Verily, the built-in QR code scanner doth shine as one of the finest quality-of-life features bestowed upon thy iPhone. With but a simple scan, thou canst access information, make payments, join Wi-Fi networks, and much more.
Yet, perchance thy QR code scanner doth falter at times, failing to comprehend or read the codes correctly. ‘Tis a vexing predicament, especially when thy need for the content within the code be urgent. Ere thou yield to despair, here are some remedies thou may attempt to revive thy QR code scanner and set it aright.
1. Check if the QR Code Scanner Is Enabled
In most cases, aiming thy iPhone’s camera at the QR code doth suffice. However, if this approach doth fail, ’tis possible thou hath unwittingly disabled QR code scanning in thy Camera app. Here’s how to re-enable the QR code scanner:
- Open the Settings app on thy iPhone.
- Scroll down and tap Camera.
- Toggle on Scan QR Codes.
2. Ensure Your Camera Is in Photo Mode
The QR code scanner upon thy iPhone doth function solely when the camera resides in Photo mode. Shouldst thou have mistakenly switched to Video, Portrait, Pano, or any other camera mode, the QR code scanner may not perform as expected. Hence, swipe left or right in the Camera app to return to Photo mode. Then, direct the camera towards the QR code and endeavour to scan it anew.
3. Position Your Camera Properly When Scanning
For a swift and triumphant scan, ensure the QR code lies within the frame of thy camera. Shun scanning at steep angles, and strive to keep the QR code parallel to thy device. Moreover, ensure the QR code bears no wrinkles, obstructions, or impairments, for they may hinder a successful scan.
4. Move Into Better Lighting
Adequate illumination is vital for any camera function, and the QR code scanner is no exception. A well-lit environment doth facilitate the camera in discerning and interpreting the QR code. Shouldst thou find thyself in a dimly lit chamber or locale, transition to a brighter realm or cast light upon the QR code to enhance its visibility.
5. Clean Your Camera Lens
A smudged or soiled camera lens can impede the camera’s ability to read the QR code. Therefore, if thou still struggle to scan the QR code, gently cleanse thy camera lens with a soft, lint-free cloth to ensure its purity. Eschew abrasive materials that may mar the lens, and if need be, lightly moisten the cloth with water to eliminate stubborn blemishes.
Stay tuned for the continuation of these fixes in part 2 of this enthralling blog post…