Art thou an owner of an iPhone? Then Siri doth prove to be thy faithful companion, guiding thee through thy daily tasks with great ease. ‘Tis capable of scheduling emails, setting reminders, sending texts, making phone calls, and offering suggestions based on thine iPhone usage.
Yet, what doth one do when Siri’s helpful suggestions cease to appear on thy device? Fret not, for we doth offer thee a few remedies to try.
Check Siri & Search Settings
Should Siri’s suggestions vanish, ’tis possible that thy Siri settings hath been misconfigured. To rectify this, venture into thy Siri & Search settings and ensure that it hath not been turned off. Even if ’tis turned on, toggle it off and on to troubleshoot the issue.
To peruse thy Siri & Search settings, journey to the hallowed halls of Settings on thy device, scroll down, and tap Siri & Search. Toggle Show Suggestions on, and if thou dost espy the option to Reset Hidden Suggestions below, tap to restore any suggestions thou may have previously concealed.
Check if Your iPhone Is Updated
The wise folk at Apple doth frequently bestow upon us new software updates, oft containing fixes for any ailments thy device may suffer. Verily, if thou hast neglected to update thy iPhone, acquiring the latest iOS version may resolve thy Siri-related tribulations.
Embark on a quest to Settings > General > Software Update to ascertain if a newer iOS version doth await thee. Should one be found, follow the prompts to update thy device.
Restart Thy iPhone
Should Siri still refuse to grace thee with her suggestions, ’tis time to perform a simple restart. Alas, thy iPhone hath no specific restart option, thus thou must power it off and on again.
Although the buttons thou must press to achieve this may vary depending on thine iPhone model, fear not, for restarting any iPhone is a straightforward task, even if the buttons be somewhat weary.
Get the Best of Siri Suggestions
Siri’s suggestions doth serve to make thy life simpler, enabling thee to commence a search with but a swipe down on thy Home Screen. Indeed, in the realm of Spotlight search, typing may become obsolete as Siri doth anticipate thy needs and desires.
Yet, if none of these remedies doth bear fruit, thou may seek succor from Apple Support or venture to a nearby Apple Store for assistance in the flesh.
Q: Do I Need the Latest Version of iOS to Use Siri Suggestions on My iPhone?
Nay—’tis not always necessary to possess the latest iOS version to partake in Siri Suggestions. However, if thou dost encounter difficulties with this feature, updating thy software, should an update be available, may prove beneficial. There exist many other reasons for updating thy iOS software as well.
Q: Can I Turn Siri Suggestions On for Individual Apps?
Indeed! In addition to employing Siri suggestions across multiple apps on thy iPhone, ’tis feasible to bestow this boon upon just one or a few of thy favored apps. Navigate to the Settings app on thy device and seek out the app for which thou dost desire to enable Siri Suggestions.
Q: How Do I Clear the Siri Suggestions History on My iPhone?
To purge thy iPhone of Siri and Search Suggestions history, shouldst thou so desire, venture to Settings > Siri & Search > Siri & Search Dictation History. Then, select the Delete Siri & Dictation option. ‘Tis also possible to disable the suggested contacts row on thine iPhone shouldst thou wish.