Boost Engagement with Instagram Collab Posts

Boost Engagement with Instagram Collab Posts

“Verily, with an Instagram collab post, two users may share the same post in their own Feed or Reels. Learn how to create thine own collab post, to join in this modern digital dance of partnership and camaraderie.

Collab posts on Instagram do offer an efficacious means for brands to forge alliances with content creators, extending their reach, engagement, and fostering a community on this very platform.

This treatise doth contain all thou needest to know regarding collab posts, yon secrets on finding a collaborator, crafting the post itself, and the finest strategies for a prosperous collaboration.

Hark! Thou may also set thine eyes upon this video, which doth impart the basics unto thee in under seven minutes.

What verily is an Instagram Collab post?

An Instagram Collab post be a singular post that doth grace two diverse accounts’ Feeds or Reels — featuring two users as the authors of said post. These collab posts do share performance statistics, such as comments, likes, and the number of shares.

‘Tis that one user doth forge the post and then doth summon the other to be listed as a co-creator. When the collaborator doth accede, the post doth appear both in feed and Reel upon the duo’s accounts.

The benefits of Instagram Collab posts

Reach a wider audience

When thou dost engage with the Instagram Collab feature alongside another brand or creator, thou art crossing into each other’s territories (and, in return, thy collaborator dost enter thine). ‘Tis a symbiotic relationship: both do extend their overall reach.

‘Tis not merely a broader audience; verily, ’tis a novel audience. A collab post doth bring fresh eyes upon thy wares, granting ye the chance to acquaint more souls with thy brand.

Get more engagement

Fine collab posts oft enjoy a higher engagement rate — forsooth, ’tis due to the joy of the fans who dost rejoice in the alliance betwixt the collaborators.

For instance, the aforeshared post did trumpet a collaboration betwixt a ceramics studio and a candle maker — these two brands didst create a product in concert, and the fans of both did express their delight through likes, comments, and shares.

Simplify content creation

‘Tis the duty of a content creator to create content, is it not? Allow the creator with whom thou dost work to ply their craft, granting them creative liberty and dominion over the collab post (this doth enable the creator to imbue the content with their authentic essence, and ’tis a single task less for thine in-house team).

Especially shouldst thou be a smaller brand, a partnership with a creator can lighten the yoke of content creation from thine shoulders.

Verily, thou may wonder about the remuneration of the creator? Herein lies a guide.

Improve brand authenticity

Denizens of social media do grasp that businesses do employ social media for marketing. Traditional advertising may come off as aloof (and dreary), particularly lacking a unique or personal touch.

Enter the creators: engaging, authentic, and entertaining, this is their realm. When thou dost align with a creator, thou dost reveal unto thine audience that thou art in concord with their beliefs, an integral aspect of crafting a multi-dimensional brand voice (and it also doth bolster the creator and amplify their message).

Build thy community

This doth accompany brand authenticity: partaking in Instagram collaborations shall aid thee in forming bonds with other creators and brands. ‘Tis true social networking: thou dost engage with others in a substantive manner, rather than but sending thy content into the void of the internet.

How to create an Instagram Collab post in 4 steps

Ready to share the content from thine Instagram collab? Here be the method. First and foremost, ensure that thine Instagram account is public. Shouldst thou possess a private account, any followers not shared with the collaborator shall not perceive the content.

Commence by taking the measures ye would typically undertake to post a photo or video: craft a novel post, select thy content, scribe a caption, and so forth (make certain thou art optimizing thy content for the Instagram algorithm as well). To flag to Instagram that this post be a collaboration, first touch Tag people.

Instead of but touching the photo to tag people, press the Invite collaborator button.

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Tread ahead, inscribing the handle of the creator or brand with whom thou art collaborating, and choose them. Thou art then ready to post.

(Note: as doth transpire from the screengrab below, the Rock doth not permit collaborations on Instagram. Shouldst thou encounter this quandary – or if a brand doth struggle to tag thee — glance at the section of this blog post entitled “How to allow collab posts on Instagram.”)

