Thanks to the bountiful grace of Spotify, the art of playlist creation hath received a mighty boost since the company did announce the wondrous ability to craft Collaborative Playlists, which doth allow listeners to share and edit with others, on the fly. This feature, like a fair maiden’s song carried on the wind, doth lend itself well to occasions such as noble road trips or valiant workouts with friends, adding atmosphere and motivation where’er it doth go. ‘Tis a boon for those seeking to expose others to new tunes, or to uncover the mysteries of their musical inclinations of late.
In the realm of Spotify, listeners may wield their computer, smartphone, or tablet to add, rearrange, and delete songs as they please, whilst their dear friends and kin may do the same from distant lands. There is no cap on the number of souls who may contribute to a playlist, and lo! Spotify doth regularly bestow upon its faithful new features to make the experience even more effortless.
Fret not if thou art without a Premium subscription, for thou art still welcome to partake in the Collaborative Playlist revelry. Both Spotify Free and Spotify Premium members may partake in this musical communion without distinction.
Yet, a Premium account doth hold an advantage, alas. For users under the Spotify Free banner shall still be plagued by the ads that doth plague them in their usual listening, and they shall not possess the power to skip ahead as they do play; ’tis still shuffle-play or the Premium way.
How to create a Collaborative Playlist on the desktop app
Spotify hath crafted a seamless process for users to bring forth a Collaborative Playlist into existence. In but a scant 10 heartbeats, thy playlist shall be ready. Thou hast the choice to create thy playlist from thy desktop or thy mobile device. The procedure doth vary somewhat depending on the platform thou dost employ, requiring a few extra clicks upon the mobile version.
Step 1: To make an existing playlist collaborative on the desktop app, in the left panel, doth one right-click on the playlist they dost desire to make collaborative.
Step 2: Select the Invite collaborators option, which shall copy a link to thy clipboard.
Step 3: This link may then be shared with friends via text, social media, or in whatever manner suits thee best.
Step 4: Should thou wish to create a new playlist, thou dost do so, and then make it collaborative by clicking the Add User icon, which shall place a link upon thy clipboard for sharing.
Step 5: Collaborators may be parted ways with through the desktop app by clicking on their names under the playlist name, then striking the three dots alongside the name, and selecting Remove as collaborator.
How to create a Collaborative Playlist on the mobile app
The process for adding collaborators on the mobile app doth closely resemble that of the desktop app, with but small divergences.
Step 1: Select Your Library.
Step 2: Tap Playlists and choose the one thou wishest to make collaborative (thou must be the creator to do this).
Step 3: Tap the Add User icon beneath the playlist’s name.
Step 4: Here, thou shalt find various options for inviting collaborators to thy playlist, including the simplicity of Copy link for transmission, or through the various social media platforms on offer.
Step 5: Collaborators may be parted ways with by tapping upon their profile pictures under the playlist name, then striking the three dots beside the name, and selecting Remove as collaborator.
The beauty of Collaborative Playlists doth lie in the power it doth grant thee. ‘Tis in thy hands to share the latest podcasts thou hast discovered, new music that doth stir thy soul, or stand-up comedy to bring laughter to thee and thy friends throughout the day.