200 Cool Clan Names for CoC and CoD to Help You Stand Out 1

200 Cool Clan Names for CoC and CoD to Help You Stand Out

are you in clash of clans? What do you say Call of Duty? Another game with your clan or team? Online gaming has exploded in recent years, so there are hundreds of games your team can play and win together. Now that you’ve assembled a team, you’ll need a cool name to make your team stand out from the crowd! Game servers are full of teams, so if you want to look great playing your favorite game together, you’ll need a cool name for your clan, team or group. If you think all the good names are already taken, maybe you’ll get some inspiration.

You’re probably not looking for a casual, plain jane-type name for your team and its members. You want to be feared among the masses in the online gaming community – the team whose name makes your opponents realize you’re serious. Your clan name is your first and best chance to strike fear into the hearts of your enemies. ok you may not he is serious about it… it’s all so much fun after all. But as a gamer, you know how seriously some people can take the games they play. When it comes to it, whether you’re extremely serious or just into it for casual fun, you want to kick some ass – and when you’re among the top teams, you want people to know your name, whether they remember it or not. with a shiver or a chuckle.

To help you get that creative inspiration, we’ve compiled a list of some excellent clan names for you and your teammates to ponder. Get a name, make it your own and let the world know.

clash of clans

200 Cool Clan Names for CoC and CoD to Help You Stand Out 2

  1. attractive warlords
  2. High Resistance
  3. Killer Service
  4. american warhounds
  5. Spicy Fighting Machine
  6. maverick mongeese
  7. capricious liquidators
  8. Hostile Killers
  9. Doom Dispensers
  10. unfortunate domination
  11. Dysfunctional Soldiers
  12. Evade Vandals
  13. Conscious Attack Power
  14. vengeful devotion
  15. Incandescent Veterans
  16. guilty perfection
  17. solar gladiators
  18. Clan Attack Power
  19. Dangerous Geniuses
  20. ornate exile
  21. stable brigade
  22. timid bullies
  23. Difficult Operations
  24. superficial executioners
  25. Broken Unit
  26. Lawless Legion
  27. Happy Centuries
  28. noisemakers200 Cool Clan Names for CoC and CoD to Help You Stand Out 3
  29. naughty criminals
  30. Guild Loyalty
  31. ghost criminals
  32. Elastic Cat Army
  33. Clan Deadly
  34. Master Savages
  35. Extraordinary Group
  36. 6pearl Special forces
  37. Grim Armed Services
  38. festive coins
  39. macho frogs
  40. chaos kings
  41. Ghost Collectors
  42. Hammers of Supremacy
  43. militant noobs
  44. angry walkers
  45. Midnight Mavericks
  46. razor command
  47. Insurmountable Authority
  48. Brave Noobs
  49. Frag Rebels
  50. Sons of Victory
  51. Silent Masters
  52. Silver Domination
  53. Kamikaze Kings
  54. Cyber ​​Commandos
  55. Tiny Tiny Bandits
  56. Red Forces200 Cool Clan Names for CoC and CoD to Help You Stand Out 4
  57. vicious and delicious
  58. French Toast Mafia
  59. Blood Bath and Beyond
  60. Azeroth
  61. fierce ambition
  62. Angel Rage
  63. havock
  64. Herd of Tomorrow
  65. Onyx Hunters
  66. burning knights
  67. angel legion
  68. Apocalypse of Dragons
  69. Legendary Dwarves
  70. nightmare army
  71. Death Dealers
  72. Icy Spiders
  73. Black Star Destroyers
  74. illuminati army
  75. Clan Cartel
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Are you more of a first person shooter (FPS) type gamer? If that’s the case, you’ll need a clan name that reflects your online identity. Call of Duty gang. Here are some of the pretty sweet ones. Whether you’re a rookie or a veteran Call of Duty online franchise, we’ve got you covered.

