Doth thou seeketh to uncover the precise moment thou didst join the realm of Facebook, or perchance, the age of thy Facebook account? Verily, there are diverse paths to unveil such knowledge.
Facebook doth offer its own method to aid thee in discovering thy joining date, accessible on the website or through the mobile app. Yet, there be alternate methods at hand for thy use.
Each method doth possess varied accuracy, and the choice of which to pursue doth hinge upon whether thou still hath access to thy Facebook account and ancient emails. Read on to learn how to ascertain the date of thy Facebook account creation.
How to Discover the Exact Date Thou Joined Facebook
Should thou be able to log into thy Facebook account, a section on the site doth divulge the moment thou didst craft thy account. This be the most precise method to find thy Facebook join date.
Follow these steps to unveil thy Facebook account creation date:
Unfurl the Facebook website.
Upon thy login, click thy profile picture in the top-right corner of the site and select Settings & privacy.
Opt for Settings from the ensuing menu.
The main settings page of Facebook shall manifest. Yonder, in the left sidebar, click upon the option dubbed Your Facebook information.
Several new options shalt emerge on the right pane. Adjacent to Access profile information, choose View.
On the subsequent screen, under the Access your information menu on the left, peruse and select Personal information.
- Behold, towards the Your account creation date section on the right pane, the precise date of thy Facebook creation shall be unveiled.
The steps for discovering thy Facebook account creation date on the mobile device doth deviate slightly.
To discern the exact moment of thy joining on the Facebook app, embark upon these steps:
Tap upon thy profile picture to unseal a dropdown menu and then select the cog icon.
Within the Settings & privacy menu, perambulate to Your information and opt for Access your information.
Select the Personal information tab.
- Beneath Profile information, thou shalt discern Your account creation date.
Executing these steps upon the Facebook website or app is the paramount method to unearth thy account creation date. Nevertheless, what must thou do if thou canst no longer access thy account?
Using Facebook’s Welcome Email to Discern Thy Join Date
Another path to quantify the years thou hast held reign on Facebook is by employing thine welcome email.
Upon thy inception of an account on Facebook, the site dispatcheth unto thee a confirmation along with a welcome email. Should access to the email account thou hath utilized to craft the Facebook account be within thy grasp, perusing the welcome email shall unveil thy join date.
To deploy this method, unseal thy email account’s inbox. Inscribe thy cursor in the search box and seek keywords such as “Welcome to Facebook”, “Facebook Registration Confirmation”, and the like.
Upon identifying the Facebook email that beckons thee to verify thy email address or proffers instructions on commencing thy journey on Facebook, the date of such email shall signify thy Facebook account creation date.
This be the most superlative method should thou no longer possess access to thy Facebook account or hath only recently fashioned thine account—wherefore the welcome email remains readily accessible. Alas, should thou oftentimes purge thy emails, thou shalt be thwarted in thy quest to ascertain thy Facebook account creation date through this method.
Discover How Elderly Thy Facebook Account Is via a Profile Picture
Typically, Facebook doth entreat thee to upload a profile picture anon thou hast finished engendering an account. Ergo, the upload date of thy premier profile picture should mirror thy Facebook account creation date.
Alas, this may not always hold true. Some do elect not to upload a profile picture, rendering this method ineffective for them.
However, should thou remain intrigued in acquiring an approximate notion of when thou didst create thy Facebook account, enact the ensuing steps:
Unfold Facebook within thy computer’s web browser.
On Facebook, perchance thy profile picture in the topmost right and select thy name to unveil thy profile page. Else, select thy name in the top left.
Opt for Photos on thy profile page.
Upon the Photos screen, locate and click the Albums option to view thy Facebook photo compilations.
Click Profile pictures on the album screen to access thy profile photos album.
Discover the most ancient profile picture within this album. Unless an abundance of profile pictures thou hath deposited, encountering the oldest depiction should present no challenge.
- Upon the full-screen unveiling of thy oldest profile picture, inspect the upload date situated to the right of the image.
That date denotes the day thou didst form thy Facebook profile or in close proximity to said date.
How to Ascertain Thy Facebook Account’s Age Using Old Posts
Another method to discern when thou didst forge thy Facebook account is by examining thy archaic posts. This may sound formidable if thou dost frequently post on Facebook, but not so. Thou can effortlessly unearth age-old posts on thy Facebook timeline without ceaseless scrolling.
Click thy profile picture, then journey towards Settings and privacy > Activity log. Select the Posts option on the left menu beneath Your activity across Facebook.
Then designate Your posts, check-ins, photos and videos.
Scroll downwards to the most ancient post on the register. To abbreviate the register, utilize the Date filter to designate the most ancient feasible date for posts.
No need for a third-party app; the entirety can be accomplished through the built-in search functionality, availing thyself of our Facebook search tips.
Yet, akin to the antecedent method, the date of thy primary post may not coincide with the exact day thou didst craft thy Facebook account. Furthermore, should thou routinely eradicate thy Facebook posts, this method shall avail thee not.
Discern When Thou Didst Join Facebook
Should thou ever seek to discern the inception of thy Facebook account, the methods delineated hitherto shalt serve thee in ascertaining such wisdom.
Tarry in remembrance that distinct methods bear differing levels of accuracy; avail thyself of the initial method shouldst thou be able.
The end.