Doth thou desire Facebook cover photos that shine on any screen? For the most excellent dimensions, tips, and templates that are free of charge, peruse our guide.
Verily, most individuals do know that Facebook cover photos adorneth the summit of a business page. Yet, what thou may not know is the grand impact this image canst have upon a business’s profits.
Thy cover photo is among the first sights potential patrons shalt behold, so it doth hold a crucial spot in thy Facebook marketing strategy. Thou mustst beckon forth thine inner designer to ensure it maketh a statement.
Within this document, we shalt explore all that one need know concerning Facebook cover photos, including the impeccable size of the Facebook cover photo. By the conclusion, thou shalt be equipped to utilize our complimentary templates to craft a breathtaking Facebook cover photo that shall foster the growth of thy business.
### Facebook cover photo size: 820 pixels wide by 462 pixels tall
The ideal measurement for a Facebook banner is 820 pixels in width by 462 pixels in height.
Upon a desktop, thine cover photo is shown at 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall. On sundry smartphones, it emerges at 640 pixels wide by 360 pixels tall.
Forsooth, since thou canst not dictate how people wilt view thy page, ‘tis best to employ Facebook cover photo dimensions that can serve both desktop and mobile. The size that hath proven most efficacious is 820 pixels wide by 462 pixels tall.
To ensure that any vital information within thy cover image doth not suffer truncation upon desktop or mobile, keepeth text and graphics within a central “safe” zone—do not extend aught too far into the margins.
Should one feel inclined to delve further, cover videos may be employed in lieu of photos for thy Facebook banner. Cover videos on Facebook should be at minimum 820 pixels by 312 pixels and betwixt 20 to 90 seconds in duration.
Shouldst thou find thyself in possession of a photo or video that thou dost truly wish to use, yet the dimensions do not align, fret not. Thou may still upload thy photo and then adjust it. Facebook doth offer a repositioning feature that may be utilized to resize thy photos and videos.
### How to create a Facebook cover photo on Canva
If thou dost ponder over how to fabricate a Facebook cover photo sans any experience or expertise in design, fear not. We art here to aid thee.
Canva is a maker of Facebook cover photos that requireth no skill or artistic ability. Here is the step-by-step process for achieving this feat.
#### Step 1: Journey to Canva
Venture forth to Canva and establish an account if thou dost not possess one already. Canva doth offer its services free of charge, though it may propose a trial of the Pro account for a span of 30 days.
#### Step 2: Discern a template of thy liking
Navigate to the search bar located at the pinnacle of the page bearing the query, “What wilt thou design today?” and inscribe “Facebook Cover Photo.”
Take heed, for one canst experiment hither with diverse keywords to yield more results. For instance, “Facebook cover photo business” doth produce over 82,000 templates.
Select a template that doth catch thine eye. If uncertainty doth beset thee regarding what may suit thy business, peruse our list of Facebook best practices hereunder for guidance.
#### Optional: Share thy template
One can now impart this template with any groups or teams thou hast assembled or retain it for thy possession alone. This may prove beneficial if approval or feedback on thy cover photo is required.
#### Step 3: Customize thy template
Now, thou canst customize thy template as thou dost see fit! Simply tap on the text to inscribe upon it.
Thou may alter thy typeface, font size, or color utilizing the tools provided at the pinnacle of the screen.
Shift thy background image by selecting the image and navigating to the upper right corner to tap “Change image.”
Thou may choose an image from Canva’s repository of free images or upload thine personal visuals. Shouldst thou possess splendid Instagram pictures, thou may intertwine thy social media accounts on the toolbar to the left to procure assets from thence.
One may also utilize free elements, such as filters, to refine thy image.
#### Step 4: Download thy completed image
Upon achieving contentment with thy banner, bestow a tap upon the “Share” button situated in the upper right corner. Click “Download” and select thy preferred file format (we doth commend .png). Thereupon, thy download shalt commence anon!
### Free Facebook cover photo templates
Art thou disinclined to sift through Canva templates? Our professionally crafted templates doth simplify the creation of thy own Facebook cover photo. Here is how to tailor our templates to suit thy brand. Adobe Photoshop is a prerequisite to commence.
1. Upon downloading the templates, thou shalt perceive that the fonts and image files art segregated. Double-click upon the font file of thy chosen theme to import the font to thine device. Click “Install font.”
2. Double-click upon the image file to unveil it in Photoshop.
3. Select the Facebook cover photo template with which thou dost wish to engage first.
4. To modify text: Double-click the text thou dost desire to alter. Fonts and colors may be changed within the menu on the left-hand side.
5. To edit a color block or background: Double-click the color block thou dost wish to modify. Adjust the size or employ the menu on the left-hand side to alter the color.
6. To edit a photo or image: Double-click the photo thou dost wish to refine and click “Insert new image.” Resize the image as necessitated.
7. To save the template: Choose the template thou dost wish to employ and proceed to Save > Export As > Artboard to Files. Remember to preserve it as either a .jpg or .png.
