Does Tinder Gold Include Tinder Plus? 1

Does Tinder Gold Include Tinder Plus?

If you’re a keen user of Tinder, you may have noticed that the app itself has had its fair share of ‘pay to win’ opportunities, to put it in videogame terms.

Pretty true! – Battered players will easily explain the difference between highly skilled free-to-play users and foul and pay-to-win villagers who buy in-game power-ups to boost their performance. (Of course, purchasing an upgraded version of a game or app doesn’t mean you’re bad at it to begin with, so don’t worry about being called a ‘cheat’ if you’re browsing one of Tinder’s advanced ways. !)

Does Tinder Gold Include Tinder Plus? 2

Anyway, especially when it comes to Tinder, apart from the free ‘naked’ version, this app also comes in other forms designed to increase your chances of finding more matches on the platform! Of course, to access these upgraded versions of the app, you have to pay a certain monthly fee, depending on the type of features you get.

In this article, we will compare two advanced versions of Tinder – Tinder Plus and Tinder Gold, so that in the end, you can see which of the two best suits your needs! (Or really, if you prefer to stick with the base version instead.)

Tinder Plus – Advanced Features

Representing the first stage of progress in Tinder, Tinder Plus offers you some very interesting features to play with. All designed to give you more control over your profile and increase your chances of finding a match in this otherwise highly dynamic app. Here’s the deal, folks:

Unlimited Likes

One of the ways to express your noble feelings towards someone on Tinder is, (Or just sensual longing, whatever expression you find more appropriate for what’s going on.) shifts to the right. With Tinder Plus, you’ll be able to swipe right in six different ways until Sunday! (Or until your thumb falls off.) That way, no matter how unlucky you are with your Tinder exploits, you will surely find one.

Does Tinder Gold Include Tinder Plus? 3

Rewind Last Scroll

Every once in a while, in the midst of your fiery Tinder scrolling frenzy, you’ll find that you accidentally ‘swiped someone in the wrong direction’ to put the famous saying. Just with your regular Tinder deal, you can’t fix this little injustice, which may mean you can’t have a relationship with someone you truly love, or on the other hand, you have to put up with the shame. revealing yourself in front of someone who thinks you like them!

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With the Tinder Plus rewind feature, you can review your last swipe and change your direction if you think you messed up the first time! Pretty useful, right?

5 Super Likes a Day

If you’re wondering what a Super Like might be, here’s the deal: A regular like (or swipe right) implies that you like someone. A Super Like implies that you really like someone. That’s all, really. With Tinder Plus you get 5 per day, which is four more than you would get with a regular account! Make sure you use them wisely!

1 Increase per Month

On Tinder, a Boost represents a way to gain more exposure for half an hour on the platform. This may not sound like much, but remember that a temporary profile boost can dramatically increase your match count if used properly! (A Quick Note: Only use this Boost if you have a well-rounded profile worth revealing. Otherwise, you’ll get more people to see an uninteresting profile for half an hour!)

‘Swiping Passport’

One of Tinder’s innate traits is that it’s location-bound – meaning you get matches that are close to your living space. With Tinder Plus you will be able to circumvent this limitation and connect with people outside of your current residence! More locations equals more people to choose from! What is not love?

Does Tinder Gold Include Tinder Plus? 4

Tinder Gold – Tinder’s Second Level

While Tinder Gold has a rightful place as the king of all Tinder app releases, their differences are minimal compared to Tinder Plus, so to speak. You could even say that Tinder Plus and Tinder Gold are exactly the same with one essential feature exclusive to Tinder Gold. Here it is:

‘See Who Loves You’

With this nasty feature next to you, what else can you do- See who likes you on Tinder! Make no mistake, this represents a pretty big deal on the platform. Since the whole idea is to only match people who swipe right, having the ability to see people swiping right even if you don’t immediately respond can be an essential weapon in your Tinder arsenal!

Not only is this a no-brainer, it can also make you reconsider some of the choices you’ve made, thereby increasing your chances of finding the perfect match!

Here you go folks! The answer to the question in the title would be – YES, Tinder Gold pretty much includes Tinder Plus and then it has its own special feature! We hope you enjoyed this article and good luck with your Tinder searches!

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