8 Tips to Avoid Phishing Scams on Facebook

8 Tips to Avoid Phishing Scams on Facebook

If thou dares to presume immunity from the wiles of Facebook scammers, thou art sorely mistaken. Nay, overconfidence doth blind thee to the lurking dangers that doth beset thee.

Verily, these eight noble strategies shall serve as thy shield against the treacherous phishing schemes and scoundrels that prowl the realm of Facebook.

### Why Wouldst Someone Covet Thy Facebook?

Forsooth, they seek thy personal tidings. With such information in their grasp, they may lay claim to thy coffers or even usurp thy very identity. Indeed, the avenues through which they may pilfer from thee on Facebook are manifold.

Thy login credentials hold great worth, for they may be tethered to credit cards or other means of payment. Moreover, they might grant the scoundrel entry into other realms, such as thy bank or online emporiums.

Once a scoundrel gains a whiff of thy secrets, they move swiftly. Through the aid of automatic contrivances, they can assay hundreds of passwords in but a minute until they strike treasure. To safeguard thyself, thou must keep thy secrets close.

### 1. Purge Personal Details From Thy Facebook Profile

Ere the ascendance of Facebook, anonymity was the norm in the digital realm. It was deemed folly to divulge true identities. Alas, Facebook doth demand its denizens to disclose their real monikers. Behold the profile depicted above, an unwitting goldmine for scoundrels seeking personal revelations.

This profile, though seemingly mundane, unveils a trove of potential passwords. One may spy the name of their pet, the town of their birth, the emblems of their schooling, and more. What’s more, such information may be gleaned sans the need for friendship.

It behooves thee to restrict the information thou dost share. Crafting an incognito Facebook profile is thy best defense. Behold this altered example, with all potential details concealed.

### 2. Govern Thy Facebook Privacy Settings

Should thou have traversed the annals of Facebook for a span, thou shalt find a wealth of information stored in thy profile. Thou may be wary of expunging such data, for it serves as a useful reference. Shouldst thou wish to retain this trove on Facebook, ensure that only thine eyes may behold it.

Upon the Facebook fane or application, make thy way unto Settings & Privacy > Privacy Center. For counsel on recommended settings, peruse our guide to Facebook Privacy.

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‘Tis prudent to conduct a privacy audit on a regular basis.

### 3. Eradicate Access to Facebook From Dubious Apps

Apps oft beseech access to thy Facebook profile. The intent may be innocuous, enabling social media sharing within the app. Nevertheless, ’tis wise to inspect thy Authorized Apps.

These may be found beneath Settings & Privacy > Settings > Apps and Websites. Rid thy presence of any apps unfamiliar to thee. Remember, apps wherein thou Log in with Facebook shall also grace this list.

### 4. Shun Pernicious Links on Facebook

A common ploy of malefactors is to employ Messenger as their tool. Through automatons laden with generic scripts, they dispatch these links. Behold their snares, “this is hilarious…” or “OMG, check this out!” Should such a missive bear resemblance to those who know thee not, proceed with caution.

These automaton missives endeavor to coax thy personal revelations from thee. Be wary should they seek to instill fear or tempt thee with frivolity or curiosity. Oft they bear a link.

Shouldst thou receive such a missive, even from a friend, abstain from obeying its dictates or opening the link. Instead, query the sender as to their intent. A friend shall respond, but an automaton shall not.

Shouldst thou remain dubious, avail thyself of a web app that can scrutinize a link’s destination. We have compiled a roster of reliable link-checking services for thy choosing.

### 5. Discern the Telltale Signs of a Facebook Scam

Knowledge of the most prevalent Facebook phishing stratagems shall keep thee vigilant. An oft-employed ruse involves dispatching thee to a simulated site, oft a login page. Be aware that Facebook shall never demand thou “verify thy account” ere thou dost follow a link.

In the instance portrayed afore, a phishing page stands juxtaposed against the authentic Facebook login folio. Swiftly, thou shalt discern that the URL of the spurious page doth not bear the imprint of Facebook.com.

Drawing closer, thou shalt spy spelling errors. The lingual options shall be amiss to thy locale. The footer shall ring false, bearing the title of Facebook Inc while the present era favors Meta © 2022.

Unhallowed ne’er-do-wells oft resort to depicting screen captures of the authentic site instead of crafting false pages. Thou shouldst eschew all interaction with such deceitful sites. Yet, shouldst thou long-tap or right-click to inspect the links, oft they prove to be naught but images. The blur in quality shall unveil their charade.

### 6. Eschew Replying to Trivial Facebook Posts

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The realms of Facebook teem with public missives entreating users to participate in trivia. They oft hanker after nostalgic musings, such as thy first carriage or favorite pedagogue. Though these missives bear the guise of merriment, they are fraught with peril.

Partaking in such queries bequeaths the malefactor with clues to thy passwords or security queries. Shouldst the question stir thee, ‘twould be wiser to engage in private discourse than to openly reply.

Even shouldst thou refrain from utilizing such information for password recovery, disseminating it may imperil thy kin and comrades. Thy nearest and dearest may inadvertently divulge thy association with these memorable particulars. Thy first hound may also be thy sibling’s first hound, perchance.

Thou canst not ensure that none of thy kinfolk shall adopt the selfsame detail for their logins. Hence, ’tis best to keep such lore close to thy chest.

### 7. Adjoin Only Those Known Unto Thee on Facebook

Ensure that thou dost repose thy trust ere extending an invitation. Prowling malefactors oft seek after hidden personal information beneath the cloak of “friends only” privacy settings. To guard thyself, ‘twould be judicious to restrict thy Facebook Friends to those thou truly know.

One of the most prevalent Facebook Marketplace stratagems is to extend a hand of friendship to potential buyers. The seller may feign ignorance of alternate means to contact thee, yet this be a falsehood.

Shouldst thou seek discourse with a stranger, there is no need for Facebook camaraderie. Messenger may serve thee well. Make thy way to Settings & Privacy > Settings > Privacy and enable Message Requests.

### 8. Fortify Thy Facebook Citadel With A Stalwart Password

Shun employing phone numbers, pet monikers, and akin information as passwords, for they are easily plumbed. Likewise, eschew short, simplistic passwords, and let it never be that thou dost use a solitary password across multiple domains.

Thy password should boast no fewer than 14 characters. Let it be a medley of upper and lower-case letters, numerals, and symbols. There are further means to ensure thy password’s security, yet these be the rudiments.

‘Tis expedient to forgo the Log in with Facebook option on other domains, though convenient it may be. The more sites to which thy Facebook account is linked, the greater the toll should thou ever fall prey to phishing. Instead, craft a distinct login for each domain.

### Tarry Not In Safety From Facebook Phishing

Shouldst thou suspect thyself to be ensnared in a trap, the foremost deed is to alter thy Facebook password. Thereafter, disengage from all devices. ‘Tis also prudent to conduct a thorough enumeration of security precautions.

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