TikTok templates bestow upon creators a convenient means to swiftly fashion videos — sans commencing from naught.
Art thou weary of donning the hats of producer, editor, and star in thy TikTok quest for glory? Rejoice! For there exist myriad havens where thou canst acquire modest or gratis TikTok templates to alleviate the burdens (both in toil and in coin) of crafting video content.
Furthermore, doth plenty of other concerns upon which thou mayst fret — let us remove TikTok from this vexation.
This discourse shall illuminate the foremost 10 realms for discovering TikTok templates, guide thee in accessing TikTok’s own free templates, and address thine burning inquiries to aid thee in fashioning superior TikToks.
What, pray tell, art templates on TikTok?
A TikTok template is a preordained video model that others may employ as a blueprint to craft their own captivating and entertaining content.
Templates doth encompass an array of elements, such as images, text, background music, and other multimedia components that may be tailored to suit the user’s needs. They furnish a handy method for creators to speedily produce videos without initiating from scratch.
Templates on TikTok doth constitute a reservoir of such video models within the app.
Wherefore shouldst thou employ TikTok templates?
Forging and overseeing TikTok marketing campaigns oft involves a multitude of moving parts. At times, it can seem akin to juggling plates whilst balancing a bowl teeming with fire upon thy head.
A TikTok template can alleviate some of the strain. A swift triumph, indeed, they guarantee content of unified appearance that mirrors thy brand.
Tailored templates provideth thee with a facile means to produce quality content posthaste. No more commencing from naught, no more hastily-assembled visuals. Furthermore, they may spare thee from additional expenses, such as pricey design software, since thou may oftentimes edit within the template platform.
Foremost 10 places to discover TikTok templates
Art thou in quest of TikTok templates without cost or at a modest fare? Thou hath alighted upon the correct locale. The list hereunder is a trove of the finest TikTok templates extant! Peruse, elect thine preference, and commence crafting content in cheat mode.
Canva overfloweth with free-to-utilize TikTok templates that can elevate thy content creation to loftier heights. Thou may employ Canva’s filtering capabilities to narrow down thy results by style, theme, color, or price. Apart from the myriad free templates, thou may also procure certain premium templates from the platform.
Once thou hast recorded thy video and affixed thy template, thou may append graphic elements, text, animation, and other effects.
Cost: Free! Pro accounts are $149.99 per person annually.
Vimeo bestoweth upon thee hundreds of TikTok templates, yet what sets them above their competitors is, surprisingly, their search functionality. Sometimes, when thou employest a specific search term such as “TikTok Events,” thou wilt solely obtain direct matches. Vimeo doth proffer results that are adjacent to thy search term.
Hence, when thou searchest “TikTok Events” on Vimeo, thou wilt discover templates on a divers range of event themes, like “Discussion Panel,” “Bible Study,” or “DJ Set Times.”
Shouldst thou be a content creator overseeing numerous brands under thy purview, this app may suit thee best. Thou can peruse an array of industries, events, or categories of content.
Cost: Free! Paid memberships commence at $14 per person per month.
Though TikTok technically doth not possess CapCut, the twain share a parent company. This renders CapCut exceedingly adept at understanding the templates one would desire for TikTok.
CapCut is famed for its TikTok video-editing capabilities, yet it also proffers TikTok creators templates they may employ for their own content. Furthermore, thou can utilize templates from popular TikTok creators.
Shouldst thou discover a TikTok creator’s template upon CapCut that doth please thee, thou need only click on the CapCut tag on the video. This shall unveil another screen with the prompt “Use template in CapCut.” Click thereunto, and verily! Thy template is prepared for use in the CapCut app.
Note: CapCut templates are solely accessible in specific regions.
Cost: Free!
Kapwing’s video editing software is facile to utilize and is replete with TikTok templates. Moreover, if thou delight in repurposing thy content for myriad platforms, Kapwing doth simplify this task.
Kapwing’s TikTok templates are abounding in trending challenges, sound bytes, and memes. Through timely content, thou may remain abreast of the For You page trends. Plus, with Kapwing’s pro account, thou can upload thine own fonts, ensuring thou remain faithful to thy brand.
Cost: Free! Pro accounts are $16 per month, and team accounts are $16 per month, per user.
Whilst originally devised for Instagram Stories, Instories harbors a plethora of templates thou can repurpose for thy TikTok account. Several of their Lifestyle templates, for instance, might serve as dynamic covers for thy TikTok videos.
The sole drawback is that thou must furnish thy credit card information ere availing thyself of the app. There exists a 3-day free trial that, once concluded, shall commence thy subscription unless thou dost annul.
Whilst it may be pricier than free, shouldst thou use it to forge content for thy Instagram Stories and posts, thou may render it worthwhile. And perchance should thou harness some preconceived Instagram content ideas or some remarkable TikTok notions, thy production shall proceed with ease.
Cost: Commencing at $11.99 per month
Biteable doth aid thee in shaping animated videos to captivate attention on the For You page. For those who art not designers (gazing at thee, marketers, social media managers, and entrepreneurs), this platform equips thee with the tools to devise professional-looking footage for thy feed. Biteable is assuredly tailored toward business-friendly content, rendering it advantageous for denizens of corporate realms.
