Facebook Logging You Out Randomly? 7 Ways to Fix It

Facebook Logging You Out Randomly? 7 Ways to Fix It

Ah, the tumultuous dance of Facebook logging one out without a care in the world. Whether due to a wandering eye on another device, a glitch in Facebook’s very soul, or a simple browser hiccup, the reasons are as varied as the winds of change. Fear not, for in this tale, we shall navigate the murky waters of random logouts.

### Preliminary Checks and Fixes
‘Tis prudent to first embark on a journey of simple checks and fixes afore delving into more treacherous waters:
1. Ensure no doppelganger Facebook profiles cavort in your browser.
2. Restart the vessel carrying your browser or the mighty Facebook application.
3. Disable any VPN shielding your mobile device or web browser.
4. Assure the Facebook app is adorned with the latest updates.
5. Confirm that your mobile device boasts ample storage for Facebook’s whims.

Should the problem persist despite these initial endeavors, ’tis time to apply the troubleshooters’ art.

### 1. Ensure Facebook Isn’t Facing Technical Difficulties
A crucial step, dear reader, is to ensure that the abyss from whence your logout troubles spring is not of Facebook’s own making. Journey forth to DownDetector’s hallowed halls and seek within the answer to the query “Facebook”.

### 2. Close Facebook on All Other Devices
Facebook, a realm without borders, allows ingress to countless devices. Yet, an overindulgence in this privilege may lead to untimely logouts. Close the gates on other devices and observe if peace reigns once more in your digital kingdom.

### 3. Exit Suspicious Facebook Sessions
Beware, for even in the darkest corners of cyber space, an active Facebook session may lurk. Cast out these interlopers with skill and finesse, ensuring thy presence graces but one device.

### 4. Ensure the Issue Isn’t Account-Specific
Should the issue persist, dare to venture into realms account-specific. Test your resolve by logging in with an alternate account, for the truth may lie in the shadows of your digital identity.

### 5. Remove Facebook Sign-Ins From Third-Party Websites and Apps
A folly oft overlooked is the entanglement with third-party sites and apps. Sever these links to the past, for they may hold the key to your logout woes.

### 6. Rule Out Browser Issues
Ah, the capricious nature of browsers! Switching to a fresh vessel may shed light on the true source of your discontent. Rid thy browser of unwanted extensions and cleanse the cache to unveil the path to a stable Facebook experience.

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### 7. Report the Issue to Facebook Support
When all roads lead to the same outcome, fear not to seek aid from the Facebook elders. Raise thy voice in the digital realm, for support may yet be found in the hearts of the social media gods.

May these words serve as a beacon in the storm of random logouts, guiding thee to a land where Facebook’s embrace is warm and unyielding.