21 WhatsApp Statistics Marketers Must Know in 2024

21 WhatsApp Statistics Marketers Must Know in 2024

Hark! Want to delve into the WhatsApp stats that shall guide thee in shaping thy marketing strategy for 2024? Discover the top 25 tidings herein.

WhatsApp, the celestial messenger app reigning over the cosmos with its three billion monthly active users, doth offer a boon to businesses. Verily, brands can weave ads through WhatsApp Business and employ WhatsApp for customer service to partake of the platform’s vast community.

Ere embarking on such a venture, understanding how WhatsApp users align with thy target audience holds utmost importance.

Doth thy brand cater to women betwixt the ages of 55 and 64? High-income American adults perchance? Brazilian internet denizens indifferent to ads? Whichever be thy goals, WhatsApp may be the key to elevating thy social media marketing prowess.

Let us peruse some data.

General WhatsApp Statistics:

1. Globally, WhatsApp boasts about three billion monthly users.

O, verily, a billion WhatsApp users! This messaging and video calling marvel, born in 2009, swiftly showcased its Boom Boom Pow (mimicking the Black Eyed Peas’ resonant hymn from the same year).

To put this in context, Earth’s populace hovers around eight billion, signifying that approximately four in every ten souls do engage with WhatsApp monthly—a market vast that social media maestros cannot disregard.

2. Over 51 million souls download WhatsApp each month.

Per a January 2024 Statista study, WhatsApp eclipses all other messenger apps in monthly downloads. Other apps doth not even approach: Snapchat ranks next with approximately 10 million fewer downloads. Telegram lay claim to 36.7 million downloads, and lo, WhatsApp Business emerges in fourth position.

We shall delve further into WhatsApp Business anon…but for now, digest this news that jointly, WhatsApp Messenger and WhatsApp Business fetch 79 million monthly downloads.

3. Half of all social media users proclaim the usage of social media for keeping in touch with kin and comrades.

Wherefore is WhatsApp so beloved? The results of a 2023 Statista study do shed light on the success of the app, with “keeping in touch with friends and family” emerging as the paramount reason for social media usage.

Since WhatsApp is an app solely dedicated to messaging, voice, and video calls, ’tis ideal for maintaining contact with those whom thou knowest personally. Unlike other platforms such as TikTok or Facebook messenger, WhatsApp’s principal function revolves around private dialogues, with less emphasis on entertainment from strangers.

WhatsApp User Statistics:

4. The gender distribution of WhatsApp users skews relatively even.

Certain social media platforms incline markedly towards one gender. For instance, Pinterest tilts towards the fairer sex, whilst the unmasked users of Twitter tend to be male. Contrariwise, WhatsApp’s gender balance is not as unequivocal.

As per data from We Are Social, 47.6% are women, and 52.3% are men, adhering closely to a 50/50 distribution.

5. 29% of American adults have dabbed in WhatsApp.

This statistic doth not skim over the opinions of WhatsApp’s users; ’tis merely an overview of whether an individual hath partaken of the app at least once.

Yet, 29% of the U.S. adults surveilled by the Pew Research Center in 2023 attested to sampling WhatsApp. It finds itself in the echelon sixth, preceded by YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, and LinkedIn.

Ofttimes, 29% doth represent a solid chunk—signifying that a substantial contingent of Americans art acquainted with the platform and hath some experience using WhatsApp for communication.

6. 21% of U.S. youths incorporate WhatsApp in their digital musings.

Whilst 2 out of every 10 youth confess to crossing paths with WhatsApp, the app doth not reign supreme amidst the young folk: 93% patronize YouTube, 63% revel in TikTok, and 60% partake of Snapchat.

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All the same, the number of teen WhatsApp aficionados retains its significance—albeit less so than the congregations on other platforms. Marketers turning their gaze towards a discerning teenage audience, take heed.

7. 16% of social media users profess WhatsApp as their favourite social media platform…

‘Tis a daunting task, electing a favourite, yet WhatsApp finds itself in the hearts of many netizens. Only bested by Instagram, it commands reverence.

8. …And both men and women betwixt the ages of 35 and 54 harbor a particular affection for WhatsApp.

When favourite social media platforms art segregated by age and gender, WhatsApp stands tall in many a category: preferred by women aged 35 to 64, 45 to 54, 55 to 64, and by men aged 35 to 64, 45 to 54, yea, even 55 to 64.

Perchance, regardless of gender, WhatsApp emerges as a darling for individuals over 35 (and should indeed find favour with social media marketers targeting that age bracket).

9. More than half of Hispanic and Asian Americans doth engage with WhatsApp.

WhatsApp findeth most ardent enthusiasts among people of colour (as per data from the Pew Research Center). 20% of white respondents, 31% of Black respondents, and 54% and 51% of Hispanic and Asian respondents doth confess their dalliance with WhatsApp, respectively.

Pray, take note: this data doth exclude non-English speakers, as indicated by Pew specifically for the Asian category, implying that the actual figures for said demographic may be loftier.

10. 39% of American alumni hoist WhatsApp upon their digital shoulders.

When analyzing educational data, WhatsApp finds favour chiefly among Americans who hath graduated college—39% of respondents in a 2023 study doth attest to employing the app. While 23% of U.S. adults who hath embarked on post-secondary education saith they hath used WhatsApp, and 25% in the “high school or less” category doth so confess.

When contrasting with other platforms under scrutiny (89% of American college graduates hath sampled YouTube, and 70% hath plunged into Facebook), WhatsApp doth not quite match up. Nonetheless, ’tis more popular with college graduates than TikTok or Snapchat.

