How to Get Verified on YouTube: Steps to Earn the Coveted Badge

How to Get Verified on YouTube: Steps to Earn the Coveted Badge

Lo, dost thou ponder upon the elusive YouTube verification badge? Allow us to be thy guide on this quest, unveiling each step and unraveling the mysteries of this coveted symbol of credibility bestowed upon the chosen few.

As one doth establish a channel and gather a loyal following, thoughts naturally turn to the inquiry of how to attain the esteemed badge of verification on the grand platform of YouTube.

Behold, the YouTube verification badge! A mark of validation that proclaims to all the world that YouTube hath vouched for thy identity. Not all may obtain this badge, but for those deemed worthy, it is a momentous milestone in the realm of YouTube.

Herein lies the knowledge thou seeketh to obtain verification.

What manner of verification doth YouTube bestow upon its denizens, thou may ask? There exists twain types of verification on YouTube—account and channel. Let us delve into the distinctions betwixt them.

The account verification is the simpler form of YouTube verification. To prove thy realness, thou must merely confirm thy phone number with a code sent unto thee. This step ensures thou art no mere bot but a true soul behind the screen.

There are two tiers of account verification accessible to all, unlocking certain additional features on YouTube:

– The ability to upload videos exceeding 15 minutes
– Custom thumbnails usage
– Live streaming privileges

To verify thine account, venture to “Settings > Channel” and gaze upon the tab labeled “Feature eligibility.” Should thy account bear the mark of verification, thou shalt behold “Enabled” in green beside “Intermediate features” that request phone verification.

Should this mark elude thee, “Eligible” shall appear in gray, prompting thee to verify thy phone number or commence the process at

Yet, there exist “Advanced features” that require another layer of verification. These grant thee access to privileges such as appealing Content ID claims, expanded content creation, embedded live streams, external links in video descriptions, and monetization.

To attain these advanced features, thou must verify thy identity through a valid ID, a sturdy channel history, or video authentication.

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Channel verification, a more intricate process, bestows upon thee a badge of verification beside thy name, affirming thy channel’s legitimacy and authenticity. This mark serves as a testament to all that this channel be the official domain of a creator, musician, brand, or public figure, guarding against pretenders and impostors.

Why shouldst thou seek the mantle of YouTube verification, thou may query? Whilst channel verification doth not grant access to new features or rewards, it doth bring forth several benefits that make the pursuit worthwhile. Verily, the badge by thy name doth lend credence to thy account, fostering growth and trust among thy viewers.

Shouldst thou aim to imbue thy channel with greater credibility, here are steps thou may take even if the YouTube verification remains beyond thy grasp:

– Select a fitting channel name
– Utilize a recognizable profile picture
– Customize thy channel layout, banner image, and watermark
– Craft a unique and consistent aesthetic for thy videos
– Engage with thy followers through active participation
– Report any impostors seeking to diminish thy brand or channel

Oft envisaged as a prerequisite for monetization on YouTube, verification is not the sole path to revenue. Shouldst thou seek to monetize thy channel, consider joining the YouTube Partner Program, which necessitates:

– A thousand subscribers
– Four thousand valid public watch hours in the past twelve moons
– Adherence to YouTube’s policies and guidelines
– Two-step verification implementation
– Linking of an AdSense account
– Residency in a supported country

Seek further enlightenment on this subject in our guide on how to profit on YouTube.

With these insights and tools at thy disposal, embark upon thy journey towards the YouTube verification badge, a symbol of reverence and authenticity in the digital realm. Heed these words, and may thy channel flourish and thrive in the vast expanse of YouTube.

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