How Do You Know If Someone Deleted You On Snapchat? 1

How Do You Know If Someone Deleted You On Snapchat?

Snapchat doesn’t make it easy to tell if someone has blocked or unfollowed you. When this happens, you won’t get a notification and you can’t ask the Snapchat team if this happened. (You can ask, but they won’t tell you.)

However, if you have some time and energy and can show some ingenuity, there are a few different strategies you can use to discover if someone is unfollowing you or blocking you.

In this article, I’ll go over these strategies and show you how to solve it.

How Do You Know If Someone Deleted You On Snapchat?

There are two methods you can use to find out if someone deleted you on Snapchat. I will consider both below.

Method 1

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One way to tell if someone has unfollowed you is to follow your followers list and check if someone has disappeared.

For example, let’s say you know that a certain person is following you at some point. If you also follow them, they should be on your friends list. Here’s how to double-check:

  1. From the camera screen, swipe right to your friends’ screen.
  2. Tap the search bar and type the name of the user you’re looking for.
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  3. Wait until their names appear.

When it does, you’ll see their names, Snapchat usernames, and instant scores. You can only see the instant scores of the people you follow who follow you back. If the score is there, the person has not stopped following you. If not…then it looks like they hit the deadly “Remove Friend” button.

Method 2

The status of the snaps you post is also a way to tell if someone has left you dry and dry. If they don’t follow you and you send them an instant message, it… goes nowhere. Here’s how to find out:

  1. On the home screen, tap the chat bubble icon in the lower left corner.
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  2. Double-tap the username you want to test.
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  3. Tap the circle icon to take a picture.
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  4. Tap the send arrow to send the message.
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  5. Check the attachment status of the person under their username on the chat screen. If it says “Pending…” and it was never delivered, or the arrow next to the username is greyed out, the user may have deleted you from their friend list.
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What If I Don’t Follow Them?

If you don’t follow the person, you won’t be able to see their instant score anyway, so this little trick won’t work. Unfortunately, other than that, there’s really no good way to tell if someone is following you.

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Another approach is to look at the people viewing your stories.

  1. Add a photo to your story.
  2. Click on Bitmoji, which will now be the preview of your story.
    How Do You Know If Someone Deleted You On Snapchat? 9
  3. Tap the picture in the list to view it.
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  4. Swipe up and tap the eye icon in the lower left corner.
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You can see the name of anyone who viewed that snap. You can tap the eye icon to see a list of names who viewed your story. Of course, not everyone who follows you will definitely look at everything you post, but if someone is noticeably missing, it’s a sign that they may have said goodbye.

How Do You Know If Someone Has Blocked You On Snapchat?

It’s actually pretty easy to figure out if someone has blocked you on Snapchat, but you’ll still need to do some research.

If at some point they’re your friends on Snapchat, check “My friends”. If they are still listed but you can no longer see their instant score, they have unfollowed you. If you can’t see them at all, they’ve blocked you (or deleted their account and exited Snapchat).

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The saddest of all search results

If Snapchat is not your friend, you can check by calling them. If you’re blocked, you shouldn’t be able to find or add usernames, even if you know them. Also, you can’t private message them.

How Do I Know If Someone Is Still Following Me After Unfriending

There are two ways to do this, but each has its problems. Naturally, a relatively insidious plan won’t be completely perfect!

Method 1 – Check Your Story

The problem with this method is that it is passive; You need to wait for the person you’re interested in to actually check your story. If they never do, you never know if they are still following you. On the plus side, it’s pretty easy to post a story that entertains other people who still follow you.

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  1. Create a story and add a photo.
  2. Wait and let people visit the story.
  3. Open your profile page and find the story under “Stories”.
    How Do You Know If Someone Deleted You On Snapchat? 10
  4. There will be a number and an eye icon below the story name; So many people viewed the story.
  5. Tap the icon and a list of people who viewed your story will open. If the person you’re interested in is there, you know they’re still following you.
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Method 2 – Add as Friend

The advantage of this method is that it allows you to check the status of the person you are interested in at any time, but the disadvantage is that they will see that you are friends with them from their past and will be fully aware of your presence.

  1. Add the person you are interested in as a friend.
  2. Tap the bitmoji next to their name.
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  3. If you can see their instant score, they are friends with you.

How To Tell If Someone Is Online

Unlike many social media apps, Snapchat doesn’t provide status indicators to let you know if another user is currently using the app. However, there is a reliable way to know if someone has been open lately.

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It’s a little more sneaky and requires some movement and some time, but it’s also effective.

  1. Find your friend in your friend list and press their bitmoji.
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  2. Note down their instant scores.
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  3. Wait a few minutes.
  4. Repeat 1-2.
  5. If the snap score has changed, your friend is online and is sending and receiving snaps.

Frequently Asked Questions

We found more answers to your questions here:

Does Snapchat send friend notifications?

You’ll get a notification if someone adds you, but not for other dating events. If someone deletes or blocks you, there will be no flashing red marks on Snapchat, only the ones we mentioned above.

If someone deletes me, can they still see my messages?

The answer to this question depends on your privacy settings. Assuming you are deleted and not blocked, the other user can receive your message if their privacy settings are configured to allow messages from anyone.

If they only accept messages from people they’re friends with, your message won’t be delivered and they won’t even know you’re trying to send a message.

Snapchat has a lot to offer. Getting to know the app layout and myriad features can be daunting. We hope we’ve helped you understand how user interactions work. There are many other tips, tricks, and little-known features on Snapchat.