Elon Musk will soon delete 1.5 billion Twitter accounts 1

Elon Musk will soon delete 1.5 billion Twitter accounts

Every Internet user has faced this intricate problem once in his life: when registering on a new platform and verifying his nickname, we are informed that this platform is already occupied by another user. This can be especially frustrating if the user account in question hasn’t been active for a while. Elon Musk has obviously come to the same conclusion and wants to fix it on Twitter.

The once not private billionaire announced the news, of course, on his favorite social network: Twitter will soon start publishing the names of 1.5 billion accounts ». In other words, we expect a huge cleaning in the accounts that the platform considers passive. Here’s what Elon Musk confirmed in a second tweet: “These are blatant account deletions that haven’t been tweeted or logged in for years”.

Your Twitter account risks being deleted if you don’t use it enough

Among the many disastrous decisions he’s taken since he took over Twitter – even to the point of writing a whole book – this latest whim of the businessman must be admitted makes sense. It seems useless to allow accounts to “squat” unless they use aliases that are coveted by other users. It’s hard not to underline the irony of the decision, especially after the rehabilitation of hated personalities.

However, there is the question of what defines an inactive account. If a user logs in to Twitter regularly but does not post any content, is he at risk of being deleted? Elon Musk does not specify. It goes without saying that if the purpose of the latter is to force Internet users to express themselves on the platform, the initially useful maneuver can quickly turn into a disastrous idea.

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