11 Common Facebook Problems and Errors (and How to Fix Them)

11 Common Facebook Problems and Errors (and How to Fix Them)

Lo, the ubiquitous Facebook, used by nearly all yet plagued by various shortcomings. For every delightful tale or image that graces your feed, a dozen low-quality memes, vexing posts, and irksome user interface quirks follow suit.

A solution to these Facebook tribulations is at hand. Let us delve into remedies for common Facebook quandaries and glitches so that you may bid adieu to these annoyances once and for all.

1. Mandate Reviews for Tags

Ah, Facebook tagging, a whimsical feature on the surface, yet a privacy hazard in truth. Should someone snap an unflattering picture of you and tag your name, behold, all your acquaintances shall gaze upon it. Moreover, there exists a peril that one might glean excessive personal information from a tagged post.

In the year 2021, Facebook bid adieu to its facial recognition attribute, hence the service shall no longer discern your visage and propose it as a tag in snapshots for your comrades. Alas, manual tagging for photos and posts endures as an option.

Though one cannot fully impede photo tags on Facebook, one can shield others from viewing such tags. Venture to your profile at the pinnacle-right, thence proceed to Settings & privacy > Settings > Privacy > Profile and tagging to discover relevant options.

Herein, adjust the Who can see posts you’re tagged in on your profile? to Only me, should you wish to preclude tags from manifesting entirely. Furthermore, beneath Reviewing, modify settings to necessitate your consent before tags are visible to your friends.

If Facebook Tagging Fails

Should Facebook tagging seem inert, wherein typing @ followed by one’s name yields no result, the cause likely lies in your friend disabling this option on their account. Endeavor to tag another individual and observe if success abounds. If issues persist, refer to sections #10 and #11 below for guidance on addressing deeper Facebook maladies.

2. Silencing Prolific Posters on Facebook

Lo, we all acquaint an individual who incessantly floods Facebook with their discourse:

  • An uncle who incessantly shares political diatribes.
  • Your grandfather, unfamiliar with Facebook’s nuances, who posts inconsequential content daily.
  • That one friend inundating the feed with pet pictures.
  • An old college chum copy-pasting a grainy JPEG festooned with grammatical errors to profess their detestation of cancer.

Such scenarios beget a Facebook friend dilemma. We shun not these individuals, for they are dear to us, yet we grow wearied of encountering their posts. The remedy lies in unfollowing them; henceforth, their updates shall evade your purview while your bond remains unscathed.

To unfollow an individual on Facebook, venture to their profile page. Below their cover image on the right, a box labeled Friends shall appear. Click thereupon, then opt for Unfollow.

Behold, you shall be liberated from their posts. Fear not, for you may still peruse their timeline at your leisure. Should you reconsider, a mere click of the Follow button shall reinstate their posts in your feed.

As a transient solution, one may opt to click the three-dot Menu icon on any post and select Snooze [Name] for 30 days. Thus, their posts shall remain veiled for a month, affording you a respite from their content.

Unfollowing an individual doth not dispatch a notification, hence fret not. Should you desire to view a compendium of all unfollowed persons, click your profile image at the apex-right of Facebook and select Settings & privacy > Feed.

Henceforth shall emerge a menu, whereupon selecting Reconnect shall unveil all those whom you have unfollowed. Click the Plus button to re-follow any among them.

3. Elevate Key Friends to Prominence

Amidst the continuum of prolific posts, there exist friends whose musings thou wouldst not forego. Facebook’s ever-shifting algorithms oft obscure updates from such souls. In combating this, one may designate select friends to grant their updates premier placement in the Facebook feed.

Visit the page of said friend whose posts thou art loathe to miss. Once more, behold the Friends box, yet this time, select Favorites. Facebook shall then accord precedence to updates from that individual upon refreshing the feed. Up to 30 persons may be enshrined within the hallowed precincts of the Favorites list.

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To ascertain who resides on thy Favorites list, return to the Feed panel and opt for Favorites. This shall illuminate all thy friends; click All atop and amend the box to Favorites Only to discern those enshrined and expeditiously remove them should need arise.

