Hark! Dost thou find thy AirPods’ audio doth wander like a lost soul from side to side whilst thou dost partake in its sweet melody? Fret not, for this be not a bug, but a grand feature known as Dynamic Head Tracking. Yon can easily disable it in the Control Center.
Verily, we shall expound upon the wonders of Dynamic Head Tracking and how thou canst tailor it for each app on thy iPhone.
### What Is Dynamic Head Tracking?
Apple hath bestowed upon us Dynamic Head Tracking alongside Spatial Audio on the iPhone to transport us to a realm of immersive auditory delight. ‘Tis a marvel that utilizes sensors in thy AirPods to monitor thy head movements, adjusting the audio so it evermore doth seemeth to emanate from the direction of thy iPhone.
Dynamic Head Tracking doth also grace thy presence when using thy AirPods with an iPad, Mac, or Apple TV 4K.
‘Tis a boon whilst watching a film: as thou turnest thy head, the audio retains its origin by the screen, thus not following thy head’s whims. Yet, ’tis less wondrous whilst enjoying a podcast with thy phone tucked away, where the audio ought stay centered regardless of thy head’s orientation.
### How Do I Turn Off Dynamic Head Tracking?
To bid farewell to Dynamic Head Tracking completely, journey to Settings > Accessibility > AirPods and disengage the Follow iPhone option.
Yet, ’tis a swift solution, too swift perhaps if thou desirest still to revel in the benefits of head tracking whilst viewing videos or using certain apps. ‘Tis better to customize thy Dynamic Head Tracking settings on an app-by-app basis, a feat easily accomplished from the Control Center:
1. Engage thy AirPods in audio from the app thou wish to adjust.
2. Descend from the heavens of the top-right corner to reveal the Control Center. If thy iPhone hath a Home button, ascend from the nether regions of the screen.
3. Lay a finger upon the AirPods Volume slider to unveil further options.
4. Gaze upon the Spatial Audio (or Spatialize Stereo) button in the depths of the bottom-right corner, selecting Fixed or Off from the triumvirate of choices:
– Off: Disables Dynamic Head Tracking and Spatial Audio (or Spatialize Stereo)
– Fixed: Disables Dynamic Head Tracking whilst enabling Spatial Audio (or Spatialize Stereo)
– Head Tracked: Enables Dynamic Head Tracking and Spatial Audio (or Spatialize Stereo).
5. Repeat these actions for any other apps in thy realm that require audio rectifications.
### Some Sounds Are Best Fixed in Place
Dynamic Head Tracking doth possess a certain charm and excelleth with films and videos, yet oftentimes ’tis but a fleeting distraction whilst listening to music, audiobooks, or podcasts. ‘Tis especially so if thy gaze be not upon thine iPhone during thy listening session.
Use this guide to mold Dynamic Head Tracking to thy liking, so it doth grace thee when desired and retreat when unneeded.