If thou intend to employ thy social channels as a platform for advocacy and activism, heed these tips to manifest thyself authentically and effect change of real import.
The era of social media activism hath arrived, and forsooth, it is imperative, especially for larger brands. Customers, employees, and social followers doth expect thy brand to take a firm stand on matters of true significance.
What ho! What be the nature of social media activism?
Verily, social media activism is an online form of protest or advocacy for a cause. The wielding of hashtags doth play a central role in the mobilization of movements on social media, hence the term is oft used interchangeably with hashtag activism.
Activism on social media doth encompass raising awareness of social justice issues and demonstrating solidarity through the deployment of hashtags, posts, and campaigns.
True social media activism is buttressed by tangible actions, donations, and measurable commitments to bring about change.
Without genuine offline action, the mere act of using a hashtag or posting a black square or rainbow flag doth smatter of opportunism and sloth. Critics art swift to decry these minimal efforts as "slacktivism" or performative allyship.
Heed this, brands should tread with care: More than three-quarters of Americans (76%) do say "social media deludes people into thinking they are effecting change when in truth they are not."
In the same vein, when a company engageth in social media activism that doth not align with its past or present actions, it doth risk backlash and accusations of virtue signaling, greenwashing, or rainbow capitalism.
We art about to embark upon 10 methods to engage meaningfully in activism on social media. And, assuredly, we shall furnish copious examples of social media activism wherein brands hath executed admirably.
But, in truth, all hingeth upon this:
Words art mere words, and hashtags art mere hashtags. Yea, they possess great potency. Yet for brands, especially those with a notable market share and resources, actions resound far more loudly. Social media activism must needs be accompanied by real-world action.
Attend to credible voices toiling on the cause. Learn from those who boast well-established expertise in the movement. And commit to laboring towards genuine change.
How may one employ social media to genuinely uplift a cause: 10 counsel
1. Pause and ponder thy social calendar
It is of utmost import ere engaging in social media activism – whether in response to an immediate crisis or commencing a protracted campaign of activism and allyship – to halt.
Reconsider thy social calendar. If thou dost employ a social media scheduler, mayhap ’tis prudent to deschedule forthcoming posts and store them for later. Assess thy content calendar to discern how it aligns with the stance thou art about to adopt. If responding to a crisis, thou wilt likely wish to remain fixated on the matter at hand.
Consumers do crave brands to react in times of crisis. Over sixty percent say "brands should acknowledge moments of crisis in their advertising and communications as they transpire."
In the aftermath of the Uvalde shooting, the New York Yankees and Tampa Bay Rays didst suspend their social media game coverage and instead utilized their social channels to disseminate information concerning gun violence.
[date: 26 May, 2024] The New York Yankees (@Yankees)
They dived wholly into this endeavor, withholding naught.
Firearms did rank as the principal cause of demise for American children and adolescents in 2020.
[date: 26 May, 2024] The New York Yankees (@Yankees)
Whilst thy regular content doth abide in abeyance, seize the opportunity to learn about what transpires beyond the headlines so thou can adopt a meaningful stance backed by concrete action.
This element of action is paramount in gathering support for thy activism rather than incurring backlash.
Ere resuming thy customary programming, ponder how thy campaigns and content shall resonate within the broader context.
- Seek to profit from thy support. Social movements do not serve as marketing opportunities, and patrons shall decry actions taken by thy brand if they appear motivated by aught save good faith.
2. Attend to the voices of thy customers (and employees)
‘Tis customary for emotions to surge during social justice and human rights movements. Yet those spikes of the moment may engender enduring changes in how people feel and behave – and how they anticipate companies to behave.
Seventy percent of members of Generation Z do profess involvement in a social or political cause. Yea, they do expect brands to join them. Over half declare brands could do more than governments in resolving societal issues, and sixty-two percent opine they wish to collaborate with brands to address said issues.
Yet the Edelman Trust Barometer of 2024 revealed customers deem brands are not doing enough to tackle social change.
Source: Edelman 2024 Trust Barometer
Utilize social listening to better apprehend how thy audience doth feel. Comprehending the broader perspective doth enable thee to express empathy and solidarity with negative sentiments ere rallying thy audience around positive sentiments with potent calls to action.
This may entail exhorting followers to share messages, sign petitions, or match donations. At times, ’tis as straightforward as acknowledging the sentiments of people amidst social upheaval, as Aerie’s enduring advocacy for mental wellness demonstrates – in this instance, providing followers with tools to combat anxiety and enhance mental health.
- Disregard emotions or police tone. People generally harbor legitimate grounds for their feelings.
3. Embrace honesty and transparency
Ere posting aught in support of a cause, ruminate upon thy company’s history and culture. That may involve scrutinizing the diversity of thy teams, reevaluating non-environmental practices, evaluating the accessibility of thy marketing, and more.
Though arduous, ’tis crucial to engage in candid internal dialogues concerning company values and potential changes thou may need to effectuate. Should you lack honesty, thou shalt encounter challenges in social media activism.