8. Upload thy Facebook cover photo following the subsequent steps.
### How to upload Facebook cover photos
Upon completing the crafting of thy Facebook cover photo, uploading it is a trifling task.
1. Proceed to thy Facebook business page and hover above the space allocated for the cover photo at the summit.
2. Tap “Add a Cover” in the upper left corner.
3. Click “Upload Photo/Video” and select the photo thou dost wish to upload.
4. A glimpse of thy photo shalt manifest in the cover space. Tap the photo and drag it upward or downward to the vertical orientation accordance to thy preference.
5. Click “Publish.”
Shouldst thou find thyself discontent with the positioning of thy Facebook cover photo subsequent to its publication, thou may click “Update Cover” and thereafter “Reposition,” which shall return thee to “step 4.”
As thou uploadeth more cover photos, a repository shall amass. Shouldst thou seek to replace thy current cover photo with a former one, opt for “Select Photo” instead of “Upload Cover Photo” in “step 3,” whence thou shalt be enabled to choose from antecedently uploaded images.
### Facebook cover photo best practices
Behold, there exist proper methods and erroneous approaches to crafting thy Facebook cover photo. Herein art several best practices that thou mayst uphold to ensure thou dost lay a foundation for triumph.
#### Utilize a simple image with a discernible focal point
Thy cover photo should not be overly intricate or perplexing. Thou dost not wish for it to detract from thy page, hence select a simple image devoid of excessive commotion.
A discernible focal point signifies a natural location for the eye to gravitate towards. In the instance below, the focal point is the maiden holding the cucumber.
#### Adhere to Facebook’s cover photo guidelines
Compliance with Facebook’s cover photo guidelines is ever a prudent choice. Regularly inspect their compendium, as Facebook may alter its guidelines periodically.
Ensure that thy cover photo aligns with Facebook’s business standards as well. Thou canst not infringe upon copyright, for instance.
#### Right-align objects
Aligning the elements or objects within thy cover photo to the right directs the viewer’s gaze across thy screen in a fashion from left to right. This steerage entices the viewer towards thy page’s call-to-action (CTA).
#### Left- or center-align text
Typically, individuals peruse from left to right. If thy Facebook cover photo bears any text, we suggest that thou keepeth it to the upper left or center. Analogous to right-aligning the object of thy photo, this path beckons the eye from left to right, culminating on thy CTA.
#### Pair thy Facebook cover photo with thy profile picture
A Facebook cover photo that complements thy profile picture invariably bestows a professional and cohesive appearance. Make use of this juncture to unleash thy creativity with thy brand!
#### Optimize thy cover photo for mobile
When selecting an image for thy Facebook cover photo, contemplate how it shall appear upon the displays of smartphone users. Mobile users constitute nearly half of web traffic globally. Ponder upon how thy image shalt translate among devices.
Ask thyself:
– Is the text legible?
– How shall the minute details appear on a smaller screen?
– What elements art cropped when thy cover photo is resized for mobile display?
#### Embed a link in thy cover photo
Incorporating a link within the caption of thy cover photo is an excellent method to drive traffic. If thou art feeling inventive, thou couldst offer thine more inquisitive viewers an Easter egg hither. Employ thy link to direct them to a page featuring an exclusive product or prize. As always for social links, employ a link shortener to render thy URL more manageable.
#### Utilize thy cover photo for campaign promotion
Inasmuch as it resides above the fold, thy cover photo provides thee with an avenue to convey to thy audience what thou dost desire them know promptly.
Art thou hosting a giveaway? Or perchance a fire sale is imminent? Mayhap thou dost desire to acquaint them with a novel product line set to premiere shortly. Whatever may be the case, thou canst upload a piece of promotional material to thy cover photo to disseminate the news.
Facebook lay claim to approximately 2.91 billion active users per month, after all. That portends a wealth of potential eyes upon thy promotional materials.
#### Eschew a pixelated photo!
Shouldst thou upload an oversized file for thy cover photo, Facebook shalt endeavor to compress thy file size. This may result in thy cover photo appearing pixelated and of inferior quality.
To avert this, ensure that thou uploadeth a file of the smallest size conceivable. Facebook recommends 100kb or less.
#### Experiment
Assay testing thy Facebook cover photos to gauge what resonates with thy audience. Testing stands as one of the premier means to genuinely comprehend which visuals fare best on social media.
A/B testing thy cover photos assists thee in ascertaining which photo captivates thy viewer’s attention and motivates them to follow thee. Take heed of any increase in followers or engagement with the photo. Subsequently, allot resources to crafting further content of that nature. ‘Tis a cycle of triumph.
Perchance thy audience shall respond to a vivid, simplistic design akin to the one depicted below:
Or mayhap they dost appreciate a geometric collage bedecked in neutral hues:
Experimenting with thy cover photo may be a method to garner more likes on Facebook. Or mayhap it could aid in amplifying thy Facebook engagement. One doth never discern until one strives.
If thou art setting out upon the journey of Facebook marketing, uncover how to forge a successful Facebook business page here.