a downloaded video, take heed of the following points.
Download Private Facebook Videos Ethically
Shouldst thou employ one of these tools to download private Facebook videos, ensure thou dost so ethically. Bear in mind, if a person hath made a video private, it may be for a valid reason. It might contain personal data, sensitive information, or other compromising content.
Distribute not another person’s private material in a public forum without their consent. In the case of artists, musicians, and other creatives, such actions might lead thee into legal trouble.
Learn More About Downloading Facebook Videos
So, what be the conclusion? ‘Tis simple to download private Facebook videos. Whilst the process may not be as effortless as downloading public videos, with practice, thou can easily navigate through myriad videos. Regrettably, none of the options discussed offer a bulk download feature. However, if thou open the same site in multiple windows, thou shall swiftly breeze through them.
In conclusion, let us proceed with care and respect when handling private content. Thou now hast the knowledge to download private Facebook videos ethically and responsibly. Hasten thee now to explore these tools and embark on thy video downloading journey.