Group video calls and chats are one of the coolest features on Line. You can get loads of friends in one call and see them in one window. Needless to say, this is perfect for keeping in touch with classmates or family members living abroad. But for the search to work, those close to your heart must first be your friends on Line.
Fortunately, adding friends to Line is a simple course. There are several ways to connect with peers or family members on Line. This article provides you with a detailed guide for each method, so let’s get started.
Adding Friend on Installation
The first time you set up Line, the step-by-step wizard asks for permission to access your contacts. Also, there is a window that allows you to turn on “Auto add friends” and “Allow others to add me”.
In this way, Line takes all the contacts in your phone book using the app and automatically adds them to your friends list. However, “Automatically add friends” and “Allow others to add me” are optional features and some users prefer to disable them in the first place. Of course, you can always go back and open these options.
How to enable “Auto add friends” and “Allow others to add me”
There are two ways to get to “Auto add friends” and “Allow others to add me”. Here is the quick guide.
Method 1
Tap on Friends at the bottom left of the Outline window and select the gear icon in the top left. Scroll down the Settings menu and hit Friends. Tap the buttons next to “Auto add friends” and “Allow others to add me” to turn the features on or off.
You can preview the last auto-add from the same window, just tap the Resync icon under the “Auto add friends” button.
Method 2
To access the More menu, tap the three horizontal dots in the lower right and select the “Add friend” icon.
The first option that opens is “Add friends automatically”. Tap to access the Settings menu to turn the feature on or off, or you can press the Resync icon to refresh your contact list.
Note: If your friend has disabled the “Allow others to add me” option, you cannot automatically add that person to Line.
Sending Line Invitations
Another way to add friends to Line is through invitations. Tap the three horizontal dots and select the Invite icon in the top left. There is also an “Invite a friend” button in the middle of the screen and you can use both options.
When you tap Invite, a popup will appear and you can choose to send the invitation via text message, email, WhatsApp or Facebook.
Sending the invitation via text message or email is probably the quickest and easiest as there are fewer steps. Tap both options, select a contact from the list and hit Send. Your friend will receive a default Line message with a link and a QR code to establish the connection.
Invitation via message is similar on WhatsApp and Facebook. But you need to allow access to apps, find contacts or copy Line link to Messenger.
Adding Friends via Search
If your friend already uses Line, you can add them via Line Search. Select Friends in the bottom left and tap the silhouette icon in the top right. Press the magnifying glass icon to initiate the search and select one of the available search options – Line ID or Phone number.
Type in a friend’s ID or phone number, press Search and tap Add next to the person you’re calling.
Friend recommendation
Line offers you friend recommendations based on your current contacts, groups and previous chat interaction. To search and add suggested friends, press the silhouette icon again, scroll through the Friend Referral list and tap Add next to the user ID.
Shake to add
One of the coolest Line features is “Shake!” because it allows you to add a contact instantly by shaking the phone. For this to work, you and your friend need to be close and have GPS or Location Services turned on.
To use this method, tap More (three dots), select Add friend, then tap “Shake!”. Now, you and your friend have to tap the screen or of course shake the phones. Your contact names will appear on each other’s screens and you should both tap Add.
Happy Chat
Line has made it so easy to stay in touch with your friends. And you can try different methods to reach a person and make friends on Line. Especially “Shake!” Want to know the feature and which method is your favourite? So feel free to write a few lines in the comments below.