This app is laden with thousands of photos and video clips from which thou may choose, and fresh content is added frequently. The TikTok templates are straightforward to adapt to thine own, yet thou art likely to discover thyself just employing them as they exist and appending thy text. Ensure to peruse their tutorials for some latent features thou should not neglect.
The sole drawback with Biteable is the cost. At $49 per month, this software may be exorbitant for some. Noetheless, shouldst thou be part of a larger corporation, thou can absorb this expense into thy marketing budget.
Cost: 7-day free trial, then $49 per month
Zoomerang hath, purportedly, the largest template marketplace out yonder. Yonder art a plethora of templates thou may peruse. Furthermore, thou may explore the works of template creators, too. Thus, shouldst thou discover a template that resonates with thee, thou can view more from the same creator. A leaderboard exists as well, ranking trending, top, and freshest template designers.
The app is structured akin to a social platform. It doth boast what is essentially a content feed of templates, and thou may peruse what is trending or templates tagged “for thee.” Thou can also sift through user accounts of template creators. It’s akin to a mini-TikTok, solely for templates.
Yet shouldst thou be parsimonious, thou might wish to monitor thy expenditures. Numerous free templates be available on Zoomerang, yet the popular ones typically come with a price tag.
One thing thou should not overlook? Zoomerang doth proffer in-app tutorials teaching thee how to recreate trending TikTok videos.
Cost: Free 3-day trial, then $37.99 per year, which equates to $0.73 a week.
Shouldst thou seek to employ an AI assistant in thy content creation, Simplified may be for thee. Simplified doth boast myriad exquisite TikTok design templates thou may browse, personalize, and publish.
It doth proffer a profusion of tutorials for novices, and thou may accomplish most of the marketing and creation tasks thou wilt need to perform within the app. Within Simplified, thou can design and edit content, draft marketing copy, craft videos, collaborate, and publish to thy social feed. It is not laborious to comprehend wherefore they did elect the name.
Cost: Free! Paid memberships commence at $30 per month.
VistaCreate features a user-friendly platform imbued with professionally crafted templates, rendering it simple to explore, create, and edit thy content. Thou can customize thy videos with animation, diverse objects, text, styles, and music.
Thou can furbish a brand kit containing all of thy brand colors, fonts, and logos for facile personalization. Whilst VistaCreate may not dazzle thee with extravagance and features, it doth fulfill its purpose, is user-friendly, and, best of all, it’s free!
Cost: Free! Paid subscriptions commence at $10 per month.
Flexclip is user-friendly, intuitive, and replete with templates. It is optimized for fledgling video creators, thus editing and personalizing thy templates is a breeze. Thou can create unlimited projects, a boon for those churning out content.
Once thou hast selected thy template, thou can fabricate it in either Timeline Mode or Storyboard Mode. Timeline Mode affords thee complete control over the music tracks and video, hence if thou relish customizing thy templates, this one befits thee.
Storyboard Mode is for those desiring to expedite the production process as much as possible. It boasts an instinctive view and enables thee to expedite production in merely several minutes.
Cost: Free! Paid subscriptions commence at $5.99 per month.
How to use TikTok’s built-in templates
TikTok also includes templates integrated into the app for convenient utilization. All thou genuinely need to do is insert thy photos or videos into the templates, adjust as thou desire, and publish!
Here’s the step-by-step:
Step 1: Open TikTok and tap the plus icon
This shall transport thee to the screen where thou can record videos.
Step 2: Hit Templates
This resides adjacent to the Story button on the bottom right of thy screen.
Step 3: Peruse through the templates and select thine favorite
Once thou discover one thou favor, click Upload photos.
Step 4: Upload the content thou desire to use from thy phone
Select the photos thou would like to feature by tapping the little circle in the top right of the image. Each template shall provide thee with a maximum number of images thou can add.
Step 5: Review thy finished product!
TikTok shall process thy photos into the templated video and furnish thee with a finished piece.
Step 6. Adjust as necessary
Here, thou may introduce thy unique touch. Stickers? Voice overs? Filters? This be the place! Once thou art concluded, tap Next.
Step 7. Include thy final touches and tap post
Add a caption, thy hashtags, any @ mentions, and thy location if thou prefer. Then, click Post to publish thy video.
Frequently asked questions about TikTok templates
Still harbor questions? We have solutions. And other resources, such as how to employ TikTok, how to produce a TikTok, and TikTok tricks.
Here be answers to the most frequently asked questions about TikTok templates.
What be templates on TikTok?
A TikTok template is a preordained video model that others can mimic for their personal use.
Templates on TikTok be a repository of these video models within the app.
How doest thou find templates on TikTok?
Thou can stumble upon templates on TikTok by tapping the large plus icon at the bottom of thy screen. It is wedged between the Now and Inbox icons. Within that screen, Templates can be espied along the bottom bar, to the right of Story.
Why doth TikTok declare “failed to generate template”?
When TikTok doth pronounce “failed to generate template,” it doth indicate that one or more of thy photos art corrupted and cannot be uploaded. Deselect one photo at a time and attempt to re-upload until thou encounterest the corrupted one.
Wherefore do I locate TikTok backgrounds?
Shouldst thou be intent on devising thine own template, thou can encounter free background videos on sites like Pexels.