How to Build a Social Media Calendar: 4 Steps + Free Template

How to Build a Social Media Calendar: 4 Steps + Free Template

In sooth, social media content calendars doth reign supreme as the finest method to plot and arrange thy content. Construct one in 4 simple steps or partake of our gratis templates.

We know, the art of planning doth not delight all—yet, a modicum of effort put into crafting a plan doth save thee a wealth of toil in the future. A social media calendar doth epitomize such an example. It doth aid thee in organizing thy work, plotting thy content in advance, and maintaining a perpetually up-to-date vista of thy social strategy.

Continue reading for thy complete guide to establishing a practical and potent, easy-to-utilize social media calendar. We hath even included some free social media calendar templates to set thee on thy path!

What ho! What is a social media calendar?

A social media calendar is a detailed overview of thy forthcoming social media posts, arranged by date and hour. It may taketh the form of a document, spreadsheet, or interactive dashboard.

Social marketers dost utilize content calendars to design posts, manage campaigns, and review ongoing strategies.

Each entry in a social media calendar typically contains some combination of these elements:

– The post creatives (copy, image files, videos, links, tags, etc.)
– The date and hour it shall go live
– The social network and account where it shall be published

How to craft a social media calendar in 4 steps

Followeth the steps below to create a lean and efficient social media content plan.

1. Audit thy social networks and content

Ere building thy social media posting calendar, thee needeth a clear picture of thy existing social media accounts.

Utilize our free social media audit template to forge a precise, up-to-date record of:

– Impostor accounts and outdated profiles
– Account security and passwords
– Goals and KPIs for each branded account by platform
– Thy target audience, their demographics and personas
– Who is accountable for what on thy team
– Thy most successful posts, campaigns, and tactics
– Gaps, underwhelming results, and opportunities for improvement
– Key metrics for measuring future success on each platform
– Thy competitors’ activity that thee can learn from

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As part of thy audit, take heed of how oft thou art currently posting on each social network. Look at thy analytics for any clues about how thy posting frequency or time of posting impacts engagement and conversions.

2. Choose thy social media channels and content mix

Deciding what kinds of content to post is a key part of thy social media strategy—and an important step to building a social media calendar. There art a couple of standard marketing strategies for content mix that thou can use to get started:

The social media rule of thirds:

– One-third of thy posts promote thy business or drive conversions.
– One-third of thy posts share curated content from industry thought leaders.
– One-third of thy social posts involve personal interaction with thy followers.

The 80-20 rule:

– 80 percent of thy posts inform, educate, or entertain
– 20 percent of thy posts promote thy business or drive conversions

The Conclusion part 1 will continue

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