How to Block Someone on WhatsApp 1

How to Block Someone on WhatsApp

We all know how people can access the internet. Some people leave behind all feelings of kindness and intelligence when they operate their phones or computers and interact with others online. Sometimes you just want to avoid stupid people, an ex, or a friend who’s causing more trouble than they’re worth. Good job, then you can block someone on WhatsApp!

While WhatsApp isn’t the only place to interact with other people, it is one of the most popular. With millions of users around the world, at some point, you’ll run into someone you wouldn’t want. Blocking is an effective way to prevent them from bothering you while you’re in your favorite chat app.

Here’s how to block someone on WhatsApp.

How to Block Someone on WhatsApp 2

block someone on whatsapp

The blocking process is actually quite simple.

Block someone on WhatsApp for Android:

  1. Open the conversation with the person you want to block.
  2. Tap the three-dot menu icon in the top right.
  3. Select Block and confirm.

If you want to see who you blocked or allow chats again, do this:

  1. Open WhatsApp and select the three-dot menu icon.
  2. Select Settings, Account & Privacy.
  3. Select Blocked Contacts and the contact you want to unblock.
  4. Tap the name and select Unblock NAME.

You can also block contacts using the Privacy menu. Just select the Blocked contacts option and select the call icon in the top right. Select a person and block them.

Block someone on WhatsApp for iOS:

  1. Open the conversation with the person you want to block.
  2. Choose their name from the top menu.
  3. Scroll down the Contact Information page until you see the option to Block This Person.
  4. Select Block This Person and confirm when prompted.

You can also use the privacy menu similar to Android.

  1. Open WhatsApp and open the Settings menu.
  2. Select Account & Privacy.
  3. Select Blocked and Add New… at the bottom of the list.
  4. Search for the person and select their name from the list.
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The person will be blocked in the same way as above.

If you want to unblock someone, go to the privacy menu as above, tap on their name and select the person’s name followed by Unblock. You can also tap on a previous message and select Unblock on the prompt popup.

How to Block Someone on WhatsApp 3

What happens when you block someone on WhatsApp?

Blocking basically does what you think it will do. Prevents anyone from contacting or harassing you while on WhatsApp.

Blocking achieves the following goals:

  • Messages from the blocked contact will no longer be delivered to you.
  • They will see the undelivered messages, but will not be told why.
  • They will no longer see your Status or Last Seen.

The block does not:

  • Delete messages that were previously delivered to you.
  • Delete your messages that have been delivered to them.
  • Remove you from their list as a person
  • Remove them from your list as a contact.

Avoiding harassment on WhatsApp or anywhere

It’s never surprising that a large number of people think it’s okay to act like an idiot online. Although the internet has been mainstream for over 30 years, it is still treated like the Wild West by some. A place where people can act as they please and do or say whatever they want without repercussions.

Sometimes it’s impossible to avoid harassment completely, but there are a few quick tips that can help.

see what

While it may be easier said than done, seeing what online harassment is should make some silly or justified punk behavior less effective. In psychology, bullying is a sign of weakness, shame, or insecurity. In some cases it’s all three. Remember that when it happens and feel pity instead of fear. If you can.

save everything

If the abuser doesn’t take no for an answer or leave you alone, you can avoid, block or take action. If you choose the latter, record every message, every conversation, and everything that happens. Take screenshots if they can help and then report the user to the platform. Provide the evidence to support your accusation and let WhatsApp handle the rest.

Avoid anonymous chat rooms or groups

WhatsApp has the advantage of identifying all of its users, but not all social networks or online locations do. Anonymity is essential in some countries and in some matters. General interest sites that allow anonymous entries will naturally attract more idiots than elsewhere. They wear anonymity as a shield and think they cannot be identified. This is wrong as everyone can eventually be identified, but it doesn’t stop them from taking action. If possible, avoid such sites.

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don’t overshare

The more you put in there, the more ammunition someone has to use against you and harass you. Think about what you put on social media and what someone might do with that information. Remember that nothing is erased and even the things you said years ago will be out there somewhere.

Same for contact info, address, logs and location info. Think for a moment what a person might do with this information and then store it accordingly.

create a personality

I use social media with my real name, but I also have an online personality that I use for social activities. He is a completely fake person with his own email, Facebook account, Twitter account, WhatsApp (burning SIM) account, his own blog and more. I’ve been using the same one for six years and it’s still going strong. I don’t care if people abuse the personality because it’s not me. I can also fight accordingly with no impact to my real life.

Blocking someone on WhatsApp is extremely simple. Although we have to sign up with a mobile number, there are plenty of idiots on the platform who like to make life difficult for the rest of us. Now at least you know a way to avoid them.