7 Simple Tips to Protect Your Privacy on Facebook

7 Simple Tips to Protect Your Privacy on Facebook

Behold, the tale of the Facebook account, a portal through which thy personal data dost roam freely in the land of social media. With every picture and detail thou dost unveil, a multitude of faces on Facebook hath access to them. Thus, the quest for privacy on this app becometh not a mere choice, but a dire necessity.

Many doth choose to constrain their Facebook accounts, guarding their privacy with the utmost care. ‘Tis prudent to take extra measures in safeguarding thine private information on this platform. Here, I present to thee seven simple yet potent ways to do so.

### 1. Eschew Strangers as Friends

Let us commence with the foundational principle of not adding strangers on Facebook, for their intentions and true identities remain veiled in obscurity. Only those thou hast met and known in the realm of reality should be welcomed into thy social circle on this platform. As for colleagues from the professional domain, keepeth them at bay, for they need not witness the memories of thy latest sojourn. Know a person well ere declaring them a friend on Facebook.

### 2. Refrain from Unveiling All

Within the confines of Facebook, there doth exist a domain where users may bestow personal information, educational background, and occupational details. But pray, is it truly necessary to reveal every morsel of this information? Should Facebook and its denizens be acquainted with the minutiae of thy middle school days?

Though the allure of divulging all may be strong, not all personal information needeth be revealed. It is wise to share only the essential details, such as thy name, city, and a recent profile picture. Shouldst thou wish to conceal thy whereabouts, forgo sharing such information with the general populace.

### 3. Customize the Veil of Privacy O’er Thy Posts

Every post thou dost share hath the option to tailor its visibility to a specific audience. Verily, users can upload a profile picture and adjust its privacy settings to Friends or Only Me. Such customization grants complete authority over the visage of thy Facebook profile. Fear not, for the privacy of thy posts may be altered even after they hath been unleashed upon the digital realm.

To modify the privacy of thy Facebook posts:

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1. Share the status or media of thy choosing.
2. Engage with the Visibility menu beneath thy username.
3. Select thy desired audience, whether it be Friends, Friends except, Specific Friends, or Only Me.
4. Confirm thy choice by tapping Done.

Ah, Facebook Stories doth offer a similar option to designate thy target audience. Set thine audience settings to Friends only or Selected friends, thus ensuring that no other eyes may glimpse thy narrative within this digital tome.

### 4. Enshroud Thy Facebook Profile

A feature bestowed upon thee is the ability to lock thy Facebook profile, shielding it from the view of those who art not in thy circle of friends. Such individuals shall find themselves unable to gaze upon thy display picture or peruse thy Facebook cover photo. Likewise, thy personal details and shared content shall remain hidden from prying eyes.

To lock thy Facebook profile:

1. Unfurl the Facebook app and bestow a tap upon the Menu in the nethermost right corner of thy screen.
2. Tap the trio of horizontal dots adjacent to Edit profile.
3. Select Lock profile from the menu and tap the Lock thy profile button.

### 5. Vigilantly Monitor Thy Logged Devices

For the sake of thine account’s security, ’tis imperative to keep watch over thy login sessions. Doth the following to maintain vigilance:

1. Journey unto Settings via the Facebook Menu.
2. Alight upon Security and login.
3. Examine the devices listed in the Where you’re logged in section.

Only log in on devices within thine possession and disassociate from the rest. From this realm, thou mayest engage in additional precautions like Facebook two-factor authorization or verifying the absence of unwelcome guests within thy account.

### 6. Grant Only Essential Permissions to Facebook

When granting access to thine Facebook account upon a device, it doth solicit permission to delve into thy realm of camera, location, and gallery. Such permissions aid in gathering data for marketing endeavors.

Lo, Facebook doth track the data thou dost impart, the advertisements thou dost peruse, and the geographic coordinates thou dost tread. Moreover, it maintains vigilance over thine IP address, search history, and even content thou hast discarded. Rather than granting carte blanche to unknown permissions, ponder a moment upon which permissions art truly indispensable. ‘Tis within thy power to alter app permissions through the following steps:

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1. Access thy device’s Settings.
2. Descend and bestow a tap upon Facebook.
3. Select Location and alter the setting to Ask Next Time Or When I Share.
4. Engage with Photos and modify the permission from All Photos to Selected Photos.
5. Disable the Allow Tracking option.

### 7. Embark Upon Privacy Checkups

For those who find their hearts not yet assuaged despite taking every requisite step, fear not, for Facebook provideth an avenue to conduct a thorough privacy checkup of thy account. Therein, thou may review alterations and configurations to ensure the safety and security of thine account.

From matters of security to settings concerning advertisements and data, this privacy checkup encompasseth all. In addition, it inspecteth thy interactions and activities within thy digital domain. It is counselled to undertake this venture at least once per lunar cycle.

To embark upon the Facebook privacy checkup:

1. Unveil the Menu by clicking the trio of horizontal lines in the nethermost right corner of thy screen.
2. Navigate to Settings and Privacy and thence Privacy Shortcuts.
3. Select Privacy Checkup.
4. Choose a tab to unveil the desired section.
5. Confirm thy selections by tapping Save.

### A Final Word

As denizens of Facebook gather thy personal information for sundry purposes, the quest to safeguard thy privacy on this platform requireth additional measures. Shun the unknown from thy account, and refrain from sharing content whilst thy privacy setting is Public. Furthermore, grant unto Facebook only the permissions essential for accessing thy location and photo gallery.

Lastly, maintain a vigilant watch over thine logged devices and partake in regular privacy checkups to ensure a tranquil and secure sojourn through the digital realm.