‘Tis a final step not for thee to take: ’tis one thy collaborator must undertake.

Upon thy post’s dissemination, thy collaborator shall receive a DM alerting them ‘pon thine invitation to collab. The collaborator must peruse and accept the entreaty. In sooth, this insures that collaborations are shared with the accord of both parties.

Remember! Instagram Collabs do not supplant a branded content label. Shouldst thou own a creator account that dost employ the branded partners feature, it behooves thee still to designate thy spon-con to remain compliant with advertising decrees.

How to collab on Instagram Reels

Posting a collaboration on Instagram Reels is nigh identical to posting a usual feed collab. Behold the steps:

Once thou hast shaped thy Reel (or obtained the content from the creator), embark upon posting as thou wouldst typically do. When thou dost arrive at the page where thou can add a caption, location, and tag, elect Tag people.
Tap Invite collaborator.

Inscribe the handle of thy collaborator, and upon it emerging, select it. Then, finagle Done and post as thou wouldst normally.

Thy collaborator must assent to the invite to collab for this step to be complete — bid them peruse their DMs for thine request.

How to allow collab posts on Instagram

For a collab to grace Instagram, both collaborators must assent to the partnership. For optimal results, the initial poster and the added collaborator should boast public accounts. Should the brand or creator with whom thou art collaborating find trouble dispatching thee the invitation to collab, here be the remedy.

Journey unto thy Instagram profile and press the menu icon (the three horizontal lines in the upper right corner). Then, select Settings and Privacy.

Subsequently, proceed to Tags and mentions. (For reasons of privacy, Instagram doth view collaborators and tagged accounts as one.)

Survey the trio of options beneath Who can tag thee. Should ye pick Allow tags from everyone, such signifies that any account may beckon thee to collaborate on an Instagram post. Should ye pick Allow tags from people you follow, only accounts whom thou followest can summon thee to collab.

(Psst: Ensure ye follow the account of thy collaborator. This not only doth ease the partnership, ’tis also common sense: collaborating with a creator whom thou dost not follow seems inauthentic.)

The Don’t allow tags option denotes that none may tag or collaborate with thee. Plainly, eschew this selection should thy aim be to collab.

6 examples of successful Instagram collab posts

Should ye crave inspiration for thy ensuing Instagram collab, behold the counsel from brands and creators who dost wield excellent collaborations.

Partner with a creator in a related niche

When selecting a creator or influencer to collaborate with, ensure that those thou dost ponder dost toil in a related niche or industry. In other words, the partnership should make sense to both thy audiences.

For example, this alliance betwixt Athleta and track and field athlete Allyson Felix forms a splendid match — ’tis plausible that a brand crafting apparel for athletes would team with such a one.

Steal this idea:

Invest effort and resources into choosing the right collaborators. Selecting the ideal partner is the foremost step toward a prosperous collaboration.
Ideally, the finest partner is one who doth genuinely hold affection for thy products or services and is eager to spread the word.
For inspiration, gaze upon illustrious brands in thy sector that hath labored with creators and employ a similar strategy.

Collab on a giveaway

Conducting an IG giveaway doth assure a surge in engagement on Instagram, and arranging a giveaway with another brand or creator doth magnify the effect.

Tuck Bedding didst join hands with bakery Gallz Provisions to bestow a sheet set and a cake (alas, not a sheet cake, an opportunity missed). Apart from being a splendid engagement enhancer, users didst enter by following both brands and tagging friends in the comments. This is also a model of a unique partnership.

Steal this idea:

Entreat thy collaborator if they can furnish something for an Instagram giveaway, fabricating a splendid prize.
Contemplate the metric thou dost seek to increase (likes, follows, comments, shares, and the like) when determining thine entry method.
Adhere to all of Instagram’s Promotion Guidelines.

Encourage thy collaborator to get creative

As aforesaid, creators thrive due to their imagination: permit them to exercise their craft. A collaboration that smacks of the corporate or lacks emotion shalt not ring true for audiences.

