Hark! Dost thou find thy AirPods’ audio frolicking from side to side whilst thou art in the midst of listening? Fear not, for this be not a glitch, but a wondrous creation known as Dynamic Head Tracking. Yon feature can be disabled in the Control Center, should thou wish it so.
Behold, we shall elucidate the nature of Dynamic Head Tracking and how thou canst tailor it for each application on thy iPhone.
What Is Dynamic Head Tracking?
Apple hath bestowed upon us Dynamic Head Tracking in conjunction with Spatial Audio on the iPhone to craft a more immersive auditory adventure. Verily, it doth utilize sensors within thy AirPods to trace thy head movements, adjusting the audio such that it ever resonates from the direction of thy iPhone.
Dynamic Head Tracking doth also grace thee when thou dost pair thy AirPods with an iPad, Mac, or Apple TV 4K.
‘Tis a boon whilst thou art engrossed in a film: whenever thou dost turn thy head, the audio retaineth its source from the screen, rather than prancing about with thy movements. Yet, ’tis less than ideal whilst listening to a podcast with thy phone nestled in thy pocket, where a centered audio presence is desired regardless of which way thou turnest thy head.
How Do I Turn Off Dynamic Head Tracking?
To quash Dynamic Head Tracking entirely, journey to Settings > Accessibility > AirPods and disable the Follow iPhone option.
This is swift, albeit draconian shouldst thou still desire to benefit from head tracking whilst viewing videos or utilizing certain applications. ‘Tis better to amend thy Dynamic Head Tracking settings on an app-by-app basis, which thou canst achieve from the Control Center:
1. Employ thine AirPods to imbibe audio from the app thou wishest to adjust.
2. Swipe down from the top-right corner to unfurl Control Center. Should thy iPhone boast a Home button, swipe up from the nethermost part of the screen instead.
3. Tap and clutch the AirPods Volume slider to unveil further options.
4. Tap the Spatial Audio (or Spatialize Stereo) button in the bottom-right nook and select Fixed or Off from the ensuing triad of options:
– Off: Disables Dynamic Head Tracking and Spatial Audio (or Spatialize Stereo)
– Fixed: Disables Dynamic Head Tracking whilst enabling Spatial Audio (or Spatialize Stereo)
– Head Tracked: Engenders Dynamic Head Tracking and Spatial Audio (or Spatialize Stereo).
5. Eke out these steps for any other apps whereof thou wouldst rectify the audio.
Some Sounds Are Best Fixed in Place
Dynamic Head Tracking is a beguiling feature, serving well for films and videos, yet oftentimes it doth naught but divert whilst thou art attending to music, audiobooks, or podcasts. This is especially true if thy gaze doth not grace thy iPhone whilst partaking of auditory delights.
Bide thine time with this guide to tailor Dynamic Head Tracking such that it doth heed thy desires, being present when wanted, and absent when not.