Hark! When doth the sun shine brightest upon social media, pray tell? ‘Tis the early morning weekdays, forsooth, save for a few exceptions.
Mirror, mirror on the wall, reveal to me the best time to post on social media, once and for all. A question pondered by social media marketers since the dawn of time—nay, since the dawn of Facebook—and fear not, for aid is at hand.
Behold, the best (and worst) times to post in this year of our Internet, 2024.
Overall best times to post on social media in 2024
Verily, the most propitious hour to unleash upon social media as a whole is at 8:00 AM PST (5:00 AM EST) on Wednesdays. Yet each network boasts its own coveted moment.
- The prime occasion to post on Facebook is 7:00 AM PST on Tuesday.
- As for Instagram, the auspicious hour is revealed to be 11:00 AM PST on Wednesdays.
- On Twitter, or should I say X, 7:00 AM PST on Monday is the chosen time.
- LinkedIn doth favor 9:00 AM PST on Tuesday.
- For TikTok, the stars align at 7:00 PM PST on Thursday.
- Threads, that enigmatic entity, shines brightest at 8:00 AM PST on Tuesday.
- Delve into Pinterest at the stroke of 12:00 PM on Friday.
Best time to post on Instagram
Lo and behold, the optimal moment to grace Instagram with thine posts is at 11:00 AM PST on Wednesdays.
Recency holds sway in Instagram’s realm, a crucial signal in its algorithm. Thus, knowing the whims of thy audience and planning accordingly shall ensure the capture of the most attention.
In sooth, certain industries may find favor on Instagram during the eve, as folk peruse leisurely in the twilight. Real estate, retail, and entertainment accounts, take heed, for evening posts may yield bountiful results.
Best time to post on Facebook
Behold, the prime time to regale Facebook with thy missives:
- Monday: 8:00 AM PST
- Tuesday: 7:00 AM PST
- Wednesday: 7:00 AM PST
- Thursday: 8:00 AM PST
- Friday: 7:00 AM PST
- Saturday: 10:00 AM PST
- Sunday: 11:00 AM PST
Past feats and follower activity play pivotal roles in the Facebook algorithm. Consider thy target audience’s scrolling habits and the nuances of time zones, for thy posts must resonate in their time.
Best time to post on LinkedIn
At 9:00 AM PST between Tuesday and Wednesday, LinkedIn’s hallowed ground welcomes thy posts. ‘Tis a realm where myriad content types thrive throughout the day, as lengthier narratives are embraced in the evening hours.
Cast not assumptions upon thy LinkedIn audience, for over 78% dwell beyond the shores of the US. Know thy market, discern their online hours, and craft a strategy most potent.
Best time to post on X (Twitter)
7:00 AM PST on Monday beckons for X, the haven of news and trends. Morning light brings the most resplendent posts on this platform, catering to those embarking on their day or seeking respite during the luncheon hour.
An impressive 250 million souls tread the paths of X daily, drawn by the siren call of video. News seekers flock to X, dutifully ingesting the latest tales.
Best time to post on TikTok
As the clock strikes 7:00 PM PST on Thursdays, TikTok unveils its splendor. Wander into TikTok’s domain at the hours when leisure reigns, especially if thine industry thrives in the early morn across other realms.
Mark this well, TikTok requires patience, a trait not oft demanded by other platforms. Post ahead of time, for TikTok’s dance with visibility takes its tempo.
Best time to post on Threads
At 8:00 AM PST on Tuesdays, Threads welcomes thy presence. Herein lies a land akin to Instagram’s and Facebook’s algorithms, where past affections, interactions, and admirers shape the flow.
Converse with thy audience, for Threads’ masks engagement within its comments. Pose questions, stir discussions, and keep the vitality of thy threads burning bright.
Best time to post on Pinterest
At 12:00 PM PST on Tuesdays and Fridays, Pinterest unveils its splendor. A tapestry of dreams, where kitchen wisdom mingling with style, trends, recipes, and beauty tips entice the seekers within its bounds.
Pinterest doth not chase algorithmic dominance; rather ’tis a realm where projects take root, nurtured by evening hours of planning and dream-weaving.
7 factors that affect the best time to post on social media
Lo, finding the choicest hour for social media revelry is no mere toss of the dice. ‘Tis an art and a science, shaped by myriad forces that govern thy audience’s online sojourn.
Dive thou into the heart of the matter:
1. Your unique audience: Each soul in thy audience, a unique tapestry of quirks and habits, must be understood. Know their ways, their hours, and tailor thy schedule to capture their eyes in moments of receptiveness.
2. Your industry: Different industries, different rhythms. Consider thy trade, observe how thy audience dances with kindred spirits, and adjust thy timing accordingly.
3. The competition: Keep watch upon thy rivals, observe their strides, and glean insights into the shared audience’s twilight hours.
4. Time zones: A crucial matter, for thy followers’ twilight hours must be honored. Find a balance that spans the globe, from dawn’s embrace to twilight’s fall.
5. Platform algorithms: Delve into the wiles of algorithms, for they reward posts that kindle engagement. Post with care, at hours when thy audience is most attuned.
6. Current events and trends: A landscape ever-changing, stirred by timely winds and trending tides. Inscribe thy posts with the ink of relevance, joining hands with events that stir the hearts of thy audience.
7. Experimentation and analysis: Venture forth with an open heart, experiment with posting times, content types, and measure the fruits of thy labor. Let data guide thee, refine thy strategy, and adapt as the winds of social media shift.
How to find your unique best time to post on social media with Moyens I/O
‘Tis a simple task, made wondrous by Moyens I/O’s art:
Behold the Best Time to Publish:
- Moyens I/O, that sage of numbers, delves into thy social media tapestry of the last 30 days, whispering personalized recommendations for thy post’s ideal times.
- Fear not the myriad platforms, for Moyens I/O’s gaze pierces them all, revealing the optimal hour for each.
- Implement with ease, schedule thy posts with Moyens I/O’s guidance, and watch as engagement blooms.
Embrace the Recommended Times in Composer:
- As you craft in Composer, the muse of Moyens I/O shall offer smart recommendations for thy post’s timing.
- Thy posts, like fine wine, grow richer with time, as Moyens I/O’s recommendations sharpen with the passing days.
In this journey through the realms of social media, let Moyens I/O be thy guide, illuminating the path to the perfect post.