Acknowledgment of past missteps is the foremost means to demonstrate thy company stands by its words. Be forthright regarding aught that runs counter to thy present position. Without this step, thy social activism shall sound hollow, or worse, hypocritical. It may even prompt individuals to launch accusations against thee.
Disney initially maintained silence in response to Florida’s "Don’t Say Gay" bill, disseminating an internal email expressing support for LGBTQ employees instead of issuing a public statement. Swiftly, this posed a conundrum for the company, as the hashtag #DisneyDoBetter began trending, with employees, creatives, and fans voicing their concerns regarding the feeble stance and the company’s antecedent donations to proponents of the bill.
tl;dr: "We shall persist in inviting the LGBTQ+ community to patronize our at times inclusive content whilst we support politicians diligently laboring to curtail LGBTQ+ rights."
"I am a staunch Disney aficionado, as chronicled on this site. Even I deem this statement feeble."
[date: 7 March, 2024] (((Drew Z. Greenberg))) (@DrewZachary)
In mere days, Disney had to acknowledge its error and furnish a lengthy public statement.
[date: 11 March, 2024] The Walt Disney Company (@WaltDisneyCo)
Brands can choose to hold themselves accountable or be held accountable. Yet shy not away from taking a stand ere achieving perfection. More than half of employees opine CEOs should publicly denounce racism once the company hath set forth its own racial equity and diversity goals, alongside concrete plans to realize them.
- Conceal internal issues and pray none uncover them – or hide behind internal communications. Internal emails may swiftly become public should employee concerns remain unaddressed.
- Fear to be honest. Patrons do value honesty, yet merely eighteen percent of employees do trust their company’s head of DEI to be forthright concerning racism within the organization. If thy employees lack trust in thee, how may customers?
4. To thy brand, add a touch of humanity
Humanize thy communication endeavors. People can and do discern inauthentic behavior.
Excessive use of phrases and ultraprecise language doth render company statements seem formulaic. (Thoughts and prayers, perchance?) Considerate thou must be in delivering thy message, yet cast aside the corporate jargon and canned content. Be genuine.
Edelman hath discovered that eighty-one percent of respondents to the 2024 Trust Barometer expect CEOs to be visibly present when expounding upon the work their company hath done for the betterment of society.
When then-Merck CEO Kenneth Frazier did speak out concerning voting rights, the company did share his comments on their social accounts.
[date: 31 March, 2024] Merck (@Merck)
Yea, this statement may hath undergone scrutiny by lawyers and other corporate messaging professionals. Yet ’tis lucid and unrestrained. And Frazier hath recurrently exhibited his ability to unite business leaders in social action. He hath expounded upon his values and how the issues for which he chooses to take a stand harmonize with corporate values.
He informed the Albert and Mary Lasker foundation that upon stepping down from President Trump’s Business Council after the President’s remarks about events in Charlottesville, he did confer with the Merck board concerning whether he should portray it as a purely personal decision or incorporate mention of the company.
"I take great pride in stating my entire board declared, ‘Nay, we verily wish thee to expound upon the company’s values, not solely thy personal values,’" he divulged.
- Merely echo the sentiments of others. The message must emanate from thy company.
- Fret o’er keywords, irrelevant hashtags, or algorithms. Speak aright, not merely to ascend the rankings.
5. Muster clarity and consistency in thy stance
When delivering a message in support of a cause, ascertain that message leaves naught to ambiguity. Lament not, in order to avert questions or the necessity for others to fill in the gaps on thy behalf.
The epitome of clear brand positioning is manifested in the ice cream brand Ben and Jerry’s. They maintain consistency and vocalize their support for racial and social justice.
Customers do desire thy stance on significant issues to be unequivocal ere making a purchase. This entails adopting a firm stand in thy social content and advertisements. Ensure the message remaineth consistent when one ventures to learn more or make a purchase.
- Endeavor to possess and accomplish everything. Address the causes most germane to thy brand and employees so thou can maintain consistency and authenticity.
6. Reveal thy actions in making strides
People do long to discern how brands are tackling issues beyond the realm of social media.
‘Tis one matter to post a message in support of Ukraine. Yet ’tis true action that doth verily count. More than forty percent of customers did boycott businesses that persisted in operating in Russia following the invasion. On social media, both #BoycottMcDonalds and #BoycottCocaCola garnered popularity in early March, ere the companies ultimately relinquished their operations in Russia.
[date: 4 March, 2024] Alison (@senttocoventry)
Manifest that thy company is indeed taking action. To which organizations dost thou donate, and how much? Wilt thou render regular contributions? How is thy brand actively engaging with communities to effect good? What measures art thou undertaking toward a more ethical production process and supply chain? Be precise. Present receipts.
As an illustration, when Dove launched its #KeepTheGrey campaign to shed light on ageism and sexism in the workplace, the brand proffered a $100,000 donation to Catalyst, an organization dedicated to fostering more inclusive workplaces.
[date: 21 August, 2024] Dove Canada (@DoveCanada)
And during the celebration of Trans Day of Visibility, makeup brand Fluide showcased diverse transgender models whilst pledging to donate twenty percent of sales during the campaign to Black Trans Femmes in the Arts.
