How to Check Who You’ve Blocked on Facebook

How to Check Who You’ve Blocked on Facebook

‘Tis a common occurrence, in the digital realm that is Facebook, to engage in the act of blocking. Whether spurred by a disagreement with a companion or a desire to sever ties with a certain individual, the blocking feature serves as a safeguard against unwanted interactions. But what if, perchance, one were to mistakenly block another? Or perhaps, the inquisitive mind wonders about those souls who have been banished in the past?

Fear not, dear reader, for this guide shall illuminate the path. Within these words, we shall unveil the method by which one may gaze upon the roster of those who have felt the sting of being cast out on Facebook.

How to View Your Facebook Blocked List on Mobile

Behold, the mobile app beckons, offering a portal to the forbidden realm. To venture forth, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the Facebook app on your mobile device and tap the illustrious hamburger icon.
  2. Scroll with purpose and bestow a tap upon Settings & Privacy.
  3. Select Settings and continue on your quest.
  4. Tap Profile Settings, a gateway to your digital sanctum.
  5. Within the realm of Privacy, choose the path of Blocking.

Lo, a list shall materialize before thee, revealing those souls who have met the fate of being blocked on Facebook. Should the list be barren, rejoice in the knowledge that no such banishments have taken place.

How to View Your Blocked List on the Web

The web, an alternate realm of wonder and mystery, offers a distinct approach to revealing the blocked. Behold the steps to unveil the hidden roster:

  1. Embark upon a journey to within thy web browser and perform the ritual of logging in.
  2. Click upon the downward-pointing arrow icon and select the hallowed Settings & Privacy > Settings.
  3. Proceed along the path of Privacy nestled within the left sidebar.
  4. Select Blocking within the domain of Privacy.

Lo and behold, a roster of the forsaken shall materialize upon the screen. From this vantage point, one may choose to unblock a soul with a mere click, or even extend the olive branch of friendship by sending a friend request.

Can People Tell if You’ve Blocked Them on Facebook?

Nay, the shadows of Facebook do not reveal the act of blocking unto those who have been cast out. Yet, avenues exist by which one may discern if they have been shunned.

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Forsooth, should a banished soul attempt to seek your presence on Facebook and find naught but emptiness, it is a sign of being blocked. They shall no longer glimpse upon your posts nor partake in your digital essence. Tags and messages shall be but fleeting dreams for them.

Fret not, for these signs are subtle whispers that may pass unnoticed if the eye does not know where to look. Thus, the specter of discovery remains shrouded in uncertainty for those who seek to discern the truth.

Checking Your Facebook Blocked List

‘Tis a prudent task, my dear reader, to survey the roster of the shunned both on mobile and web. Vigilance must be maintained to ensure that no accidental banishments occur. Should a misplaced soul be found within the list, fear not, for redemption lies but a click away. And should the heart yearn for reconciliation, a friend request shall serve as the bridge to mend the digital divide.

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