200 Cool Clan Names for CoC and CoD to Help You Stand Out 5

  1. careless rebels
  2. Optimum Helplessness
  3. Mortal Combat
  4. Victorious Mongols
  5. Beautiful Vandals
  6. demonic power
  7. Deadpan Punks
  8. crazy angels
  9. Great Prestige
  10. Real Jaguars
  11. conscious killers
  12. Obtainable Execution
  13. honest hooligans
  14. Martian Monsters
  15. bloodthirsty criminals
  16. dashing exile
  17. Fearful Assassins
  18. messy job
  19. Notable Veterans
  20. Professional Bonds Mercenaries
  21. obscene snipers200 Cool Clan Names for CoC and CoD to Help You Stand Out 6
  22. cool domination
  23. Warriors
  24. Digital Demons
  25. bad strategy
  26. Defective Gangsters
  27. Sublime and Deadly
  28. Terrible Admirals
  29. victory everywhere
  30. bloody war
  31. curvy butchers
  32. good domination
  33. filthy noobs
  34. Spectacular Movement
  35. Sour Execution
  36. Master Meeting
  37. Hardened Partition
  38. petite helpless
  39. Surgical Explosions
  40. Secret Professional
  41. Flawed Execution
  42. ignorant warhounds
  43. cunning zombies
  44. Assault Unit
  45. Elite Special Operations
  46. 200 Cool Clan Names for CoC and CoD to Help You Stand Out 7
  47. Full Metal Centurions
  48. deadly swarm
  49. rogue Enforcers
  50. nuclear gang
  51. Used Superpowers
  52. encrypted threats
  53. Shoot the brotherhood
  54. razor suit
  55. girly staff
  56. Mayhem Unit
  57. dense coalition
  58. Death Company
  59. lucky fools
  60. infamous androids
  61. Fighting Forces
  62. Superior Combat Forces
  63. Vicious Victims
  64. Secret Team
  65. hard demolition
  66. diamond wolves
  67. global predators
  68. Miraculous Beasts
  69. exaggerated lords
  70. Set
  71. Revolutionary Command
  72. 3rd revenge
  73. Glorious Contestants
  74. fallen soldiers
  75. Delta Weapons
  76. Psycho Game

Team Names in General

A team name should be descriptive, interesting, and hopefully intimidating to the people you play with. If he fails to do that, at least it should be funny! There are a few more team names for all kinds of team play.

