Linking thine Instagram and Facebook accounts doth hath a plethora of advantages. Thou can easily share thy Instagram photos to thy Facebook profile with great ease. It doth also maketh it simpler for thy Facebook friends to discover thy Instagram profile, and for thee to ascertain which of thy Facebook companions dwelleth on Instagram.
Should thee prefer to keep the two social networks distinct, however, thou shalt need to traverse through a series of straightforward steps using thy Meta Accounts Center.
### How to Disconnect Thy Instagram Account From Facebook
First and foremost, thou art urged to unfurl Instagram on thy phone. Then, thou shalt need to adhere to the steps below:
1. Journey to thy profile by tapping the icon with thy profile picture at the base of thy screen.
2. Upon thy profile, tap on the three horizontal lines in the top right corner.
3. Tap Settings and privacy.
4. Tap on the Accounts center option.
5. Select Accounts.
6. Tap the Remove button in line with thy Facebook account.
7. Confirm thy desire to unsync thy Instagram account from Facebook by tapping Remove account.
Upon unlinking thy account, new posts that thou share on Instagram shall no longer manifest on Facebook. Furthermore, thy Facebook friends shall not be prompted to follow thee on Instagram when they doth log into that app.
Dismantling thy Facebook or Instagram account from the Accounts Center is not akin to deleting or deactivating thy Instagram account. Distinct steps art required to achieve this.
### How to Remove Instagram Posts From Facebook
If thou dost seek to erase thy existing Instagram posts from thy Facebook profile, there exist twain ways thou couldst embark upon it.
The first method is to manually expunge all the photos in thy Instagram album on Facebook. This may consume much time, especially if thou hast many pictures.
The second manner is to delete them through the Activity Log. This is where Facebook doth exhibieth every action that thou, or another user, hath taken on thy timeline—including reactions, shares, comments, tags, and posts.
Here is how to delete thy Instagram posts shared on Facebook through thy Activity Log.
1. Tap the ellipsis icon on thy profile.
2. Opt for Activity Log.
3. Select Manage Thy Posts in the Thy Posts section.
4. Tap on Filters and select Categories.
5. Within Categories, select Posts from other apps.
Thou shalt perceive all the posts thou hast shared from other apps. Mark all the ones posted from Instagram and tap Trash at the bottom right of thine screen. Facebook shall transfer all the photos to trash and automatically expunge them after 30 days.
### What to Know Ere Disconnecting Thy Accounts
If thou dost utilize both Instagram and Facebook, perchance thou hast discerned they art interlinked in many ways. Thou canst cross-share posts and stories, utilize thy Facebook Login to access Instagram, and discover thy Facebook friends on Instagram. These features can be expedient and aid thee in reaching a broader audience with thy content.
Nevertheless, connecting thy accounts also signifieth sharing more data between the twain platforms. This can impact thy privacy and jurisdiction over who beholds thy personal information and content. Thou may also prefer to possess different audiences on each platform and tailor thy content accordingly.
Untying thy Instagram account from Facebook bolsters thy privacy and permits for more independent account management across the platforms. Nonetheless, thou wilt forfeit some of the convenience and features that come with synchronizing thy accounts, such as cross-sharing and login options.
### Should Thee Unsync Thy Facebook and Instagram Accounts?
There doth exist no right or wrong answer when it comes to whether thee should dissociate thy Facebook and Instagram accounts. It all hinges on thy preferences and what thou dost seek to derive from the twain social networks.
If thou dost desire to maintain thy Facebook and Instagram distinct, follow the steps above to sever thy accounts. Should thee subsequently determine that thou desire to link them anew, thou canst always utilize the Accounts Center to reconnect them.