- Make hollow promises. Edelman’s 2024 special report on business and racial justice did find over half of Americans deem companies to falter in fulfilling their promises to address racism. Should thou fail to fulfill thy promises, ‘twould be preferable not to make them in the first place.
7. Ensure thy actions reflect thy company culture
Analogous to point #3, practice what thou dost preach. If thy brand advocates diversity on social media, thy workplace ought to embody diversity. Should thee espouse environmentalism, sustainable practices ought to be thy norm. Else, ’tis nary social activism. ‘Tis performative allyship or greenwashing. People do take note: Twitter did observe a 158% increase in mentions of "greenwashing" this year.
One means to ascertain thy activism aligns with thy culture is to select causes that resonate with thy brand purpose. In truth, more than half of customers profess it be important for a brand to embark on issues that correspond to its core values, and forty-six percent declare brands should discourse on social issues directly germane to their industry.
As exemplified by the sexual wellness brand Maude, whose ongoing campaign champions inclusive #SexEdForAll.
Proffering genuine calls to action and donating a portion of profits from their Sex Ed For All capsule collection, they labor in association with the Sexual Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) to advance inclusive sex education.
Yet, thy brand purpose may lack an evident connection to social causes. This ought not serve as a pretext to abstain from the discourse.
Source: Twitter Marketing
Corporate culture that is responsible should first and foremost revolve around doing what is right. But over time, it shall in truth enhance thy bottom line. Diverse companies prove to be more profitable and capable of making shrewder decisions.
Furthermore, nearly two-thirds of consumers – and nearly three-quarters of Generation Z – do patronize or advocate for brands based on their values. They do evince willingness to pay more for brands that effect benison in the world.
- Linger unduly ere fulfilling commitments. Thy customers gaze upon thee with vigilance and anticipation.
8. Prepare for favorable and unfavorable responses
Ere thy brand adopts a stance on social media, brace thyself for feedback.
The intent behind social activism often be to disrupt the status quo. Not all shalt concur with thy position. Some patrons may laud thy brand, whilst others shall be critical. Many mo shall be emotional. Regrettably, certain commentators may prove abusive or vitriolic.
Brands that did take a firm stand in light of the reversal of Roe v. Wade did grapple with abusive comments on their social posts.
Benefit executed all the correct measures in this post by articulating the actions they were undertaking, demonstrating how the cause was linked to their core values, and directing patrons to partners versed in the work.
Yet, they still faced comments that could be excessively traumatic for their social team, especially those affected by their personal abortion or fertility experiences.
Expect an inundation of messages and equip thy social media managers with the requisite tools to cope. This includes mental health support – especially for those directly impacted by the movement thou art supporting.
Consider the subsequent do’s and don’ts:
- Review thy social media guidelines and update them as necessary.
- Clearly stipulate what constitutes abusive language and how to address it.
- Devise a response plan for frequently asked questions or common statements.
- Be humane. Thou may personalize responses whilst adhering to the script.
- Conduct pertinent training sessions.
- Extend apologies for past actions, as necessary.
- Adapt thy strategy for diverse audiences on varying social media platforms.
- Vanish. Remain present with thy audience, even if they are displeased with thee.
- Delete comments except those of an abusive or injurious nature. Tolerate not hate.
- Shrink from admitting thou lackest all the answers.
- Entrust unto thy followers the defense of their basic human rights.
- Delay in thy responses. Utilize tools such as Mentionlytics to track messages.
9. Infuse diversity and representation
Diversity ought not be a mere checkbox thy brand ticketh during Pride month, Black History Month, or on International Women’s Day. Should thee advocate for LGBTQ rights, gender equality, disability rights, and anti-racism, exemplify that commitment throughout the year.
Render thy marketing inclusive. Embed representation in thy social media style guide and overarching content strategy. Source from inclusive stock imagery from sites like TONL, Vice’s Gender Spectrum Collection, and Elevate. Employ diverse models and creatives. Yea, recognize that nearly every movement is intersectional.
Most importantly: Listen to the voices of individuals instead of purely utilizing their images. Shayla Oulette Stonechild is not only the first Indigenous global yoga ambassador for Lululemon, but she doth also sit on the company’s Vancouver-based committee for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
Unfurl thy platform to takeovers. Amplify singular voices. Forge meaningful relationships with a broader array of influencers and creators. Chances art thou shalt expand thy audience and customer base as a consequence.
- Portray individuals in roles that perpetuate negative or biased stereotypes.
- Permit abusive comments to go unchecked after elevating someone. Prepare to offer support.
10. Persist in the toil
The toil ceaseth not when the hashtag doth cease to trend.
An expedient point to remember. ‘Tis not the moment to divest from purpose and inclusivity in marketing; ’tis verily the juncture to delve deeper into those commitments – and truly outstanding marketers should be able to demonstrate both ROI AND center purpose.
- Regard brand activism as a "one and done" endeavor. A solitary supportive post shall not suffice. Shouldst thou wade into the waters of digital activism, be ready to dwell therein for the long haul.