4. Eschew Targeted Advertisements on Facebook

Facebook, that purveyor of targeted ads, reaps its bounty from advertising. Thus, it tirelessly endeavors to serve thee with the most pertinent ads in hopes of thy engagement. By default, Facebook shadows thy cyber peregrinations and doth tailor ads to thy browsing habits. Yet fear not, for thou may opt out of these personalized entreaties and instead encounter more generalized ads crafted from thy public attributes.

Astride this path, embark by clicking thine profile image at the zenith-right of Facebook’s interface, whence select Settings & privacy > Settings. Towards the left, spy the See more in Accounts Center link, as this setting imbues all thy Meta accounts. Upon this fresh page, select Ad preferences > Ad settings.

Lo, a panorama of categories shall unfold. Elect No below Activity information from ad partners and Facebook shall abstain from leveraging thy activities on foreign sites to craft ads upon Facebook.

Delve into the Categories used to reach you to thwart Facebook from wielding thine employer, education, and relationship status to tailor ads. Descend to the nethermost recesses and designate Remove for any themes thou wisheth not to influence ads.

In like manner, Audience-based advertising unveils advertisers encompassing thee within their lists rooted in thy particulars or activities. Survey these rosters, discern thy presence, and curtail their employment in showcasing ads unto thee herein.

Rendering Social interactions unto Only Me shall forestall Facebook from exploiting thy liked pages to disseminate ads unto thy companions.

Lastly, shouldst thou disable the slider in Ads shown off of Meta, websites embracing Meta’s ad services cease to wield thy profile in shaping ads outside the confines of Facebook.

5. Withhold Public Posts

As thou dost tire of others’ posts on Facebook, so too mayst thou seek reprieve from sharing thine updates with particular friends. Perhaps thou art loath for thy supervisor to espy thy diversions on a day off, or art weary of thy sibling’s repeated commentary upon thy life. By several stratagems, thou may easily shield thy posts from certain eyes.

Shouldst thou wish to conceal a post from one temporarily, within the Create Post window, despy the audience selector button beneath thy name. This oft displays as Friends or Public, yet the audience menu proffers sundry options to specify who shall glimpse thine updates.

One such option is to select Friends except and espy for any friends thou dost not wish to partake in thy post. Click yon crimson Remove and thereafter Save Changes to ensconce them from viewing said post.

Alternatively, thou may elect Specific friends to solely share with chosen individuals. For greater granularity, assay the Custom option, whereby specific individuals or lists may be targeted for viewing the post while shielding others therefrom.

To sequester someone from thine posts in perpetuity, relegate them unto thy Restricted list. Denizens thereof shall glimpse naught thou dost post unless mandated Public or tagged therein. To consign someone to this list, frequent their page, opt the Friends button, and thence click Edit Friend List. Descend to the Restricted list and thence inscribe their name therein.

Within this chamber lies the option to assign said individual to the Close Friends circle. This roster facillates exclusive sharing with thy most trusty of friends, manifested within the audience selector.

6. Abate Disruptive Auto-Playing Videos

Alas, few relish videos that commence playing as thou dost scroll past. They clamor forthwith and may engender surprise should thy volume lay unmarked. Shouldst thou linger upon a metered connection, they constitute a squander of data.

To yet off auto-play for videos on Facebook, retrace thy steps to thine profile picture and opt for Settings & privacy > Settings. The Videos tab shall beckon on the left; set the Auto-Play Videos to Off.

7. Quell Tedious App Invitations

Of games myriad doth Facebook boast, the majority crafted to fritter thy time or liberate thy coin. Should thy spirit groan from the incessant pleas of friends beseeching extra lives in Facebook games, thou shalt find solace in blocking all Facebook invitations and requests by game or person.

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To embark upon this course, once more traverse to Settings & privacy > Settings > Privacy and veer towards the left to the Blocking tab. Alas, to the Block app invites section, direct thine steps. Click Edit and inscribe the name of any friend whose ceaseless bidding hath vexed thee. Hereafter, all entreaties pertaining to games from them shall be blithely obstructed. This shall not impact other interactions with said individual on Facebook.

