Wondering if Facebook video ads are worth your time?

Is it worth your attention?

Is it worth your $$$?

Then this article is worth answering these questions for you.

Starting with this…

What are Facebook video ads?

Ads used to reach your audience more and get them to engage more with the video. Whatever your job, experience, budget or goal.

  • slideshow: Turn images and text into a simple, lightweight video ad in minutes
  • stories: Make your business part of the story for Facebook, Instagram and Messenger
  • reporter: A video ad that clicks Messenger to speak directly to customers
  • carousel: Showcase multiple videos and photos in one ad
  • To collect: Pair your video with product photos as a way to explore your store

There is more. I just wanted to whet your video appetite because I know the next question on your mind…

Why use Facebook video ads?

Video (and audio) appeals to more senses than text.

Which do you think leaves more marks?

Saying “hello” to someone?

Or… saying “hello”, shaking his hand, and doing that French cheek-to-cheek-bidirectional kiss thing?

It depends on the person, but overall… more senses = more engagement = more people remembering your brand.

More reasons to use video include:

  • Video builds trust. When people see and hear you, they believe you.
  • google loves it. When people spend more time on your site, they rank you higher.
  • Increase conversions. Create a video to reuse an existing post to get more clicks
  • Mobile users love it. Up to 90% of consumers watch video on mobile devices
  • Tell a lot with little. Sixty seconds of video says over 60 seconds of text

But why specifically Facebook video ads?

How do 2.4 billion monthly active users trigger your social trigger? I watch 3 billion hours every day. The average user clicks on eight ads per month.

Yes, I thought you’d like it.

Wow, right? Maybe it’s time to consider Facebook video as part of your strategy to (in the past) push potential customers down your marketing funnel.

How to set up Facebook video ads

There are loads of options for creating a Facebook video ad. I will guide you in the general way. From here you can decide on many custom options for your needs.

Step 1: Select the option to create your ad

You will be guided through a wizard approach to create your ad. I have summarized the general steps.

  • choose Create menu item in top navigation
  • specify advertisement option in the dropdown menu
  • choose Go on in the next popup

How to Create the Best Facebook Video Ads in 4 Simple Steps 2

How to Create the Best Facebook Video Ads in 4 Simple Steps 3

Step 2: Specify campaign information

Specify your options in the window below (see partial window below).

  • Enter the campaign name
  • choose Video views For Campaign Goal
  • Change other default options or Learn more connection
  • Select when done Next button
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How to Create the Best Facebook Video Ads in 4 Simple Steps 4

Step 3: Specify your ad options

There are loads of options in this next window. Most have an info icon to learn more about each option. Learn as you go. The window is long (again, see the partial window).

  • Change or use the default options for each section in this window
  • choose Next button when finished

How to Create the Best Facebook Video Ads in 4 Simple Steps 5

Step 4: Create your ad

Now is the time to create your ad.

You have options. You can upload a video, browse your library, or create a slideshow with pictures. In many cases, you may want to get a pre-made video from your desktop. Or promote a video you’ve already posted.

This Window is also long (partial screen shown below).

  • Specify a name for the ad
  • Associate the ad with a Facebook page
  • Preview Ad Preview window
  • Refine as needed
  • When done, select Review and Publish button
  • Pay for your ad (you didn’t think all this fun would be free, did you?)
  • Watch your video views increase

How to Create the Best Facebook Video Ads in 4 Simple Steps 6

7 tips for creating successful Facebook video ads

I’ve shown you a simplified version of video ad creation tricks. Let’s look at some tips for making the best Facebook video ad possible.

1. Set your goals

What do you want to achieve with your Facebook video ads?

  • want more people get to know your brand?
  • With watch your videos?
  • With install your apps?
  • With go to your site?
  • With give you your email addresses?

Do you want me to stop asking so many questions?

Fine, but you shouldn’t. Here are a bunch of KPIs worth considering. Clarify your goals so you can create the right ad for the right reasons.

2. Define your market

You spend time, money and brain calories creating your ad. Do not waste on eyes and ears that do not see or hear your message.

You can define your target audience while creating your Facebook ad. For example: location, age, gender, language, interests, behaviors, shared connections and much more.

You are now ready to create an ad that will relate to your fans and followers.

