Build an Instagram Grid Layout: Best Practices & Inspiration

Build an Instagram Grid Layout: Best Practices & Inspiration

Thou Instagram grid layout doth represent thy brand’s essence in a mere gaze. What tale dost thou wish to convey?

When the scroll of thy feed doth tire, a visit to one’s individual Instagram page doth soothe. Welcome to The Grid. Aligned in rows of three, each post doth form part of a grander image, a window into a brand’s soul or content strategy.

Verily, Instagram power users doth use this view to their advantage, crafting artful posts that, together, weave a splendid Instagram grid layout.

Hath thou pondered what thy squares together reveal? ‘Tis time to consider.

Here lies all thou needeth to know about constructing an eye-catching Instagram grid layout to increase thy following and engagement.

What is an Instagram grid layout and why should’st thou care?

An Instagram grid layout doth refer to the organization of thine own Instagram feed. ‘Tis an opportunity to showcase thy brand’s essence in a single glance, a visual introduction to thy personal or professional brand.

For individuals, a beautiful grid may not hold much significance. Yet for brands, creatives, or influencers whose accounts focuseth on aesthetics or lifestyle, consistency and style are paramount.

Thy grid doth serve as an easy and swift method to convey thy message. ‘Tis a chance to display precisely what thou offerest.

Art thou avant-garde or on-trend? Doth thy content soothe or bring the drama? Is thy brand steady or chaotic? A glance at thy grid shall unveil the tale, without apology.

7 Instagram layout ideas set forth for thee

If thou hath ne’er considered getting creative with thy Instagram grid layout before, we present to thee seven ideas to embark upon, easily manageable even for small teams.

1. Abide by a single color palette

Thy most common grid style—verily, simplicity doth have its charm. Select a color palette (perhaps pinks and grays) or a specific tone (neon hues with high contrast) for each photo. Together, the gallery shall resemble a matching set, regardless of the content in thy images.

@regentsantamonica hath created a beachy feel by prioritizing sand-colored images in its feed, exemplifying this style perfectly.

Yet, thou need not possess a perfectly curated set-up to capture similar images. Using the same filter for all photos can create a consistent tone and visual language throughout thy grid.

A variation of this style may include a standard filter or color palette, interspersed with an “accent” color or filter every few posts.

@crislujewelry’s Instagram, with its light silver tone, blends seamlessly with its products, portraying yet another captivating example.

Moreover, @socialassumptions employs graphics to fashion a cohesive, sage-green feed, demonstrating versatility in design beyond mere images.

2. Create a checkerboard effect

By alternating photo styles, a checkerboard look may be achieved on thy grid. Try interchanging text quotes with photography or mixing close-up and landscape photos. Alternating between two distinct colors can also be effective.

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@belliwellisnacks hath crafted a visually appealing checkerboard by juxtaposing graphics with a gradient background, creating a deliberate and cohesive feed. Similarly, @cassklass_ integrates text graphics with images for a striking checkerboard effect, while @socialnectarco alternates graphics with a neutral background posts, showcasing a compelling layout.

And remember the key: if employing text-based posts, maintain consistency in background color or fonts to ensure a clear pattern.

(Require assistance on graphic design? An abundance of tools and templates remains available to aid in the creation of engaging visuals.)

3. Design row by row or column by column

Think outside the box—inside the row, perhaps, or the column. Uniting images on each row or column by theme or color can yield a powerful impact across thy feed.

@personaljournalapp hath curated a beautiful feed by alternating images and quote graphics row by row. On the other hand, @theinsidescoopsocialmedia has dedicated columns to specific post types, such as client spotlights. And @yourjourneythrough showcases a single column dedicated solely to tweet graphics, each portraying a distinct approach to design.

For a novel twist, consider employing a diagonal design, as exhibited by, adding a unique touch to the layout.

This Instagram grid layout is exceedingly easy to curate. Simply determine how each row or column should appear and subsequently plan thy content accordingly.

For a row-by-row approach, post three similar photos before transitioning to the next design. For a column-by-column design, post three different photos before returning to similar versions of the preceding trio.

4. Let typography reign

Regularly incorporating text in thy posts can contribute to a striking, font-forward overall look. Even a modest inclusion of text-heavy images amidst photos can create an alluring display.