An app’s name may likewise be enscribed within the Block apps domain, precluding its overtures and exploitation of thy non-public Facebook lore. Shouldst thou desire, employ the adjacent fields to meticulously block individuals on Facebook through diverse conduits.

8. Tailor the Facebook Interface to Thine Liking

Methinks that the default options permit scant alteration to Facebook’s interface elements. Shouldst thou aspire to elevate thy Facebook customization unto greater heights, the installation of a Facebook-transforming browser extension is requisite.

Supreme among them is Social Fixer. Veiled in the guise of a browser extension for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera, it proffers numerous improvements as a ready boon.

To refine its operations, click upon the wrench icon on each Facebook page whereupon materializing and select Social Fixer Options to tailor thy Facebook odyssey.

Social Fixer presents a panoply of delights, yet some among them beg mention:

  • Automatically summon the Most Recent view in thy News Feed (General tab).
  • Enlist Ctrl + Enter over Enter to dispatch comments (General tab).
  • Activate the Friend Manager to be apprised when individuals unfriend thee (General tab).
  • Employ the Hide Posts tab to obfuscate updates neath certain words.
  • Summon premade Filters to winnow politics, plot spoilers, and more.
  • Engage Display Tweaks to veil certain irksome interface elements.

Dive into the Social Fixer options whence shalt thou uncover myriad avenues to transform the vexing parts of Facebook.

Solutions for Common Facebook Fallacies

As such, let us conclude by proffering counsel for addressing common Facebook snags that perchance cross thy path.

9. Aye, Thou Hast Forgotten Thy Facebook Countersign

Veil not thy brows nor succumb to despair should thine Facebook login elude remembrance. A comprehensive guide awaiteth on reclaiming thy Facebook account should thy path to access be obscured. Shouldst thou fear a breach of thy account, swift action is imperative.

10. Thou Canst Not Connect to Facebook

Given Facebook’s stature as one of the virtual realm’s behemoths, it seldom languishes in outage. Thus, shouldst thou find thyself unable to access Facebook, the malady likely plagues thine own demesne. Herein lies a sequence to diagnose if Facebook be fouled:

  1. Peruse a site such as Down for Everyone to ascertain if Facebook doth languish in the shadows. Should this be so, patience must needs be thy virtue.
  2. Survey another site to ensure thine connection remains robust. Should it languish, resort to our guide in rectifying internet connection snags.
  3. Purge thy browser’s cache and cookies, or assay Facebook within an incognito window or an alternative browser. Shouldst success crown this endeavor, thine current browser may be askew.
  4. Disable any VPNs or tracker-barring extensions, then reattempt connection to Facebook bereft thereof.
  5. Reboot thy PC and router.

These stratagems shall prove beneficial in cases of loading errors, such as when the “see more” button hath lost its vigor on Facebook, or when a quest proclaims “More results may be available; see more when you’re back online”. Chances are that a blight besets thy browser or connection thereto. Reboot thy PC and traverse to Facebook with another browser when such woes betide.

11. Facebook Cries “There Was a Problem…”

Countless are Facebook’s errors commencing thusly: “there was a problem,” be it There was a problem following this profile or Sorry, there was a problem tagging someone in this post. Oft these errors are entwined with the privacy settings of yon account.

Should such warnings assail thee, the other party may have blocked thee on Facebook, disabled tagging, or otherwise tinkered with their privacy settings. Shouldst doubt assail thee, a parley with them may assuage thy concerns, though such disquisition may prove awkward.

Upon encountering such missives, foster basic Facebook troubleshooting. Refresh the page, assay logging out and in afresh, and ensure no network disarray besets thee. Shouldst thou embark upon this path, solicit counsel from a mutual friend to ascertain if akin tribulations assail them. This shall confirm or quash thy suspicion of having been barred or restricted.

How to Mend Facebook Tribulations With Ease

Verily, we have imparted remedies for sundry Facebook tribulations and blunders. By manipulating the requisite settings or invoking powerful extensions, thou shalt confer unto thyself a more felicitous Facebook sojourn.

Numerous are the facets of Facebook awaiting mastery, hence acquaint thyself with its diverse elements for a rich and rewarding experience.

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