Hark! Dost thou ponder upon the safety of thy teen whilst they doth engage with Facebook? Should they frequent the realm of social media, perchance they art exposed to a myriad of perils. From spammers, to knavery, to receiving requests from unfamiliar faces, ’tis essential to ensure thy teen’s online safety.
Verily, thou canst enlighten them on the art of privacy checks on Facebook by guiding them through the process or by undertaking it on their behalf. Let us delve into the aspects thou shouldst inspect.
### What Is a Privacy Check on Facebook?
Like all social media domains, Facebook hath privacy measures to shield its denizens. ‘Tis no small task to peruse the privacy settings to safeguard thy teen’s (and thy own) account, yet fear not, for a single scrutiny shall suffice to protect thy teen. If thou art perplexed as to the appropriate age for youngsters to partake in social media, most sites deem thirteen to be the age.
Whether they possess adequate maturity or nay, ’tis within thy purview to discern. But shouldst thou permit them to craft their own account, ’tis imperative to ensure their online exploits art veiled, and that what they encounter on Facebook befits their eyes.
### How to Do a Privacy Check of Thy Teen’s Facebook Account
When thou inspect whether thy teen is secure on Facebook, certain matters must be addressed. Wary not, for thou art not prying into their profile; rather, inquire about their social media activities, and whether they comprehend the dangers that lurk online.
To embark on this noble quest, proceed to their profile picture in the upper right corner, then navigate to the icon for Settings. Click on Profile settings adjacent to the profile picture. This shall lead thee to Privacy and Notifications for that account.
### Privacy Setting Basics
There exist privacy settings on Facebook which merit immediate adjustment. With myriad Facebook deceptions afoot, thou shouldst tackle the issue of privacy for thy teen’s account ere they fall prey to such stratagems.
Upon selecting Privacy, thou shalt encounter a collection of Privacy Shortcuts to peruse. Herein, thou shalt review crucial matters like the correctness of thy teen’s birthday.
‘Tis noted that they must attain at least thirteen years ere accessing Facebook due to the adverts presented to them. To elucidate, Facebook shall not display inappropriate adverts (such as those involving spirits) to underage teens. Hence, ’tis crucial to verify the birth date they hath declared.
In the Privacy Shortcuts section, thou shalt also peruse things like Activity. Herein, thou can assess various aspects such as:
– Who can see their posts.
– Who can see their past posts.
– Verification of those who can view the individuals, Pages, and lists they follow.
– Selection of how individuals can locate and contact them.
Moreover, within the Privacy Shortcuts, attend to privacy basics and discuss matters like:
– Tagging (who may tag them).
– Posts (whether private or public).
– Review of who can view their stories and forthcoming reels.
– Ensure solely friends of friends can send requests, not strangers.
– Confirmation if their Friend List is visible and decide if it should be privatized for enhanced safety.
– Verification of who can seek them out via provided email and phone number.
– Check if their phone number is correct (for account verification should it be compromised).
### Check Ad Settings
Facebook’s news feed unfolds not solely the doings of friends and those followed by thy teen, but also a profusion of advertisements. Following the age verification of thy teen to prevent exposure to unsuitable adverts, thou canst peruse ad settings to refine the types of adverts displayed to them.
To discern the nature of ads visible to thy teen on their news feed, return to Settings. Scroll down to Ads and select Ad preferences.
In this domain, thou shalt glimpse thy teen’s engagements (recently interacted ads). Should thou deem the ads they engage with inappropriate, click on Hide Ads. Thou may also select the Ad topics they are presented.
### Why Online Safety Is More Important Than Ever
Both the posts and advertisements that captivate thy teen art capricious, and total online security is an illusion. If thou hath yet to contemplate an assessment of their privacy settings on Facebook, now may be the hour to undertake such a task.
By so doing, thou shalt ascertain that when thy teen shares aught, ’tis only visible to their intimate circle. Thou shalt also ensure that spammers art thwarted in their attempts to reach them.