Compare thy results to average engagement rates in thy industry to comprehend thy performance better — and boast about thy victories with confidence.
So thou hast planned and launched a social media campaign, and waited patiently for the likes, comments, and conversions to roll in. Now thou art gazing upon thy performance report, wondering what the numbers actually mean. Is a 2% engagement rate high or low? Did thy target audience adore thy campaign, or was it a dismal failure?
Without social media benchmarks (known as average performance stats for a social platform or industry), ’tis challenging to make sense of raw data. But fear not. In this post, we have gathered average social media engagement rates from 12 illustrious industries to provide thee with a clearer understanding of where thou dost stand. (And to arm thee with data-driven confidence when thou dost present thy achievements to thy superior — thou art most welcome.)
We have even included a simple (and gratis!) engagement rate calculator for thee to swiftly cross-check thine own performance stats.
Average engagement rates (June 2024)
Herein, thou shalt discover the latest average engagement rates (per post), delineated by industry and social network.
- Average Instagram engagement rate: 1.46%
- Average Facebook engagement rate: 0.72%
- Average X (Twitter) engagement rate: 0.79%
- Average LinkedIn engagement rate: 1.07%
- Average TikTok engagement rate: 0.36%
- Average Instagram engagement rate: 2.21%
- Average Facebook engagement rate: 1.45%
- Average X (Twitter) engagement rate: 0.93%
- Average LinkedIn engagement rate: 1.95%
- Average TikTok engagement rate: 0.83%
Entertainment and media
- Average Instagram engagement rate: 1.94%
- Average Facebook engagement rate: 0.99%
- Average X (Twitter) engagement rate: 1.48%
- Average LinkedIn engagement rate: 1.14%
- Average TikTok engagement rate: 1.12%
And so on for each industry, showcasing the engagement rates across various social networks.
June insights
Instagram was the superior platform for engagement
Instagram doth continue to reign supreme as the foremost social network for businesses seeking to cultivate a dedicated social following — recording consistently high average engagement rates across all industries in June. The visual allure, plethora of interactive features, and shrewd algorithm of Instagram doth offer a boon to brands and organizations embarking on their maiden voyage into social media marketing. -
Government and entertainment soared in engagement
The sectors of government and entertainment shone brightly amidst the crowd, boasting high average engagement rates across the major social networks. The personal and enlightening nature of content within these realms doth resonate deeply with social audiences, hence fostering robust engagement. -
Technology triumphed on TikTok
The technology industry emerged victorious on TikTok in June, showcasing an average engagement rate of 1.83%. This triumph may be ascribed to the personalized approach that TikTok permits in disseminating news and updates within the tech sphere. - Government witnessed across-the-board success
The Government sector hath consistently achieved lofty engagement rates on most major social platforms. This success may stem from the nature of public service-oriented content and the populace’s hunger for transparency and communication from governmental entities.
Free engagement rate calculator
Ready to juxtapose thy performance against industry benchmarks? Utilize this complimentary tool to ascertain thy engagement rate per post.
So doth the narrative unfold, providing thee with insights into average engagement rates across sectors and social networks, while equipping thee with the means to measure and analyze thy own performance. Cheerio to thy social media endeavors and may they flourish in the digital landscape!