Michael Jordan‘s success has never been limited to the basketball court. He did everything he could to outshine the rest of the crowd from day one and that worked for him. It’s like everyone once really wanted to be like Mike, and that’s true to this day. One of the greatest ever to set foot on the court or touch a basketball. He is even seen as a GOAT by most of the fans around him. Michael Jordan has never limited himself and has often been seen making the right decisions on and off the court, from league contracts to endorsements.
Michael Jordan is a Billionaire and most of this wealth comes from his out-of-court deals and endorsements. Because everyone loved him and he was the main man in the league who promoted the league to many different countries. So it would be fair to say that he is not only an athlete but also a businessman, because he has his bag and has made the chase on the right track with excellent decisions. He’s also a great investor now that he uses his money wisely and adds more to it as best he can.
Here are some of the companies that signed Michael Jordan for endorsement deals: Nike, Gatorade, Chevrolet, McDonald’s, Ball Park Franks, Rayovac, Wheaties, Hanes, Upper Deck and others. In addition to these companies, he has also acted in films that made him famous. Many were aware of the deals MJ accepted, but not many knew the stories behind the deals he rejected, one of which is about the ‘Beanee Weenees’ beans.
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Michael Jordan turns down Beanee Weenees’ million-dollar offer
The main reason Michael Jordan turned down this million dollar deal was because he wasn’t a fan of the company’s name. In an interview with Playboy, when asked about the endorsements she turned down, she quoted: “Two or three years ago (in the late ’80s) Quaker Oats came to me to support Van Kamp’s pork and beans – I think it’s called the Beanee Weenees. Ever heard of Beanee Weenees pork and beans? It was close to a million dollars a year. I mean, Beanee Weenees? How can I stand in front of a camera and say I’m going to eat Beanee Weenees? If I wanted to be a hard-nosed businessman, I could make many deals…”
Michael Jordan only approves products that he likes and personally uses, so he had good reason to turn down this deal and he made no mistake about it. So it was just the name that broke the deal, not MJ. As someone who goes by the name Black Jesus and Black Cat, it wouldn’t really look good to endorse this product on national television.
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