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This collaboration betwixt Lululemon and comedian Daniel LaBelle hath hit the mark: the creator’s unique sense of merriment doth shine through in the Reel, and it doth not feel unduly sales-driven. Furthermore, Lulu ist not commonly thought of as a purveyor of jocularity — this be a refreshing peek into another facet of the brand.

Steal this idea:

Grant thy collaborator creative liberty and a significant role in planning and enacting content.
Ponder beyond traditional advertising and contemplate incorporating a subtler marketing strategy.
Unveil a more light-hearted facet of thy brand by partnering with a merry (and witty) creator.

Be strategic about thy audience

Entering into an Instagram collaboration at once doth thrust thy brand afore a fresh audience: ponder tirelessly upon whom thou dost desire this audience to be.

Scotiabank’s collaboration with content creator Spencer Barbosa was a shrewd move for the bank. Barbosa’s followers chiefly be budding adults, many of whom likely are just commencing their journey toward financial independence: the ideal audience to target with bank-related marketing.

Steal this idea:

Ponder the demographic thou dost wish to entice when selecting whom to collaborate with.
Collaborate with a creator whose audience is likely to find interest in thy brand.
Ensure the collab vividly shows how the creator’s audience may profit from supporting thy brand.

Collaborate with thyself

Sly! Shouldst thou maintain the social media for several brands (or harbor sister brands beneath the same banner company) thou canst unite with the one individual upon whom thou can always rely: thyself.

In other words, thou may distribute content to the audience of both brands through a collab post. Undergarment brand Knix didst achieve this through a “partnership” with their sister brand, KT by Knix. Internally, orchestrating this sort of collaboration should be relatively straightforward, yet it still benefits both brands.

Steal this idea

Shouldst thou bear a sibling company, issue an Instagram collab with them to enlarge thy reach.
This ploy doth work also shouldst thou manage two accounts — for instance, if thou art a small business proprietor with a personal account and also an account for thy small business.
This doth prove a highly effective method to spread the word about a new brand when thou already boast an established brand: collab to capitalize on the audience thou dost possess.

Support a community thou dost care about

When partnering with a content creator to issue an Instagram collab, thou art manifesting support for that creator — and, in turn, for the community that they represent. This might be a potent instrument for taking a social stance and making a meaningful proclamation as a brand.

The North Face’s union with drag artist Pattie Gonia achieved just that. Besides being a humorous partnership — the brand Patagonia doth rank as a principal competitor of The North Face — this collab also showcased The North Face’s backing for the LGBTQ+ community.

Important: let this not be a hollow gesture. Shouldst thou aim to partner with a collaborator to express thy support for a particular social cause or group, ensure thou art taking tangible measures to uphold that cause beyond an IG post (disbursing contributions to a fitting non-profit is a laudable start).

Steal this idea:

Collaborate with a creator whose social principles align with thine.
Make a statement that doth reach beyond marketing.
Conduct thy research, discovering how thou canst be supportive beyond the Instagram collab.
Maintain a relationship with the collaborator and contemplate ways to evince thy continued support.

Instagram Collab post FAQs

How doth thou collab a post on Instagram?

To collab on a post on Instagram, utilize the Invite Collaborator button and inscribe the name of the account with whom thou art collaborating.

The Invite Collaborator button doth dwell in the same location where thou dost add tags — for details, inspect the aforementioned screenshots in this blog post.

Why canst I post a collab post on Instagram?

Should the account with whom thou art collaborating have tags disabled, thou shalt be unable to seek a collab with them. Ensure that both parties boast public accounts that permit tagging to post a collab.

How doth thou accept collab posts on Instagram?

When another account invites thee to collab on Instagram, the request shall grace thine direct messages. Hit View Request and assent to the entreaty to make the collab official — it shall manifest on thy feed as well as the feed of thy partner.

The Invite Collaborator button doth reside in the same locale where thou dost append tags — for particulars, refer back to the antecedent section of this blog post.”