3. Make your content relevant

Now that you know and build your crowd, it’s time to connect with them. With content they care about.


Tell a story worth telling.

I mentioned in my article about quick editing tips about “Story Brand Frame”. I loved. You will too. Character, villain, problem, emotions, a Yoda-like guide, empathy, wisdom, a plan, ending with a call to action.

If nothing else, remember this… make your story – your content – more about them than you.

People love themselves more than they love you, just as they should.

Keep this in mind when your fingers start typing, your eyes start to draw, your voice starts to speak.

4. Choose the right ad type

Want to create an engaging story using only video and text? Something challenging, but fast? Do you want to take people through a complex process? Choose a slideshow ad.

Do you want to turn your existing videos into ready-made story ads? Want to make your readers feel part of a larger community? Want to see more of your videos on mobile because they already have their phones in hand? Story ads are your ticket.

Want to convert an existing post to a video? To empower a part that has grown into something people want more of? So will they appear more in other people’s news feeds? This is the way to boost a post.

Facebook video advertising makes it easy. It’s up to you to choose wisely.

5. Open a story loop

It’s about my ‘you versus them’… Framing the message around a problem is a proven way to draw attention.

  • shows empathy
  • shows you understand them
  • Shows you know what you’re talking about
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It’s also a great way to open a story (in your headline) and include them in the ad:

  • “Losing my sleep at night wondering what people think of you?”
  • “Is bad breath ruining your night with your partner?”
  • “Do people immediately ‘understand’ when they read your homepage?”

Our brains are wired to solve problems. Show both – problem, then solution.

6. Encourage viewers to take action

All this – setting the topic, developing the message, writing the script, creating the video… and then no (strong) call to action?

Tick, tick, tick.

You’re not doing this for charity. Just ask your boss boy or girl.

You do this (usually) to get the reader to take action. Like “Buy now”, “Download guide”, “Get your free sample”.

Don’t be afraid to ask the reader to take action with a compelling CTA.

7. No sound required

People are dizzyingly busy in this age of distraction with smartphones in their hands.

Recently, my two twin nine-year-old sons and I drove through downtown Seattle. We counted 45 people on the streets with phones in front of their faces. In five minutes! Sunday!

People move quickly between their feeds on their way to work, walking, and eating. Sound is often not appropriate or viable – they still want to see what’s going on.

Does your video make sense without sound? Add subtitles!

Facebook added this feature. Because they know that ads with subtitles increase video duration by 12% on average.

Here are just a few of the tips for creating great Facebook video ads. I’ll give you a few more tips in the Facebook video ad examples below to inspire your next campaign.

5 high-quality Facebook video ad examples

1. keep calm

This gets into the simple stuff. Like a lot.

Breathe breathe out.

This is exactly what helps you do when you watch the video. watch it. Tell me you feel otherwise.

Eyes, ears and heart work together for this video ad. This supports their brand and vision—Live mindfully. sleep better. Take a deeper breath.

I feel very comfortable right now. I’ll be back shortly after a quiet break.

How to Create the Best Facebook Video Ads in 4 Simple Steps 7

2. Oatmeal

This shows a great way to open a story loop.

While watching this, you can’t help but scroll down to read the copy to learn more about the ‘why’ of this video. Again, this is an ad to promote the brand and culture.

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3. Design Pickles

First line, first five seconds—you know what problem this design agency aims to solve for audiences.

Then they take you to the solution, backed by references.

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4. The Postal Chimpanzee

Mailchimp is one of my favorites for its sound and mood (see tips for promoting your ‘boring brand’).

I mentioned a video that was not worthy of any sound – here is one.

This Facebook video ad walks you through the one-click process of capturing new people. Whether you’re at a rock concert, on the New York subway, or next to your screaming kids, it’s easy to understand.

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5. Ben and Jerry’s

Have a craving for sweets? For an ice cream sandwich?

Here’s the easiest (and clever) way I’ve seen to create one in seconds, now in your kitchen.

Talk about an easy how-to!

I can’t wait to make these for my kids tonight.

Is there a simple way to please your followers? It’s there, waiting for you to find it, show it, and tell it.

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Manage your entire Facebook strategy along with your other social channels using Moyens I/O. You can create and schedule content, run ads, engage the audience, track relevant conversations, measure results, and much more, all from a single dashboard. Try it for free today!

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