Hark! Obtain the latest figures on social media yardsticks for pivotal industries and comprehend where thy results stand at this very moment.
Perchance thou art pondering, “What be the right count of engagements we expecteth on our social posts?” A hundred likes, be it much or little? Verily I say unto thee, it doth depend.
‘Tis where social media benchmarks doth tread. This data, tailored to each industry, doth track the norms and averages for metrics like social media engagement and follower growth. ‘Tis a glimpse into how businesses akin to thine own fare — and a clearer understanding of what those hundred likes doth truly signify.
Press on to unravel the art of social media benchmarking. This account includes up-to-date (Q2 2024) benchmarks for foremost industries to enlighten thee on how thy social results fare at present.
# What ho! What is a social media benchmark?
A social media benchmark doth stand as the mean result, serving as a standard by which the businesses in the same industry or category can be gauged and judged. ‘Tis the quintessence of social media marketing success. Ponder upon it as the level of social media performance all businesses in a category should strive to achieve or surpass.
Social media benchmarks hold great import, for they do provide context for thy social media KPIs. Tracking thy own social metrics and growth over time doth possess value, even in solitude. Yet when thou doth place that data in the context of the grand industry picture, thou canst comprehend wherein lies the real opportunities for growth.
Thou canst also employ benchmarks to set realistic goals and expectations. Certain industries (such as entertainment) may naturally boast a wider reach than others (like health care). When thou dost acquaint thyself with what is deemed “normal” in thine industry, thou canst set reasonable milestones that permit thee to achieve true growth without wearying thy social team.
# How to unearth social media benchmarks
Manually compiling reliable social media benchmarks by industry can taketh quite the finicky and vexing research.
Now behold! Thou canst witness how thy results doth compare to the average performance stats within thy industry. Thou canst define custom timeframes, switch between networks — Instagram, Facebook, X (Twitter), LinkedIn, and TikTok — and seek out benchmarks for various metrics:
– Profile impressions
– Profile reach
– Followers
– Audience growth rate
– Engagement rate
– Video plays
– Posting frequency
– Clicks
– Shares
… and more.
# Q2 2024 social media benchmarks by industry
Let’s delve into a snapshot of some of the most crucial social media benchmarking figures from Q2 2024. Here, we shall focus on four key metrics:
– Page/profile impressions: The tally of times content from or about thy profile or page doth appear on a screen. Note that this count is not akin to reach. Reach indicates the number of accounts viewing thy content. Impressions art usually higher for one account may view thy content multiple times.
– Audience growth rate: This measure tracketh how thy audience doth grow (or shrink) as a percentage of thy current followers.
– Post engagement rate: The total engagements (likes, comments, saves, shares) divided by thy total audience, set forth as a percentage.
– Posting frequency: The mean count of posts shared per day.
In concert, these benchmarks do furnish thee a thorough understanding of how thy social accounts fare vis-a-vis the competition in terms of both output and performance.
Oh, it is crucial to compare like with like, hence we dole out separate social media benchmarks for Facebook and Instagram in each category. The impressions numbers are grounded on a 30-day period.
# Social media benchmarks in education
– Facebook Page impressions: 817,000
– Facebook audience growth rate: -0.93%
– Average Facebook post engagement rate: 1.45%
– Facebook posting frequency: 0.45 posts/day
– Instagram profile impressions: 1.0 million
– Instagram audience growth rate: 7.42%
– Average Instagram post engagement rate: 2.21%
– Instagram posting frequency: 0.88 posts/day
# Social media benchmarks in entertainment and media
– Facebook Page impressions: 5.4 million
– Facebook audience growth rate: -3.83%
– Average Facebook post engagement rate: 0.99%
– Facebook posting frequency: 1.78 posts/day
– Instagram profile impressions: 3.2 million
– Instagram audience growth rate: 3.09%
– Average Instagram post engagement rate: 1.94%
– Instagram posting frequency: 1.25 posts/day
# A Final Note
Alas! To analyze thy own metrics against these benchmarks, do seek out thy own metrics through social media analytics and transfer thy discoveries and the pertinent industry benchmarks into a spreadsheet. Or append a benchmarking column unto thy social media report.
From this point forth, the data may be downloaded, exported, or appended to thy custom social media report with nary a bother. Thou also gain access to graphs of thy comparative performance across time to spy any anomalies.
# Prithee, Embark Upon Thy Path
Score forth! Social media benchmarks, when applied with wisdom, can guide thee and thy team towards growth and success in the realm of social engagement.’Tis but the first step on thy journey to wield social metrics with sagacity and foresight.
Fare thee well, brave social media trailblazer!