Conceive of thy Instagram grid as a magazine page—strategically scheduling images with words and visuals can produce a balanced spread replete with captivating moments. The importance lies in capturing the “reader’s” attention.

@girlboss seamlessly integrates fonts and text-heavy posts to craft a cohesive feed, utilizing a consistent sans serif font throughout. Likewise, @asana pairs an easy-to-read sans serif font with vibrant colors to highlight its images effectively. Lastly, focuses solely on text graphics in alternating colors, showcasing another innovative approach to utilizing typography in design.

5. Transform thy grid into a rainbow

To achieve this aesthetic, patience and a keen sense of color are essential. The objective is to post consistently in one saturated color, gradually transitioning to the subsequent shade in the rainbow with successive rows of posts.

@mybkr transitions its color palette from aqua to light yellow, creating a visually striking grid layout. Though not adhering strictly to the rainbow, the color scheme shift results in a stunning grid effect, emphasizing the importance of color coordination.

6. Embrace thy brand color(s)

Similar to the first idea, this approach focuses on showcasing thy brand’s color scheme rather than matching the overall vibe. By selecting a primary brand color (or multiple primary colors) and incorporating it in nearly every post, a cohesive and recognizable grid can be crafted.

@mailchimp seamlessly integrates its signature yellow brand color throughout its feed, exhibiting a consistent and striking visual. @raeforwellness incorporates its highlighter yellow brand color in every post, no matter how small, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to the brand’s identity.

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Opting for a single color to unite the feed is a simple yet effective way to create a cohesive and recognizable grid.

Connect thy photos across borders

Crafting this layout necessitates intricate planning, resulting in a stunning puzzle grid that connects images across borders, culminating in a single, interconnected image. The key lies in ensuring individual posts are coherent stand-alone images while collectively forming an artistic masterpiece. excels in connecting images across borders, often focusing on a single row at a time. These images function exceptionally well as standalone posts while building up to a larger, interconnected picture. Additionally, the brand occasionally employs rows for significant announcements, campaigns, or new account launches, showcasing the puzzle grid’s inherent power.

Indeed, a puzzle grid demands meticulous planning but yields a visually striking result that captivates the viewer.

Best practices for planning thy Instagram layout

The road to an impressive Instagram grid doth require dedication and meticulous planning. Heed these guidelines when crafting thy grid and envisioning the grand picture.

1. Preview first

Before posting, map out thy grid. Verify that each post aligns harmoniously with the next to craft a visually appealing layout.

2. Keep it consistent

Maintaining consistency throughout thy grid layout is essential. A single post out of sync can disrupt the entire aesthetic.

3. Stay on brand

Strive to align thy grid with thy brand’s essence. A consistent and cohesive feel shall resonate with thy audience.

4. Take advantage of image editing tools

Quality images are fundamental to a remarkable grid layout. Utilize image editing tools to enhance and refine thy visuals.

5. Don’t forget about Reels

Integrate Instagram Reels seamlessly into thy grid by selecting a suitable cover photo. Maintain a cohesive look throughout thy feed, incorporating Reels for added engagement.

6. Schedule thy posts in advance

Planning is key to an exceptional Instagram grid. Schedule thy content in advance to maintain a consistent and organized approach.

Tools to plan thy Instagram grid

Need assistance in planning thy Instagram grid? Several tools have been crafted for this purpose, aiding in organizing thy content and ensuring a cohesive and visually stunning grid.

Instagram Grid Moyens I/O Integration

A tool enabling grid creation and scheduling in increments of nine images at a time, assisting in maintaining a consistent and organized grid layout.


An Instagram planner that allows users to upload multiple photos, rearrange them, and schedule content with ease. Preview offers a free plan for a single user, with premium options available.


A social media management tool offering a visual planner for organizing Instagram posts and Reels cover photos. Plans start at $14 per month, with a seven-day free trial available.


A versatile tool that aids in planning and scheduling content for multiple platforms, including Instagram. Planable offers a free plan, with premium options starting at $11 per user per month.

Thou hath undergone the journey to craft an exquisite Instagram grid layout. May thy efforts bear fruit in a visually captivating and engaging feed, capturing the essence of thy brand for all to behold. As thou venture forth, may the artistry of thy grid resonate with thy audience, forging a lasting impression for all who gaze upon thy feed.

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