  1. Pressure Intelligence Team
  2. gentle marksmen
  3. Oily Snipers
  4. perverted guerrillas
  5. Apache Team
  6. Clockwork
  7. bulky Mongols
  8. Fire Arrows
  9. Lone Wolves
  10. Functional Outlaws
  11. easy bandits
  12. Bent Lyrebirds
  13. Abnormal Soldiers
  14. Little Killers
  15. mutants
  16. the ugliest masters
  17. crazy killers
  18. Cyclone Fleet
  19. Fairies of Death
  20. the vengeful invincible
  21. Disaster Attack Division
  22. whispers
  23. coyotes
  24. Uniquely Extinguishables
  25. Giant Movement
  26. guards
  27. barbarians
  28. mambas
  29. Guard Squadron
  30. Common Mosquitoes
  31. the shining students
  32. old invincible
  33. Monster Crew
  34. Hidden Echidnas
  35. capricious execution
  36. Soft Criminals
  37. Big Swans
  38. clumsy super power
  39. Distinguished Committee
  40. Wild Squad
  41. Anxious Winners
  42. No Crew
  43. Black Panthers
  44. Modern Butchers
  45. miserable hooligans
  46. Dam Team
  47. Special Pandas
  48. Master Lemurs
  49. Knight Poppies
  50. Extreme Engage Fleet
  51. attractive demons
  52. the sad team
  53. The Ubiquitous Destroyers
  54. roaring hooligans
  55. Ghost Fleet
  56. Race War
  57. Smart Profession
  58. Broad Agency
  59. vipers
  60. Assault Squadron
  61. Normal Peacocks
  62. sloppy killers
  63. squeaking file
  64. Horrible Criminals
  65. Demon Team
  66. Standby Force Squadron
  67. Short Office
  68. Incident Recovery Unit
  69. Uppity Deadly
  70. Advanced Command Squadron
  71. Plain Prestige
  72. Remote Practitioners
  73. wandering bandits
  74. Night Owls
  75. calm demons
  76. spotless domination
  77. ghosts
  78. Pressure Monitoring Section
  79. Handsome Commanders
  80. Phoenix Team
  81. selfish agency
  82. fanatical office
  83. Tactical Mission Squadron
  84. Romantic Coyotes
  85. Fastest Antagonists
  86. Strategic Reconnaissance Team
  87. Required Butchers
  88. Black Vipers
  89. Black Pandemic
  90. Crisis Reconnaissance Crew
  91. flashy deadly
  92. throat thugs
  93. perfect otters
  94. Instantaneous Power
  95. Frozen Squad
  96. Demolition Crew
  97. Extreme Rescue Team
  98. grateful demons
  99. Smart Mallards
  100. Knives
  101. petite strategy
  102. Scarce Criminals
  103. absurd military
  104. Grindstone Crew
  105. Beautiful Snipers
  106. Plague Squadron
  107. Plain Destroyers
  108. Zany Force
  109. Energetic Frogs
  110. Unhealthy Cats
  111. Three Victories
  112. Jester Squad
  113. Covert Tracking Squadron
  114. Skilled Vitality
  115. Square Killers
  116. Slimy Goats
  117. massacre squad
  118. Thunderbirds
  119. Hissing Soldiers
  120. abrasive butterflies
  121. ethers
  122. Unruly Dogs
  123. Cyclone Crew
  124. stereotypical power
  125. Mighty Snakes
  126. Vikings
  127. Dragon Crew
  128. titans
  129. Red Corps
  130. Unsuitable Ravens
  131. vibrant prestige
  132. mambas
  133. Empty Cadets
  134. Fury Fleet
  135. evil mafia
  136. Strategic Crew Crew
  137. Organic Movement
  138. Juicy Cranes
  139. Fancy Coyotes
  140. The Spotty Team
  141. Boiling Coaches
  142. Red Dragons
  143. Colorful Pelicans
  144. glue mafia
  145. savages
  146. snipers
  147. good destruction
  148. Determined Crew
  149. Trauma Attack Division
  150. Arrogant Admirals
  151. horny domination
  152. Golden Tigers
  153. Hanging Noobs
  154. Plastic Killers
  155. Guard Squadron
  156. Immobile Enemy
  157. Disaster Forces Unit
  158. crying punks
  159. mighty warriors
  160. roasted hawks
  161. Controversial Execution
  162. sparkling domination
  163. crazy Privilege
  164. Monster Squad
  165. ex bullying
  166. Single Criminals
  167. Expert Counter Team
  168. Tactical Tracking Team
  169. Defective Warriors
  170. Trauma Liberation Crew
  171. Diligently Unquenchable
  172. Long Term Hunters
  173. Submissive Corps
  174. All Power
  175. crazy power
  176. Tiny Masters
  177. Hungry Practitioners
  178. resonance military
  179. Lean Criminals
  180. muttering butchers
  181. Daemon Squad
  182. Extreme Liberation Squadron
  183. faulty super power
  184. Frequent Veterans
  185. mean angels
  186. Sudden Anteaters
  187. thoughtful domination
  188. Extreme Reinforcement Squadron
  189. Raspy Beavers
  190. Tactical Reinforcement Division
  191. Disaster Weapons Crew
  192. New Force
  193. black force
  194. embarrassed gang
  195. Magical Tyranny
  196. Meaty Lions
  197. heavy damage
  198. Perverted Armadillos
  199. Thunder Crew
  200. Angry Perpetrators
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This should at least give you a good starting point no matter what type of team play you and your team are involved in. We did the hard work here by compiling a roster for your gaming team. Now it’s your job and your friends’ job to go and win some matches.

We hope you enjoy our selections and that some of them will spark your imagination – if none of these names seem quite right, take one of the pictures that comes to mind and add your own interpretation of it! And let us know if you think you have an idea that deserves to grace our list.

Need more names? We have a great list of usernames for: Fortnitebest nicknames for Pokemon Goand a great article on how to find your own username.