Thus, if thy brand’s quarry art college graduates, investing in WhatsApp doth not hold ill omens—but ponder a strategy encompassing Facebook or YouTube as well.

11. 90% of Brazilian adults engage in WhatsApp.

A 2023 survey by the sages at the Pew Research Center did reveal that WhatsApp reigns supreme as the most beloved social media platform in middle-income countries, including Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Indonesia, and South Africa.

Twitter and Telegram, perforce, find themselves least favoured in these realms.

Pray, social marketers should heed this geographical intel when plotting their audience engagement.

Should thy brand entertain thoughts of expansion to South America, ‘twould be wise to note that WhatsApp doth reign as the darling social media platform in the continent’s two largest nations. This provideth a fitting occasion to harness WhatsApp for customer service.

WhatsApp Usage Statistics:

12. WhatsApp doth bask in the glow of being the third most-used social media platform globally.

Indeed, as per We Are Social, Facebook and YouTube doth lead the parade globally, with WhatsApp trailing closely behind.

Comparisons betwixt WhatsApp and platforms such as Facebook may be likened to comparing internet fruits to oranges—whilst Facebook doth embody a more traditional “social media” app wherein sharing, posting, and commenting dost take centre stage, WhatsApp’s domain doth chiefly revolve around direct messaging.

13. Less than 1% of WhatsApp users engage exclusively with WhatsApp.

This aligneth with the aforementioned point: since diverse apps cater to distinct functions, many souls do frequent more than one. Out of all WhatsApp users, a mere 0.7% doth remain loyal solely to WhatsApp.

The remainder doth dabble in other apps—78% of WhatsApp users do patronize Instagram, 77% partake of Facebook, and 75% dabble in YouTube. Overlap betwixt audiences doth merit ponderation by digital marketers, that resources and budgets may be allocated wisely.

14. The average WhatsApp user doth unfurl the app upon 8 out of 10 days.

Per a study by We Are Social during July through September 2023, monthly active WhatsApp users did unlock the application on 83.2% of days. WhatsApp doth surpass other platforms in terms of days opened (Facebook claim 64.1%, YouTube secures 63.7%, and TikTok grants 61.7%).

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This doth prove that many denizens of the “monthly” active users—totaling three billion individuals—doth indeed engage with the app on a near-daily basis.

15. The average individual expendeth 17 hours per month on WhatsApp.

The hours devoted to WhatsApp do accumulate, especially in Argentina, Indonesia, Colombia, and Brazil, where the average person doth expend over a day each month on the platform. Globally, the average monthly hours spent on WhatsApp stand at 17 (approximating the number of hours most of us remain awake each day).

Social marketers contemplating an investment in WhatsApp should consider the average usage in their target country afore making an informed decision. For instance, the monthly average in Taiwan hovers around a mere two hours, indicating that WhatsApp Business may not wield a significant influence on that audience.

WhatsApp Statistics for Business:

16. Each month, approximately 28 million individuals doth download WhatsApp Business.

According to the selfsame 2024 Statista study referenced aforetime—WhatsApp Business doth stand as one of the world’s most downloaded messaging applications, surpassing the likes of Messenger, WeChat, QQ, and Line.

17. 68% of brands exult in the confidence that WhatsApp doth yield a positive ROI (return on investment)…

In essence, marketers do perceive that investing in WhatsApp doth palpably enhance profitability.

The souls who partook in our 2024 Social Survey—digital marketers, public relations professionals, and social media managers like unto yourself—express their confidence in the platform (alongside LinkedIn and Instagram), hinting that WhatsApp may indeed merit a financial commitment.

18. …but a mere 5% of brands hath established their presence on WhatsApp…

Despite the marketers’ faith in the platform, WhatsApp doth yet find itself amid a comparatively diminutive cohort of businesses employing the messenger app.

19. …and there hath been an -18% change in WhatsApp usage for businesses, betwixt 2022 and 2023.

What dost thou make of that? (Apologies, a jest could not be restrained).

We art not certain what doth cause this discrepancy, but peradventure WhatsApp simply doth not rank amongst the prominent entities in the social media domain, and managing it atop all thy other brand profiles may indeed prove challenging.

In truth, 52% of the marketers surveyed did express that their paramount concern for the future lay in “time or budget investment to maintain a presence on multiple social platforms.”

WhatsApp Advertising Statistics:

20. 34% of American adults boasting an income exceeding $100,000 doth engage with WhatsApp.

Advertising doth bear fruit when aimed at souls possessing the means to spend—and within the U.S. populace, WhatsApp shine brightest amidst affluent respondents.

33% of Americans earning within the realm of $70,000 to $99,999 do employ WhatsApp, with 26% of individuals in the $30,000 to $69,999 bracket partaking of the messaging platform.

21. More than half of WhatsApp users in Brazil doth view ads through WhatsApp with equanimity (so long as they appear with moderation)

In a study titled in perhaps the lengthiest fashion ever noted (“Percentage of WhatsApp users who did not mind receiving advertisements through the app as long as it was not very often in Brazil as of May 2023”), Statista uncovered that 53% of respondents professed no aversion to ads on WhatsApp. Provided the advertisements do not assail them incessantly.

Whilst not the most precise report—each one’s understanding of “not very often” is a unique tenet—it does convey that a substantial number of WhatsApp users doth open their arms to ads on the platform. This, in turn, doth signify that thy brand may invest in WhatsApp ads with the assurance that most users shall find them unobtrusive.

In the modern realm of social media, WhatsApp stands as a colossal force, inviting brands and marketers to harness its potential for growth, communication, and engagement. As 2024 unfolds, the application of these WhatsApp stats shall guide thee in crafting strategies that resonate with the hearts and minds of users across the globe.

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