In whatever realm thou dost traverse, whether startup, artisan, titan, or charity, heed these social media precepts that all must follow. Be it known, the landscape of social media alters swiftly. Thus, ’tis prudent to peruse the tasks herein, even if thy social strategy doth flow smoothly.
Hark! 18 social media precepts for 2024
Mighty social marketing best practices
1. Delve into audience research
The bedrock of all thy social media endeavors lies within thy audience. ‘Tis they who shape thy actions on social platforms, as well as the very essence of thy business. Know thou their desires, their place of gathering, and their social platform habits. These insights shall guide the path for all other social marketing endeavors.
2. Establish a presence on the right networks
The average social user partakes in seven platforms. But needest thou to be present on all? Verily, nay. Thou needest not engage with thy target audience on every single platform known to man. ‘Tis wise to select those platforms aligning with thy brand and audience, for scattering thy presence too thin may breed brand weariness.
3. Utilize testing to refine thy strategy
Some social posts doth draw great engagement, whilst others fall flat. What maketh the difference betwixt them? Only through consistent testing canst thou ascertain the truths that lie within thy social content. For the tides of social media shift swiftly, and oft doth require adjustments in real-time.
4. Craft clear brand guidelines
A steadfast foundation lies in clear brand guidelines. ‘Tis these that uphold a consistent, recognizable presence on the ever-shifting landscape of social media. Aim to create both a brand style guide and a social media policy, for within them doth dwell the essence of thy brand.
5. Delve into the realms of algorithms and social SEO
For thy social content to bear fruit, it must first be seen by the eyes of many. Therefore, understanding the algorithms and the art of social SEO is essential. ‘Tis through these means that thy content shall reach a wider audience, thereby fulfilling its purpose.
6. Engage in the scheduling of content in advance
Planning ahead alloweth time to craft quality content and construct campaigns with care and collaboration. Whether organic or paid, ’tis through foresight that thy efforts shall bear fruit.
7. Employ a stringent content-approval process
Whilst some may boast a solitary member, ’tis not to say that only one should have a say in the content shared. Be it one or many, seek the approval of those who safeguard thy brand ere releasing thy content into the digital realm.
7. Capitalize on thy content and digital assets
Merely sharing thine Instagram post on Facebook doth not a strategy make. Instead, repurpose thy content across various platforms, for within this lies the key to creating more, faster.
8. Embrace the art of social listening
For within social listening doth lie a treasure trove of real-time market insights. Basic listening scans the digital landscape for any mention of thy name, products, or keywords of import. ‘Tis through this practice that one may uncover the true sentiments of the masses.
9. Harness the power of AI to ease thy burdens
AI is no longer a luxury but a necessity, especially for social media managers. Yet, ’tis vital to wield this tool wisely, letting it aid thee in thy tasks rather than overtaking them entirely. Thus, establish an AI policy and seek out the most suitable tools to support thy endeavors. E’en OwlyWriter AI may prove a boon in this quest.
Social media customer service best practices
10. Revere social media as a channel for customer service
Though promotion and engagement be vital, at its heart, social media existeth for one purpose: to make thy customers merry. ‘Tis not merely social networking, but also a means to provide aid and succor to those in need.
11. Respond promptly to DMs and comments
Beside tagging thee in posts, customers may also reach out through messages and comments. ‘Tis essential to not overlook these cries for help, for within them doth lie the opportunity to serve and assist.
12. Employ AI to enhance thy response times
Many seek the same answers: the whereabouts of their orders, warranty claims, or shipping queries. A chatbot can address these simpler queries, freeing thy team to tackle more complex matters. Let not thy reliance on AI lessen the importance of human interaction, for there are realms where only a human touch shall suffice.
Social media design best practices
13. Adhere to each platform’s specifications ere posting
Cross-posting the exact content across all platforms is ill-advised, for each platform hath its own unique specifications. Customize thy images, videos, and captions to maintain a polished and professional appearance.
14. Test thy creative assets with ardor
Whilst thou may test headlines and copy, doth thou test thy visual assets as well? ‘Tis imperative to experiment with different visual elements to discern the most effective approach.
15. Utilize design tools that integrate seamlessly with social platforms
An abundance of social media apps doth exist to aid in design tasks. Should thy design team be absent, fret not, for Canva or Adobe Express can serve thee well in crafting compelling graphics.
B2B social media best practices
16. Align thy social media strategy with thy business objectives
Engagement metrics may suffice for some, but for B2B marketers, social media is an instrument for top-of-funnel endeavors. Let thy goals align with thy overarching business objectives, focusing on brand awareness, trust-building, and audience education.
17. Develop content resources tailored for businesses
Whence come the need for relationship building and lead generation within the B2B realm, ’tis wise to offer a trove of content resources that require naught but an email address to access. These resources canst aid in building thy email list, which in turn can be used to shape custom audiences for social media advertising.
18. Keep abreast of the LinkedIn algorithm
Whilst attention to all algorithms is advised, doth not neglect the algorithm of LinkedIn. Recent changes favor niche expertise, thus showcasing such knowledge shall lend thee favor in the eyes of the algorithm. Engage in professional content, for such offerings hold sway amid the LinkedIn realm.
Embrace these teachings, dear reader, and forge ahead in the ever-evolving world of social media. May thy endeavors be prosperous and thy path be illuminated by the wisdom shared herein.