Can You Tell If Someone Deleted Your DM On Instagram? 1

Can You Tell If Someone Deleted Your DM On Instagram?

Instagram’s Direct Messaging (DM) is a neat feature that lets you communicate privately with your friends and followers. It connects you in many great ways, from sending them stickers, photos, videos, to sending them direct posts you think they might want to see. Direct Messaging is a common feature on most social media platforms, but Instagram has a creatively unique messaging system. Instagram calls its direct messaging feature “Instagram Direct”.

As with other direct messaging platforms, someone may feel the need to delete a message. Whatever the reason, the sender may wonder if the recipient removed the content they sent. So, can you remember a message on Instagram and tell if someone deleted your DM?

These are very common questions among Instagram users. Instagram may be all about looks, but direct messaging also plays an important role in the Instagram experience. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but you still need those words to communicate effectively with others on Instagram.

Like other social networks, surviving on Instagram requires learning about communication and the many informal rules that surround it. While this is too big a topic for an article, I can show you how to use Instagram Direct.

Let’s take a look at whether you can understand if someone deleted your DM on Instagram and some other features of Instagram’s Direct Message feature.

How to Access Instagram Direct

Instagram Direct lets you communicate directly with one or more people over the network without having to post anything to your public feed. You can post videos, images, chats, files, locations, hashtags and all that good stuff.

To access Instagram Direct, follow these steps:

  1. Open a feed and select the paper plane icon located in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. Tap the top right icon to compose a new message and add the person you want to message. Then tap ‘Chat’.
  3. On the next screen, type your message and tap Send.

Can You Tell If Someone Deleted Your DM On Instagram? 2

If you’re sending a message to someone you’ve DMed before, tapping the paper airplane icon will take you to the list of people you’ve messaged before. Just scroll down to find the person you want to DM and from there you can manage the messages you sent or write a new one.

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You can add media using the media icon. You can also send lost media using the color camera icon.

Can You Tell If Someone Deleted Your DM On Instagram?

While communication is a two-way street, notification is not. Instagram gives you some details about the outcome of your message, but not everything. By sent, delivered and seen you can tell a little, but not much else. Even social media must have some secrets!

You can’t really tell if someone has deleted your DM on Instagram. You can tell if it was delivered or seen based on the notification you received. Instagram doesn’t tell you what, beyond letting you know the message has been delivered and whether the recipient has seen the message.

If your message says ‘Seen’ but there is no response, it’s a good idea to wait before jumping to conclusions. If they reply to you later, it’s clear they didn’t delete your message.

Can You Post an Instagram Direct Message?

Can You Tell If Someone Deleted Your DM On Instagram? 3

Have you ever sent someone a message that you regret? Don’t worry, you are not alone.

We’ve all done it and it’s apparently called The Fear™. When you send a message to the wrong person or send a very wrong message to the right person. It usually happens when you are drunk, seriously tired or sad and can have serious consequences for your social life. Sometimes you want to reverse what you’re doing.

Fortunately, there is a way to remember messages on Instagram along with other social networks. To ‘cancel sending’ a message you sent using Instagram Direct just follow these steps:

  1. Select the Instagram Direct message you want cancel sending.
  2. Tap and hold this message until a popup appears.
  3. Tap Cancel sending.

Can You Tell If Someone Deleted Your DM On Instagram? 4

If the recipient has not seen the Instagram Direct Message, they cannot. Unfortunately, if the recipient has seen your Instagram Direct Message, then of course it’s too late. The message will still be deleted, but the damage will be done.

Can You Tell If Someone Deleted Your DM On Instagram? 5

How to Post a Disappearing Photo or Video Using Instagram Direct

Disappearing messages is a great idea first popularized by Snapchat. Like all good ideas, it has been copied and used elsewhere on the internet. This is a useful feature that allows you to send pictures or videos that will disappear after being seen. Once the message is sent, it will disappear from your outbox and the recipient’s inbox when viewed. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to prevent the receiver from taking a screenshot of the media.

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To post a disappearing photo or video using Instagram Direct:

  1. Select New Message as you normally would.
  2. Select the blue picture icon to take or attach a video or picture located to the left of the chat bar.
  3. Take the photo you want to send
  4. Use the scroll bar to tap ‘.View Once.’
  5. Press Submit.

Can You Tell If Someone Deleted Your DM On Instagram? 6

When you’re in ‘Effects’, you’ll see ‘One View’, ‘Allow Replay’ or ‘Keep In Chat’. ‘Single View’ allows the recipient to view the content only once. ‘Allow Replay’ allows a single replay of a video and ‘Keep Chat’ allows a preview image to remain in the chat thread. Once the relevant criteria are met, the image or video will still disappear.

Can You Direct Message Someone You Don’t Follow On Instagram?

Messaging happens between followers most of the time and that’s okay. Most people don’t feel the need to privately message strangers on social media.

Still, there may be times when you see someone on a broadcast or elsewhere and want to contact them directly for some reason. Fortunately, with Instagram Direct, you can:

  1. Select the recipient from a feed or anywhere and select the ‘Message’ icon on the person’s profile page.
  2. Write the message and send it normally.
  3. The recipient will see the message as a request rather than a DM and can choose whether to reply or not.

If they reply, you can follow them and use Instagram Direct as normal, or continue messaging without following them. You can’t send disappearing messages, but regular Instagram Direct messages work fine.