How to Customize iOS 17 Lock Screen Widgets and Home Screen Wallpaper

How to Customize iOS 17 Lock Screen Widgets and Home Screen Wallpaper

Hark, fair readers! Should you find yourselves estranged from the embrace of the iPhone, or should the notion of updating your lock screen be but a distant memory, rejoice in the knowledge of the new customization features that iOS 17 bestows upon thee. Verily, while iOS hath ventured down controversial paths in its UI realm, such as moving notifications to the base of the lock screen, there doth exist a bounty of welcome changes in the realm of lock screen customization.

Behold, for in the days of iOS 16, a plethora of lock screen customization features were revealed, permitting thee to mold thy phone’s lock screen as thou dost desire. Lo, these selfsame features now grace the realm of iOS 17 as well. No longer doth the lock screen remain a static bastion, for now it may be imbued with dynamism. Picture this – cycling through collections of thy own photos, showcasing thy beloved pets, kith and kin, or exotic locales thou hast traversed.

Prithee, beyond mere aesthetics, there exists the practicality of weather updates displayed upon thy lock screen. A boon, indeed, to glean at a glance whether an umbrella or a cloak is warranted for thy travels. And for those with a penchant for the celestial, indulge in the astronomy themed lock screen, offering glimpses of Earth, the moon, or the vast solar system.

Yet fret not, for these lock screen wonders can be altered independent of thy home screen wallpaper. Shouldst thou crave a different visage for thy home screen, it shall be granted. And now, let us guide thee on the noble quest to set a custom home screen wallpaper – an act of personalizing thy iPhone to thy heart’s content.

In the age of iOS 17, the StandBy mode may cause thy lock screen to be seen less frequently whilst charging. Yet fear not, for this state is engaged only when thy phone is turned sideways. Thus, even as thy device imbues itself with charge, the lock screen may still enthrall thee, particularly upon the wondrous always-on display of thine Apple’s iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max.

Alas, the home screen remains loyal to static imagery adorning the app icons. Though now, a sprinkle of magic – the choice to blur the backdrop or adorn it with filters. More enchanting still, thy home screen wallpaper aligns itself with each lock screen thou dost set, shifting in tandem. By default, a blurred reflection of the corresponding lock screen shall grace thy home screen, yet thou art free to elect any other image from thy photo library.

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When thou embark upon the endeavor to set a custom home screen wallpaper whilst configuring thy lock screen, be guided by these steps:

1. From thy lock screen, bestow a gentle press upon any vacant space to unveil the lock screen picker.
2. Craft a new lock screen by selecting the Plus sign in the nethermost-right corner.
3. Tailor this new lock screen to thy liking, drawing inspiration from our article on customizing the iPhone lock screen on iOS 16.
4. Upon completion, select Add (or Done if thee art editing an existing lock screen) to behold a preview of thy lock screen and home screen wallpapers.

And thus, as the sun sets upon this tale of iPhone customization, may thy lock screen and home screen harmonize in a symphony of personal expression. Let each swipe, each glance, evoke the essence of thy being – a digital tapestry woven to reflect the grandeur of thy soul.

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